No, Slammint is back! </3
I was hoping that you would be gone for a little longer, hehe. :3
Haha nope.
No, Slammint is back! </3
I was hoping that you would be gone for a little longer, hehe. :3
Erik is moving out? If yes, I'd love him!
Lmao, I have a cycling town and he was only for someone who won a giveaway. I knew he was moving out anyway XD. Just the way she said it.
I meant lurk. Hahahha(;
Lmao, I have a cycling town and he was only for someone who won a giveaway. I knew he was moving out anyway XD. Just the way she said it.
Yeah, good luck on finding an Erik, Slammint!
Also, @the-animal-crossing-show: I've added your FC and can pick up Erik whenever you're ready! ^-^
Thanks so much again, I'll love having Erik in my town! I can't wait for him to move in, hopefully his house will be in a nice place!
I'll leave you a Wi-Fi rating too! ^-^
Could I lurk for Shep and Whitney please?
Can I lurk for Fang