Today I Learned: New Horizons Edition

I never knew you could fall into the holes! Not pitfalls, just regular holes from digging up flowers! Usually like jump over them but I fell in today
I also learned weeds can grow on the beach even though flowers can’t. That’s kind of annoying
Today I learned that there are about a zillion details of the upcoming update and DLC that I didn't realize were things. It's going to be fun experiencing new content in the the game.
Today I learned that if you use the terraforming path-laying tool on a hole, it will fill in the hole and also replace the ground with the pattern that you were using.
I learned today that you access the wide angle view of big dinosaur room by standing on the blue circle. And the wide angle view of the art sculptures is accessed by standing in the middle of the bordered tile square.
I believe it's actually a total of three taps that initiates the sped-up crafting, not holding. Once to start it, then two more times to tell the game, yeah, speed it up a little. XD
Well, not today but very recent, I learned that Able will give you patterns if you pester her for enough days. lol...been playing 6 months or so and JUST learned about this...
Today I learned of the existence of a fruit called durian that I'd never heard of before. I also learned, unfortunately, that it is probably not coming to New Horizons, although I wish we could have new fruits!
Today I learned something about villager singing. I have only one outdoor music player, a bamboo speaker way at the back left by Cole's house. It's playing K K Lament. But I keep hearing villagers on the plaza singing K K Lament. I didn't realize that villagers would learn and sing a song on the plaza even when the song isn't playing anywhere near the plaza.
@maria110 I don't hink they're learning it, per se. Just the range that they'll sing the song that's playing is crazy far from the player. If you changed the song on the player, or turned it off, they wouldn't sing that song anymore, I believe.
Today I learned that flimsy axe won't chop down trees. So I crafted 10+ of them and went around the whole island chopping for wood. I may have known that and just don't remember because I hardly chop for woods. But I love it! ❤️
Yesterday i learned that the right stick lets you scroll faster threw the menu's!
Omg i played thousands of hours from day 1 and i'm only discovering this just now?!

Well it's on time for the new update... yay...
I learned today that if your island doesn't have a 3 star rating, you won't get Harvey's Campsite, Kapp'n and recipes. I seriously thought my 2nd island was bugged.
I learned today that if your island doesn't have a 3 star rating, you won't get Harvey's Campsite, Kapp'n and recipes. I seriously thought my 2nd island was bugged.
THIS JUST CLEARED EVERYTHING UP SO WELL FOR ME. Oh my gosh I was getting so angry at why I couldn’t really have any new update fun.
Today I learned that when villagers invite you to their home, they may offer to sell you something in it. If you take the offer, you interact with an item with A to choose and the item disappears from their interior after agreeing to the price(since well, you bought it).

Cranston offered this to me so I became curious. And now I’m going to pay 9000 bells to give his anthurium plant back because his home doesn’t feel right to me without it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(He hasn’t kicked me out either, so I guess these hangouts only end when you leave.)