Thanks a bunch! Just did this, and got 29 (my pockets full plus net) in about an hour and a half. Could have done it quicker if I didn’t have to learn how to catch them properly. Did this on a normal island with fruit trees and no cliffs. 
Sort of a related question, but what happens if you get attacked by a tarantula when you're on an island trip? Normally, it spawns you at your home. Your trip doesn't end if you get attacked, does it?
i did this and got no tarantulas lol and i stayed at the island for about an hour.
my island had a lot of crickets and those don't go away if you run.
also it had a pond in the middle, maybe that was the problem?
so i just went fishing and got some good fish.
I did this tonight with an island made up of entirely cliffs, it worked really well.
I got spawns pretty quickly, and left with a full inventory of spiders.
It was really annoying to have to keep climbing up and back down the cliffs though, and I probably could have finished it faster if I didn't get bit so much.
I finally found a tarantula island and I used the 4 hole trick
It was way faster with way less bites.
Fun fact: Tarantulas still spawn in the rain, but Tiger Beetles do not, so a rainy Island will have a lot more Tarantulas spawn than a non-rainy one.
I have not found the actual tarantula island yet!
4 hole trick? That sounds new to me, what is it?
Does this work for islands with no bugs? (like one of the basic islands)