Three years on: have you had COVID-19?

Have you had COVID-19?

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I have not.

...Don't really much else more to say than that about it lol.

I've had a few people close to me get it but luckily I've been able to avoid it. Living alone and working from the past year and a half has definitely helped. I've also been careful and taking precautions too. But I do think there's an element of "luck."
I had COVID last January. My parents caught it alongside me. We believe my dad had it first. All three of us were fully vaccinated, but also given my underlying conditions and my parents being in the older age range we were all quite worried. I ended up getting the pills to help prevent serious infection given my health issues. All of us made it through it, thankfully.
I've somehow avoided catching COVID this entire time, even though I spent a week in isolation with Mum while she had COVID. I'm very glad I didn't catch it from Mum though, considering she now has severe asthma because of COVID.
I have somehow avoided catching covid which honestly surprises me. I work in a public facing job and I'm in close quarters with people.. and a lot of my coworkers and friends have caught covid yet I have still yet to catch it. I don't want to catch it of course.
I got it last summer, whilst I was on holiday. Managed to avoid getting it before then. I was okay and fully vaccinated but it definitely did a havoc on my chest for a little while.
I caught it for the first time in August 2022. My dad got it first and I caught it from him because I was his caretaker while he self-quarantined. I was worried for my dad because he's quite old but he only had a sore throat and got over it pretty quickly while also taking molnupiravir. I had it worse with a few days of fevers and body aches, but no cough or sore throat at all. I had some breathing problems but I think it was just a panic attack from the stress of getting it. I was also upset because during my first COVID home-quarantine I was talking to a guy I liked and was planning on meeting but couldn't because I got COVID - I didn't want him to think I was making excuses lol (alls good though, we met right after I recovered and we've been dating for 6 months ❤️). My boyfriend and I both got it again in November, but my symptoms were practically non-existent while he went through the coughing, fever, body aches, etc. I already had 3 vaccines before I got Covid the first time, 2 years in. I would say COVID was pretty well-managed in my country (Cambodia) at least in terms of vaccine distribution and the general public listening to health regulations. We're practically all maskless now but I'll wear it when I go to super densely populated areas.
i have never ever ever had it and im not happy about it
i know its an illness that literally took peoples lives but i kinda feel left out of it
most of the population got to experience covid whilst it never touched me
I am very, very lucky to have avoided it, even though my brother who lives with me caught it last year. He hardly ever wore a mask, even during the first lockdown. It annoys me when he says it doesn't exist anymore. I have a compromised immune system (lockdown didn't really affect me, as I can't go out where there are many people for the sake of my immune system), but when I did I always followed the rules. I know some people look at me as if I'm stupid when they see me still wearing a mask or sanitizing my hands, but do I care? No. It's up to me if I wear a mask the same way it's their choice not to wear one. I would rather some people think I'm silly still wearing one than risking my health.
I survived covid up until I went to Peru in August of last year. Peru mandated KN95s on incoming and departing flights, in most stores and restaurants, and generally while walking in public places. Even in Machu Picchu, everyone was required to wear one. I already had to deal with altitude sickness while in Cusco, which made me extremely lightheaded to the point of passing out, as well as constant body aches. I eventually started experiencing Covid like symptoms a week into the vacation, which consisted of similar symptoms of altitude sickness. It was simply not a great time for the remainder of the trip. The only months-long lasting effect of covid was a persistent coughing that didn't go away, no matter what medication I took.

Also, at the time if Peru caught wind you were sick, they would force you to stay and quarantine for 14 days. Once it was time to depart back to the US, I tested negative for Covid but still had the constant cough while waiting for my flight at the airport. I had to "hold it in" in front of TSA and other airline staff until I made it on the plane. Scary stuff.
I've never had it. I have had all the vaccines and boosters, and wear a mask out in public but, I have had a lot of medical visits because my daughter is ill, and a lot of people didn't have masks on. Nobody in my family has gotten it yet, despite trips to Sweden to see family and back to the U.S. So, knocking on wood right now.
I have had COVID-19... back in October 2020. Still dealing with parosmia and other long haul issues to this day, and looking forward to a less deadly future with the vaccines becoming available to more people.
i have not had it. i have a pretty strong body and i haven't gotten sick for over a couple of years now. i hope that i never get it only because i don't want my husband to ever get it. i'd be terrified that he wouldn't survive it.
I have not had it as far as all testing has gone. I work in healthcare with positive patients regularly.
I have had the flu twice. Once at the start of the pandemic and last fall. I felt like death and was sure it was covid but nope.
Nope and I regret getting jabbed since the last time it caused me some serious problems in my arm that I still suffer with now, 6 months later. Also several people I know had heart attacks, most of whom were far too young to have experienced them. I'm not saying they were definitely caused by the jab, but it is a concern I have that I wouldn't have otherwise. But then I also lost someone to covid, though this was due to complications from other existing health issues I believe.
Three years in, and I still have not caught it. 🤞🏻

I’m vaccinated & double-boosted. I also still try to mask when I go out in public - though I’ve admittedly gotten more lax about it. I am also fortunate in that my workplace & family all took the pandemic very seriously. But mostly I think I’ve just managed to get lucky, haha.
I managed to catch it around valentines day last year - considering I went to university the september before that and the rules around everything were little to none, I am a little surprised I didn't get it sooner (but grateful, obviously lol). I actually had my worst symptoms the day before I tested positive - I had a bunch of negative tests but had a slight cough, an awful headache, bit of a fever and i was just SO tired. Felt better the next day but ended up testing positive and had basically no symptoms the rest of the time, just a bit of a cough
i got it last may, so it's almost been a year since lol
got to stay home from uni for a week tho and my symptoms weren't too bad so it wasn't the worst experience tbh