Closed Tucker's Toasty Tavern Trivia - Silver Bells Distributed


Senior Moderator
Jun 11, 2013
Galaxy Pizza
Ghastly Lantern
Skull Glow Wand
Friendly Ghost Plush
Black Sheep Plush
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg

When you have finished exploring the vast array of stalls and attractions that the TBT Holiday Market has to offer, round up some friends and meet back here at Tucker's Toasty Tavern for a drink, some nibbles, and to participate in our tavern trivia night!

Task 🦌

Work either solo or as part of a team to complete the tavern trivia questions.

How it Works 🦌

General Information
The tavern trivia will be posted in this thread on the morning of Friday the 31st of December 2021. You will have until 11:59PM EST on Saturday the 1st of January 2022 to work either solo or within a team to complete the quiz together. The stakes? 31 Silver Bells!

Forming Teams
You may use this thread to co-ordinate your teams or you may wish to do this privately. Teams do not need to be declared in advance but it may be helpful for others to see who is partnered up already versus who is still looking for a team.

⭐ New! Team randomizer added 12/27/21. Information on how to enter your name can be found here.

When The Quiz Starts
You will work together privately in TBT conversations, or via other private communication channels, to solve the questions. When you are finished nominate one member of your team to submit your answers.

Rules 🦌

  • Teams may be a maximum of 5 members.
  • Do not share or discuss answers outside of your team.
  • If you are not within a team you should not be discussing the trivia questions with anyone.

How to Submit 🦌

Nominate one person within your team to submit the answers by 11:59pm EST on Saturday January 1st 2022 by posting in the Trivia Submissions board. It is their responsibility to list all members of their team in addition to their team's answers.

Prizes 🦌

  • Up to 31 Silver Bells for every member of your team.

Frequently Asked Questions 🦌

Q. Will this be like the Camp Bell Tree Summer Homework event?
Yes, it will run similarly, except you will be forming your own small teams or working solo.

Q. Is there any advantage to working in a team or solo?
Only that several minds are better than one! Your entry will be treated the same regardless of how many people are in your team. The prizes will also be identical for every winner whether they entered on their own or as part of a team.

Q. Can I work in a team of six or more?
This is not permitted. We would advise dividing yourself into two smaller teams.

Q. Can I use this thread to organise my team?
Yes, you may.

Q. Will this take place on Discord?
No, it will take place here on the forum.

Q. Where may my team and I discuss our answers?
We would recommend utilising TBT conversations, but we won't prevent you from using other private services.

Q. Do I need to declare my team in this thread?
You don't have to, but it would certainly be helpful for other members to see whether or not you are already partnered up.

Q. Can I join multiple groups, or join a group and also participate solo?
No, you may not. Attempts to maximise on earnings this way may result in a deduction of bells.
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Tucker's Toasty Tavern Trivia Results

Q1. On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... (3 marks)
Crescent Moon Wand (1), Green Fair Pinwheel (1), Shooting Star (1)

Q2. What colour is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Watering Can's gift? (2 marks)
Green (1) and Red (1)

Q3. What dish is on the menu at Harvey's this holiday season? (1 mark)
Sea-Bass Pie

Q4. Where is the betta hidden? (1 mark)
Inside a bauble or on Opal's Opalescent Ornaments banner. Saying the event name alone was not specific enough.

Q5. In which holiday events did Jingle make an appearance? (4 marks)
Cally's Cosy Colors (1), Sydney's Seasonal Signatures (1), Holiday Advent Calendar (1), 12 Days of Collectibles (1)

Q6. Which of our merchants loves pizza? (1 mark)
Sprinkle. Giving the event name instead of her name was not accepted.

Q7. Who is inside the locomotive? (3 marks)
Porter (1), Marlo (1), Zell (1)

Q8. What could you purchase with Super Advent Tokens? (2 marks)
Tin Robot (1), Holiday Candy Cane 2021 (1)

Q9. Name the TBT Holiday Market's reigning Miss Congeniality. (1 mark)
Pate. Giving the event name instead of her name was not accepted.

Q10. Where can you find a ferris wheel? (1 mark)
Skye Spies Round 1 or Christkindlmarkt backdrop. Round 1 needed to specified, or the location of the ferris wheel described, to receive the mark - the event name was not enough.

Q11. Which of our merchants accepts a non-traditional currency and what is it? (2 marks)
Sydney (1), sea bass (1)

Q12. What is inside the snow globe? (1 mark)

Q13. Match the emoji to the correct event(s). (9 marks)
🎄 - Opal's Opalescent Ornaments and Quinn's Quintessential Quilts​
🦌 - Tucker's Toasty Tavern Trivia​
🍽 - Harvey's Feast​
🌟 - Cookie's Celebratory Compositions​
🔎 - Skye Spies​
⛄ - Sprinkle's Snowman Stockpile​
☃ - Sydney's Seasonal Signatures​
✨ - Pate's Playful Pageant​

Available marks: 31
1 mark converts to 1 Silver Bell. If a question has multiple marks attached this means we are looking for multiple pieces of information.
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Looking for a group to team up with! <3
hello, hi, yes, I am a free agent who's also looking for a group
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Available for a group if anyone would like to have me c:
I'm looking for a group as well! I can't promise I'll be helpful, but I can promise I'll try my best!
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Yes hello I am applying for the position of hypeman in a team of undetermined size.
My qualifications include command-spamming my way through Mistreil's Halloween game in less than three minutes, getting a brain age below 50 on Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, and ruining friendships during UNO back when I was a wee lad. But the thing I'm best at is hyping the crew with encouraging animal memes :] That's all I got lmao
I'd be interested in taking part in a group too! I feel like this would be a fun to work with others on :lemon:

Feel free to message me! edit: just joined a team!
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Damn another riddle type/trivia challenge… I’m interested if anyone wants to be confused together lmao.
Are groups allowed to make a group name? Like it could be as simple as using the first letter/number of our profile names.
Anyone interested, I don't mind being in a group :3