TT-ers: Do you bother cleaning up weeds and spawned flowers after TTing?


✨💖glow & shine💖✨
May 19, 2020
Psychedelic Snow Bunny
Moon Bunny
Moon Bunny
Moon Bunny
Snow Bunny
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
I just wanted to see what people do. I TT ALOT for my shop, and it seems like whenever I finish cleaning up, I just end up TTing again. So, do you clean up your weeds and flowers after you TT?
I do! the struggle of being a compulsive time traveler and being OCD about keeping my island clean 😂

I've been contemplating using the invisible pattern thing! Where you put it all over your island and you won't have any weed or unwanted flowers spawning at all.
It depends on what I'm doing when I'm TTing. I did after making my rock garden. When I TTd way back at the beginning of the game, i didn't.
Weeds, no. My island is basically a wilderness so any extra weeds are a plus!

Flowers I do have to clean up every once in a while. I only have a few types of flowers I have growing like weeds but I like keeping them isolated. As such, I have to prune back every once in a while.
I do! the struggle of being a compulsive time traveler and being OCD about keeping my island clean 😂

I've been contemplating using the invisible pattern thing! Where you put it all over your island and you won't have any weed or unwanted flowers spawning at all.
I'm the same, I'm OCD too. I want all my stuff to be how I want it to be lol
I haven't ttd in a while and don't do it all that often any more so I'm probably not the target audience for this lol but yeah, I do. to a certain extent I have areas with lots of weeds etc but for the most part I try to keep everything looking nice
I'm TTing currently to landscape and finish houses. I have an area of my island that I want covered in weeds, so I never pick those. I run around and pick a few that overtake the roads though, since I mainly use dirt paths on my island.
I gave up time traveling after WW and NL but when I was in those games I had to always pick my weeds after I got back. It was more of a problem in WW since weeds grew really fast and you could get Rafflesias easily, and I didn’t want to make my villagers move out faster. Then in NL when the introduced mayors and ordinances I had the beautiful ordnance on, so really I didn’t get many weeds, but when I did I would still pluck them.
It really depends on where the weeds are! I’ll pull them from my entrance or from in front of villagers’ houses and stuff. If they’re in the back of my island or in places I haven’t built up yet I tend to leave them there. I TT often so I hate having to clean up each time. If I plan on time traveling a lot in a week I end up leaving it and doing one big walkthrough to clean when I’m done!
I go around and clean up unwanted weeds but I don't always notice extra flowers. Then I end up with way too many flowers and have to dig them up later. Flower spawn is one reason why I would be reluctant to time travel more than a few days or a week at time. I don't want to have to dig up all those flowers afterwards. With my luck, I'd make a mistake changing the date and mess things up big time.
I've never really bothered cleaning weeds since I liked the feel of them, and my island's still unfinished! xD As for flowers, I used to diligently replant them since I was working on my hybrid flowers project, but as time passed by, I started running out of space. 😅 I still replant the buds I'd like to duplicate, but I have long since given up on the rest... 😩
Yes, I always eventually clean them up... I TT a lot for my shop, or just in general too!! And the buildup really shows on my island because its flat and empty;. I keep all flowers on the beach tho so they dont spread, bc the lag makes me not wanna play
I do clean up when I'm TTing, but only if it gets too messy~ Especially if it rains a lot because then my flowers will take over again and I don't need that to happen XD. Weeds can generally wait until they start spreading a lot unless I'm actually doing some work in that area.
Oh my. I don't even time travel and I still don't bother cleaning up weeds and flowers, you guys have some real dedication.
I usually clean then up when I go TTing, since most of the time the buds are a different color to what every other flower in that area is. That or there’s a particular placing arrangement that is now partially ruined. Or both. Either way they look out of place; I feel compelled to dig the flower up.

Northern part of the island is just haven for wild tulips though, too lazy for those aha.
As I've been getting big orders one right after another at my shop, I've essentially gave up keeping it clean. 😂
Though I did get a chance to clean up during Turkey Day... took me 3 hours and about 5 shovels. So I ended up tossing most of the flowers that kept spawning them.
I don’t clean up my weeds or rampant flowers because it matches my forest/wilderness aesthetic and it makes it look pretty. :)