Cycling Towns of Ceres and Gollum Cycling - Check thread for status

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Yuka is moving in (will be auto-voided)
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ha! do you take reservations on this thread or do I just have to lurk and see what happens?

Reservations kill the cycling purpose. I know you want her, you seem to want her a lot.

Option 1: I can PM you when she's available and give you a few minutes head start then I either give her to someone else or she gets voided. I don't do that with popular villagers in case someone wonders... if someone else wants her, they'll get the same advantage.. it ends up the same : first come, first served.

Option 2 : you lurk/subscribe
Reservations kill the cycling purpose. I know you want her, you seem to want her a lot.

Option 1: I can PM you when she's available and give you a few minutes head start then I either give her to someone else or she gets voided. I don't do that with popular villagers in case someone wonders... if someone else wants her, they'll get the same advantage.. it ends up the same : first come, first served.

Option 2 : you lurk/subscribe

sure, sounds good to me. makes sense really, keeps it fair. any idea on time scale when you're expecting to have her in boxes by?

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^ in terms of what's your usual turnover rate for villagers right now, just so i have an idea of when to go to sleep cos its nearly 1.30am lol
sure, sounds good to me. makes sense really, keeps it fair. any idea on time scale when you're expecting to have her in boxes by?

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^ in terms of what's your usual turnover rate for villagers right now, just so i have an idea of when to go to sleep cos its nearly 1.30am lol

Oh my... she just moved in.. Tell you what, go to bed, if she wants to move, I'll ask her to stay.

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Klaus is moving in
Oh my... she just moved in.. Tell you what, go to bed, if she wants to move, I'll ask her to stay.

lol rereading my posts I sound so pushy -,- excuse me for that heh. I'll stick around for another hourish. thanks, btw. :)
lol rereading my posts I sound so pushy -,- excuse me for that heh. I'll stick around for another hourish. thanks, btw. :)

It's okay! You really want her, I understand!

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Dom: can I ask how much longer you plan to cycle for today?

LOL I know you've been lurking for a long while. For Flora right? She should be moving out soon. I should be cycling for another 2 hours, I'll post something if I have to stop for any reason.
Thank you! Yes, I've literally been refreshing this thread on my phone all day. I've missed her four times in the past two weeks while I've been at work (3p-11:30p), so I've literally been here all day because I'm off! Haha. But I'm running out to the store for a few things for the next 25 minutes so don't be too quick! Lol.

Goose is in boxes!
It's okay! You really want her, I understand!

haha cheers :) I have Cranston btw, I can reserve him for you for when he pings me to move out if you'd like? If you find someone else before he does it though then it's cool I can just post in the plaza to see if anyone else wants him :)
haha cheers :) I have Cranston btw, I can reserve him for you for when he pings me to move out if you'd like? If you find someone else before he does it though then it's cool I can just post in the plaza to see if anyone else wants him :)

You're awesome but I might be stupid but I don't do reservations so I don't accept them either. Fair is fair :p

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Let's void Goose...
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