Yeah they're pretty common and are seen as negative a lot of times. Oh I got startled by the noise at first haha. Also it took me a bit to find that video I sent you since YouTube has removed multiple times now. I forgot to also reply to your post about numbers and I think that it just means what you interpret it to be. If you think it's a sign from your higher self/consciousness it is.
Yeah even tho I watched it like 50 times before when I played it just now it startled me too lmao. Have you heard about other races like Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans, etc? I find the different possible races fascinating. Dr. Steven Greer also has an app to contact ETs called CE5 lol. I'm not sure how if I trust him but yeah. I do have the app and have made multiple attempts to contact ETs for benevolent purposes myself since the beginning of this year. Since I started doing this, I've had multiple dreams of ETs and UFOs including a dream of being on this ship with blue beings who resemble what are said to be Sirians. And yeah I think they work with where your mindset is at. Whenever I see 444, I feel like I'm being communicated "divine safety." I even prayed once and thanked God for keeping me divinely protected and when I opened my eyes it was 4:44 am on my laptop lol
Yeah even tho I watched it like 50 times before when I played it just now it startled me too lmao. Have you heard about other races like Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans, etc? I find the different possible races fascinating. Dr. Steven Greer also has an app to contact ETs called CE5 lol. I'm not sure how if I trust him but yeah. I do have the app and have made multiple attempts to contact ETs for benevolent purposes myself since the beginning of this year. Since I started doing this, I've had multiple dreams of ETs and UFOs including a dream of being on this ship with blue beings who resemble what are said to be Sirians. And yeah I think they work with where your mindset is at. Whenever I see 444, I feel like I'm being communicated "divine safety." I even prayed once and thanked God for keeping me divinely protected and when I opened my eyes it was 4:44 am on my laptop lol
Yeah haha I jumped at first o~O
Yup I have all 3 of them, and the ones in the video I showed you are Pleiadians being described.
Me too I've always been so interested in them and I wish I could meet one in this lifetime :<
I dunno if I've heard of him but a lot of people out there are scamners/hoaxers and like attention so it's easy to see now when it's genuine or not since I've seen so many and I've learned about this since I was little haha. Oh yeah the Blue skinned ones are Sirians from what I remember at least. When I first found out about the Pleiadians I wanted to find out more about them since they interested me the most and I think they also have pointed ears a lot of times from encounter stories and are really tall with very big eyes. Mhm I guess in a way it shows you in a way that you believe it is sacred or a way you know will be a sign to show you it was "heard". I see those a lot too but mostly 111.
I'm not really into this kind of stuff, so I haven't done any research on it and I'm not well-informed. But my opinion is that it would be very arrogant to think that in this entire vast universe, we are the only life in existence. Now, with that said, other forms of life could be more advanced or less advanced than we are, they may not exist as the time as us, etc. I just don't know but I think the possibility of life on other planets certainly exists.
I'm not really into this kind of stuff, so I haven't done any research on it and I'm not well-informed. But my opinion is that it would be very arrogant to think that in this entire vast universe, we are the only life in existence. Now, with that said, other forms of life could be more advanced or less advanced than we are, they may not exist as the time as us, etc. I just don't know but I think the possibility of life on other planets certainly exists.
I believe in UFOs as their functional description - a flying object that, to the observer, is of unknown origin. These were a lot more common back in the last century, when airplane designs were more experimental. People simply didn't recognise the highly classified fast moving object they were looking at.
You know, there is a reason why UFOs became rarer over time. It's the same reason why video footage of them is usually of utterly abysmal quality (which is not because it's human nature to grab the worst camera they can find whenever extraterrestrials show up). Objects in a clear video can almost always be identified as either a known object or as a fake, thus clearing the UFO status. And now that we are carrying more and better cameras, and have a better understanding of which things can fly (or appear to fly).
I'm a massive fan of spaceflight and astronomy (current avatar related), and strongly believe that we are not alone in the universe. To think that at the massive cosmic scale, Earth the only planet to develop something we'd classify as life, seems ignorant. However, believing that these extraterrestrials resemble us anatomically (bilaterally symmetric humanoids) is even more absurd. This only makes sense in pop culture, where human actors were all we had to work with until CGI improved.
