Three years on: have you had COVID-19?

Have you had COVID-19?

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Went three years without getting it, only to find out I have it now... so great. I really should have gotten my next booster shot soon after they were available, might have prevented it... get your vaccines, people. My symptoms have been headaches (which I never get otherwise), sneezing, coughing, and a sore throat. Not fun.

Also just realized by changing my vote I broke the tiebreaker for people who do and don't have it. Ultimate fail, lol.

Went three years without getting it, only to find out I have it now... so great. I really should have gotten my next booster shot soon after they were available, might have prevented it... get your vaccines, people. My symptoms have been headaches (which I never get otherwise), sneezing, coughing, and a sore throat. Not fun.

Also just realized by changing my vote I broke the tiebreaker for people who do and don't have it. Ultimate fail, lol.

Hopefully you feel better soon!

I'm surprised that the poll is such an even amount. I would had assumed way more people would've had it by now. I got it last year, but honestly I'm surprised I managed to not get it way sooner. Like in 2020. Not because I don't practice good hygiene, but my line of work.

I got it for the first time around this past Halloween and it was awful. High fever, chills, congestion, sore throat, muscle soreness, and tiredness. I was testing positive until today, but I still have lingering symptoms (tiredness and congestion, mostly).

I still can't taste or smell, but both are (I think) coming back in small bursts. I can't wait to taste again! There's an amazing bakery a few blocks away that has a cherry pie I've been craving. 😋
Hopefully your taste comes back soon. I never lost mine fully last year, but my taste was mostly just basics. Like sweet, spicy, salty ect. So I ate chicken noodle soup one night and all I tasted was straight up salt broth/water...It was hard getting that down.
i have not. i’m very grateful, as many people i know along with someone i interact with face-to-face all the time got it but i somehow managed to avoid it. i know a lot of people who had long-lasting problems after catching it, and considering how susceptible i am to these kinds of things, i don’t want to try my luck.
i had it once and was absolutely livid with how i ended up getting it and when it happened. to make a long and infuriating story short, i was supposed to get surgery summer of 2021 and this was after going through appointments and testing to plan for this since december 2020. so leading into the the few weeks before my surgery i worked really hard to try and stay healthy and tried to stay home + away from anywhere a lot of people would gather, only to get it from someone in the house who didn't "believe in masking" and felt that "covid was over" 💀 i won't even get too far into the details but it totally sent me in a spiral how someone could be so careless...and it sucked cause i was on such a short timeline to get back to work after the surgery so the delay in getting it really sucked.
Just recovering from the third time I’ve had it 🙈
I haven't had it yet but I'm concerned I might be coming down with it soon. I had a meeting with someone yesterday who tested positive this morning. Hopefully it all works out well.
i had it once and was absolutely livid with how i ended up getting it and when it happened. to make a long and infuriating story short, i was supposed to get surgery summer of 2021 and this was after going through appointments and testing to plan for this since december 2020. so leading into the the few weeks before my surgery i worked really hard to try and stay healthy and tried to stay home + away from anywhere a lot of people would gather, only to get it from someone in the house who didn't "believe in masking" and felt that "covid was over" 💀 i won't even get too far into the details but it totally sent me in a spiral how someone could be so careless...and it sucked cause i was on such a short timeline to get back to work after the surgery so the delay in getting it really sucked.
Yeah it's really weird how riled up and upset this gets for some people. I got covid last year and this year and had to mask when I was required to come back to work after 3+ days. The amount of people that got bent out of shape over me wearing a mask even though I was required and then also freaking out if I coughed. It's like? You either care or don't. You can't think it's over or a hoax and then also run for the hills when someone sneezes/coughs.

At least you recovered and had your surgery now! That sounds like a total pain.
Yeah it's really weird how riled up and upset this gets for some people. I got covid last year and this year and had to mask when I was required to come back to work after 3+ days. The amount of people that got bent out of shape over me wearing a mask even though I was required and then also freaking out if I coughed. It's like? You either care or don't. You can't think it's over or a hoax and then also run for the hills when someone sneezes/coughs.

At least you recovered and had your surgery now! That sounds like a total pain.

yes! it’s definitely something that still puzzles me to this day! i don’t understand why it seems to get people so riled up :c like it’s your choice if you decide to wear a mask and others should just respect that decision and move on.

in my case a couple years ago, because I was so sick and really needed that surgery, everyone else in the house tried really hard to be extra careful to not catch anything, except the one person who brought it home. there’s already some tension there but it was just super heartbreaking that they couldn’t just do their part for once! I’m much less upset about it now but I remember being so angry at the time LOL
yes! it’s definitely something that still puzzles me to this day! i don’t understand why it seems to get people so riled up :c like it’s your choice if you decide to wear a mask and others should just respect that decision and move on.

in my case a couple years ago, because I was so sick and really needed that surgery, everyone else in the house tried really hard to be extra careful to not catch anything, except the one person who brought it home. there’s already some tension there but it was just super heartbreaking that they couldn’t just do their part for once! I’m much less upset about it now but I remember being so angry at the time LOL
Haha yes! I was required by work to mask after coming back for at least 3+ days and everyone was getting bent out of shape for me following what they wanted. Someone else also got it, came back and didn't mask like was asked of them, and just kept coughing on everyone lol. I just don't get it. It's basic manners that we were taught as kids and they regressed back to infancy out of spite.

