Town Completion Party!

Pyrozanryu said:
Wow! I'm editing using my DSi! loving the turn out!
Now in regards to time i cannot and will not post a time UNTILL i am 100% finished, this could take awhile due to some issues but i will soon be done, i just need people who can spend a couple of hours helping me with prep.
Thanks for signing up!
if its any time before summer break and after Christmas break then i can't come
but from the looks of it the progress doesn't seem to be increasing too rapidly so i might just be able to make it
Hey lol ill defintly be there unless me parents dont let me take wii to aunts for christmas :(
Connor come round now to collect the patterns. I need to redo the gates so you can just collect the grass and path.

(I am not giving anyone this theme, you may PM to request one)
I hope there's still space XP
It sounds really fun...
Good luck on completing it Pyro!
It's February and your still not done? ...Why am I complaining? I'd take like more than a year.