Other life forms that could exist are likely millions of light years away. Either we live too far away to be within their reach, or they have spaceflight technology so incomprehensibly advanced that we as a planet would no longer be interesting enough for regular visiting. If they visited anyway, we would not be dangerous enough to make all trips top secret stealth excursions. I've seen videos claiming otherwise, of course, but they are several levels of conspiracy theory too deep for my liking, haha.
Again, I do believe that some kind of life is out there. We'll likely never detect any sign of each other though, and if we do, the signals will be so old that the senders are long extinct.
I believe in UFOs as their functional description - a flying object that, to the observer, is of unknown origin. These were a lot more common back in the last century, when airplane designs were more experimental. People simply didn't recognise the highly classified fast moving object they were looking at.
You know, there is a reason why UFOs became rarer over time. It's the same reason why video footage of them is usually of utterly abysmal quality (which is not because it's human nature to grab the worst camera they can find whenever extraterrestrials show up). Objects in a clear video can almost always be identified as either a known object or as a fake, thus clearing the UFO status. And now that we are carrying more and better cameras, and have a better understanding of which things can fly (or appear to fly).
I'm a massive fan of spaceflight and astronomy (current avatar related), and strongly believe that we are not alone in the universe. To think that at the massive cosmic scale, Earth the only planet to develop something we'd classify as life, seems ignorant. However, believing that these extraterrestrials resemble us anatomically (bilaterally symmetric humanoids) is even more absurd. This only makes sense in pop culture, where human actors were all we had to work with until CGI improved.
Other life forms that could exist are likely millions of light years away. Either we live too far away to be within their reach, or they have spaceflight technology so incomprehensibly advanced that we as a planet would no longer be interesting enough for regular visiting. If they visited anyway, we would not be dangerous enough to make all trips top secret stealth excursions. I've seen videos claiming otherwise, of course, but they are several levels of conspiracy theory too deep for my liking, haha.
Again, I do believe that some kind of life is out there. We'll likely never detect any sign of each other though, and if we do, the signals will be so old that the senders are long extinct.
Interesting take on this. I've done extensive research on this topic and it seems that one of the ways which ETs are able to visit our planet from far away is related to consciousness. Everything in this universe is connected. Physics actually proves this. So what has been said about ETs from many different lightyears away coming to our planet is that they use different forms of meditation to basically travel through dimensions. Beings can evolve infinitely apparently which means if us humans are currently in a 3rd density state, we can evolve into the 4th dimension and so on. The higher we evolve in density, the more we activate spiritual energy that exists within us that's also a part of the entire cosmos/universe(es) etc. It's said that ETs from all over the galaxy have evolved into 4th, 5th, 6th dimension and so on and in doing so, have accessed deeper levels of consciousness and therefore spiritual energy. It's said that spiritual energy is infinite just as the universe is, and therefore, there's no limitation to the things we can do in utilizing spiritual energy. Apparently things like teleportation, shifting into different dimensions, flying/levitation and so on are all possibilities when accessing higher states of consciousness in combination to evolving in density/dimension.
That's a lot of why this fascinates me so much. I believe very much that there both benevolent as well as malevolent ETs in the universe who have been able to access higher levels of consciousness and advance in their dimensional states. I believe that some are here to aid us in our evolution, and so are here to hinder our evolution for various reasons. That's why I feel that the more we learn about this subject courageously and educate ourselves more and more despite the shock of it all, the more we move towards freeing ourselves in the sense that we can evolve how we were meant to without being hindered either by other forces, by our own ignorance or both. This is an extremely controversial subject tho and many are simply not ready to even consider the possibility. I feel like if anything, we should at least consider that these things could very well be real. Because one way or the other, we'll be moving forward in our consciousness and education nevertheless, and that's the key.
the idea that there are, no doubt, other forms of intelligent life somewhere in the universe is something that has plagued my thoughts for a very long time
i used to ruminate on it every single day and be so frustrated that i may never have my beliefs confirmed.
