Cycling Towns of Ceres and Gollum Cycling - Check thread for status

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Omfg Kid Cat! I would like him unless someone else is getting him ;u;

I can hold him for you! He'll be in boxes tonight. Just right now I'm having my New Year's Eve celebration!

Happy New Years everyone~! Don't party too hard! ;D

I know I will be. Hehe jk
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I can hold him for you! He'll be in boxes tonight. Just right now I'm having my New Year's Eve celebration!

Happy New Years everyone~! Don't party too hard! ;D

I know I will be. Hehe jk

Aw yay! Thank you so much, take your time though <3
Happy new years lovely & everyone~ *~*

I wish you all the best and all your dreamies!
Love ya all!!!!!

Kiki is in boxes!

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Is he still there or was he voided? If not I'd love to take him.
Stina should be online soon, she'll be able to answer your question.

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Kiki has been voided :(
Can I claim her? She isn't a dreamie but I really like her.

She's yours. I'll add you and open my gates. Look for the town of Gollum! I love your avatar btw!

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ANkha has been adopted!
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