Throw Something at the Next Poster

*gets inside the car with the squirrel and drives it*

*throws Ratchet and Clank at the next poster*
*james vomits becuase i hate ratchet and clank*

*throws route 209 music*
Huh? What's this?

*Throws airpods*

- - - Post Merge - - -

Huh? What's this?

*Throws airpods*
what am i going to do with this? i prefer walking in the rain without these things!

*throws a soda at*
thanks! *asks medli if i can pass an obstacle with her flight powers*
*throws a triforce piece*
*catches, drinks it, crushes it, and recycles it*

*throws the car in nintendofan85’s signature at the next poster*
Oh cool! Guess i'll throw my mii.

*throws another mii at the next poster*
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*feels something hit me but after looking around, realizes it was probably nothing*

*throws beans at you*
*throws for Setsubun and saves some for February 3, which is one day after my birthday*

*throws a forged painting*
*dodges* lucky for me I memorized all the paintings and artwork Redd sells! forged ones never work on me!

*throws chair*