Today I Learned: New Horizons Edition

I learned it a few days ago, but you can clap along to Kapp’n’s singing by pressing A.
Today I learned that you can't actually villager hunt until you sell land for houses down.
I'm late to learn this, but it's been a while since I played NH until recently and I forgot how villager hunting worked. x.x'''
Today I learned that all the turquoise parts on Ione, like the inside of her ears, hands and feet actually glow in the dark! It was the first time I played at night since I scanned her in a few days ago so this was a really nice surprise! As if she wasn't cute enough!
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Well today I learned that after you unlock the feature to customize villager homes Isabelle will actually help you if you have trouble with the way a villager home looks and you want them to get rid of the items you gifted them. You just talk to Isabelle, select "discuss resident", and select whatever villager, and then you will see a new option that says "The way their home looks" and she will inform them about their home and it will go back to its original look. Please note this feature is only available after you completed the Happy Home Paradise DLC.
Today i learned the Pharoah Mask in NH is also like the other AC games that had it. You can actually trip when you wear it
Today I learned that if you carry certain fragments with you, Celeste will tell stories associated with them when she’s on your island. I guess I never tried it 🤣
Today I learned that you can actually buy wallpaper and flooring at Nook’s Cranny, because I didn’t know that you can click left/right at the storage cabinet to access them.
Today I learned that you can put items inside the science pod item. Someone linked this on discord.
Interestingly I learned this while doing a HHP house.
No wonder Petri had a lucky cat in her science pod, I couldn't tell at first if that was legit part of the item or not initially lol.
I just learned that the villager crafting times change every 3 hours starting from the time you played the game. But only 3 villagers can craft, and once you've gotten their recipes, they won't craft again later that day.

I've always thought that they just craft in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Today I learned the vendors on Harv's island restock each Monday (not daily, unless you buy art from Redd, then that'll be replaced with new art each day). :)