Throw Something at the Next Poster

*grabs it, places it down and sits down*

*throws my graduation cap at the next poster*
*catches it on a plate and eats the whole thing*

*throws a 1998 Dodge Stratus at the below user*
*Becomes good buddies with Shrek*

*Throws your Mom*
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*slices it in two mid-air* Don?t try this at home*

*throws a throw pillow*

* at least not in your parents home?they will be mad
*gets hit in the face by pillow and then chewed out and attacked by the rabbit*

*throws the master sword from The Legend of Zelda at the next poster*
attacked by the rabbit*

Er yeah let's just assume the rampant rabbit in this case is a wild bunny

*Gets impaled by the master sword and unfortunately dies, until next easter *

*Throws a pair of binoculars with 60x optical zoom and stabilisation "