Your frustrations and anger are valid! I'm glad you were able to recover and get the surgery you needed!
I got omicron last year. I absolutely hate the tests but my mom did one and she was positive and we had the same symptoms so. I do think I got Covid the least out of my whole family though lol
sadly i have to change my vote now. 😔 i got it the day i also had a lot of blood drawn for blood testing and it double sucked. i hope it goes away soon.
Updated my vote, I have now finally been infected by COVID. Happened at the end of Nov last year. Mild symptoms overall, headache was the worse thing. Went away after a week thankfully.
I wonder how many people just haven't update their poll if they did get it. I always come by and the 50/50 divide is kind of surprising to me.
I still haven't had Covid, at least not that I'm aware of. I've had some minor cold and allergy symptoms at different times, but nothing that would make me think it was Covid or I tested negative for it. I do want to go ahead and get the latest booster that came out, but I've had too many other things going on to make time for that just yet.
I still haven't had Covid, at least not that I'm aware of. I've had some minor cold and allergy symptoms at different times, but nothing that would make me think it was Covid or I tested negative for it. I do want to go ahead and get the latest booster that came out, but I've had too many other things going on to make time for that just yet.
When I got it, it just felt like a crappy cold to me. I would've never known it was covid if I didn't use one of those test kits. I would had just assumed I was unwell and sick since not everyone had a similar reaction. Some got it mild and some got it extreme.

The day before I tested it that evening that's just what I thought. I pushed myself to get my grounds keeping job done. It was a hot summer day so I just figured I was burning up from the humid heat lol.
As far as I know, I haven't had COVID. The only time I think I might've had it was in March 2022, when I had a sore throat and cough that persisted for two weeks, but I never tested for it and nobody else in my family got sick despite me being in close contact with them, so I don't really know if it was COVID. Outside of that, I feel like it's also possible I might've gotten it asymptomatically, but who really knows. I'm just continuing to get the latest boosters + wear masks to minimize the chances I get it and the impact it could have on me if I do get it.
Four years into the pandemic, I still never had COVID. In fact, most of the times I got sick since the pandemic started (including last month), it was because of GERD or some other noninfectious disease.
I’ve only ever had COVID once confirmed, but I have a sneaking suspicion I had it once’s before unconfirmed.

this was actually pre-pandemic around February of 2020. At the time I had just come back from Panama. Both Panama and America had no confirmed cases during this time. Of course, this doesn’t mean that there were no cases at all, just no one recorded as having it. In February, there is this thing called Carnival that happens in Panama. A big event where a lot of people come and gather in the streets. People from all over the place come. Although there were no confirmed cases, after going to Carnival I got sick. I had this one weird symptom that I had never experience. It was like there was this weird smell coming from the back of my throat/nose. I don’t really quite know how to explain it, but if I had ever put my face close to any surface, I was able to smell is stronger. It bothered the hell outta me. Now it’s possible this wasn’t COVID, but it’s just getting this one weird symptom that I never had before made me feel like something more was going on, and there happened to have been a new suspicious virus going all over the place.

I also recently got COVID confirmed around January 16. Surprisingly, once again right during the time of me traveling back from Panama. Actually I believe I even got it the day right before my flight back. With COVID having been with us for 4 years at this point, of course there were things like free COVID test offered at the airport. Although I wasn’t feeling deathly sick, since I’m vaccinated, I figured that it was possible it could COVID without server symptoms. I decide to take the free test that we’re being offered, and swabbed myself with a few test just to make sure my reading was accurate. All of the test came back positive. My symptoms weren’t bad, no fever. Mostly just soar throat, fatigue, and body aches, but not very extreme.
I have had COVID at least twice. Very probably three times. Maybe even more?

The first time was, as far as I can remember, in February 2021. The first night was AWFUL. I had fever dreams or something like that.

The second (probable) time was on Christmas holiday 2022. However, we didn't test, so I can't know for sure if it was COVID or a "regular" flu. It was... like a regular flu.

The third / second (?) time was just before Christmas 2023. For me, it was very mild. It was hardly a flu. Like, my throath was a little soar for 1-2 days, not even the whole day. That was pretty much it. But yeah, this time we tested and it was positive. It was a bit worse for my boyfriend.

I'm very happy that I haven't had any serious reactions to COVID... 😅
Once in November 2022. I woke up shivering and had a really bad headache and other flu symptoms. I made breakfast and at first thought my hot sauce was spoiled or something because it smelled bad and tasted bad. It turns out whatever I had affected the taste and smell of anything that has vinegar or something in it.

I don't know if they have these glue sticks anymore, but way back in my day, there was a yellow tube of glue used in classrooms. It had a stinky smell to it, like really pungent odour. That's what I was smelling in my nostrils the whole time, and that had never happened to me before. I assumed that was that particular flu. I didn't get tested for it and stayed home as much as I could.