Train or Bus

The bus was completely stupid, a yellow school bus to go to the city? The only path it had was to go though my townhall over a river then though Tom Nooks before crashing into a cliff side. The train however was a nice idea it gave the town ah more "open" feel to it which would also look great with the 3d on.
I love the train. I loved the warm feel and talking to Rover. I liked Kapp'n being at the docks waiting to sing for me :D.
I love trains more than buses (preferably in video games). My favorites would be the train that takes you to Poshly Heights from Paper Mario: The Thousand year door, Link's train in Spirit Tracks, and The Animal Crossing train.
I really like to travel by train. Train is very faster than the bus and I really enjoying travelling by train.
i loved the train a lot more since it seemed to feel more natural in the animal crossing world.. and it made the top of the town look cooler. xD plus didn't anyone else realize.. it's a short school bus. LOL
Train. I always like things better when they are on a track, and cant go wherever the driver wants it to go.
Train. I thought the bus was pretty lame, and it's cool because you get a train station in your town.
I prefer the train. There's a train in my hometown that always fires its horn about when I go to sleep, so I find the sound of trains very soothing. But I hate that I have to talk to Rover every fricken' time. I much prefer Kapp'n, creepy as he may be.
I've only ever had wild world so I had that damn taxi -.- But after looking at the different videos on youtube I think the train looks nicest. There's just something about it that makes it that little bit special. I like how the train tracks are always there and the train goes by every now and then, it's just makes it a lot nicer. The taxi was just irritating..
Definitely the train. Nintendo got that right about them - they have a nostalgic feel, possibly due to the train in GC. Taxi was neat since it would be raining heavily, and that was soothing as well.
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The train is definitely the best. I miss hearing the train pulling up, "chooo-CHOOOOO"!
I can't wait to hear the train again in AC3DS.

*I even named my dog after the monkey (Porter) at the train station