i’m a super skeptical person especially of the supposed images and videos that people have captured of ETs and UFOs to date. it would be so cool to finally wake up one day to the news of extraterrestrial life being confirmed and us even having made contact with it. i fantasize about that a lot because it would just be so cool
(scary, but cool)
space is insane dude i still can’t fully wrap my head around it and find myself just staring at the night sky for long periods of time like woahhhhh. there’s so much out there we haven’t discovered yet (and sadly, may never discover)
Interesting take on this. I've done extensive research on this topic and it seems that one of the ways which ETs are able to visit our planet from far away is related to consciousness. Everything in this universe is connected. Physics actually proves this. So what has been said about ETs from many different lightyears away coming to our planet is that they use different forms of meditation to basically travel through dimensions. Beings can evolve infinitely apparently which means if us humans are currently in a 3rd density state, we can evolve into the 4th dimension and so on. The higher we evolve in density, the more we activate spiritual energy that exists within us that's also a part of the entire cosmos/universe(es) etc. It's said that ETs from all over the galaxy have evolved into 4th, 5th, 6th dimension and so on and in doing so, have accessed deeper levels of consciousness and therefore spiritual energy. It's said that spiritual energy is infinite just as the universe is, and therefore, there's no limitation to the things we can do in utilizing spiritual energy. Apparently things like teleportation, shifting into different dimensions, flying/levitation and so on are all possibilities when accessing higher states of consciousness in combination to evolving in density/dimension.
That's a lot of why this fascinates me so much. I believe very much that there both benevolent as well as malevolent ETs in the universe who have been able to access higher levels of consciousness and advance in their dimensional states. I believe that some are here to aid us in our evolution, and so are here to hinder our evolution for various reasons. That's why I feel that the more we learn about this subject courageously and educate ourselves more and more despite the shock of it all, the more we move towards freeing ourselves in the sense that we can evolve how we were meant to without being hindered either by other forces, by our own ignorance or both. This is an extremely controversial subject tho and many are simply not ready to even consider the possibility. I feel like if anything, we should at least consider that these things could very well be real. Because one way or the other, we'll be moving forward in our consciousness and education nevertheless, and that's the key.
It is true that things have been shown to be connected in ways we don't fully comprehend yet, and some measurements have pointed at particles interacting faster than light through quantum entanglement. This has not allowed instantaneous communication though: the 'signal' is random by nature and you cannot even detect whether it had been sent to you yet.
You're right in that this only leaves the option of communicating in a kind of spirituality not (yet?) based in physics that is impossible to prove or disprove with our current knowledge about the universe. All I can do is - respectfully - disagree. I can consider, but not prove or disprove any of this, which means I'd be left betting on probabilities. This is more likely to be false than true, and I'll prefer to stick to the safe side.
Again, I think 'they' would either not be advanced enough to communicate with us, or too advanced to find communicating with us interesting at all, especially if they are somehow nth dimensional spiritual beings that we can't begin to comprehend. I imagine it'd be like us, talking to a rock.
But hey! The unknown will always be fascinating to our curious tendencies, and there's no harm in hypothesising about what could be there, I suppose. ^^
i mean, look at my current pfp and sig, lol.
i'm naturally skeptical of many ufo sightings and alien stories and stuff, but some people's abduction stories that i've heard can be pretty sincere sounding at least. i don't believe in ancient aliens. i also don't necessarily think that the government is in contact with aliens or whatever - but then again, the pentagon like randomly released UFO files that one time so who knows, but even that i think isn't like, much substance toward the conspiracy theory that the government works with aliens or whatever else those types of theories say. UFO ≠ aliens, after all, just unidentified aircrafts.
i haven't read through the entire thread, but what @/demoness said matches my thoughts pretty well. i think the universe is too big for us to be the only organisms out there. life takes a long time, and there's probably tons of single-celled critters out on some rocks somewhere. maybe there's planets of people as intelligent or even more intelligent than humans. but with as big space is, it's possible that some planets we observe or could observe we see from years and years away, long after any life has died out. and aliens out there could say the same for earth, too.
the universe is huge, and i doubt we're the only instance of life thriving in it.
but then again, even if we are truly alone, i don't see that as a sad thing. it means our little planet and all of our species was incredible enough to survive in this massive, empty universe. i don't see it as lonely, i see it as special.
Interesting take on this. I've done extensive research on this topic and it seems that one of the ways which ETs are able to visit our planet from far away is related to consciousness. Everything in this universe is connected. Physics actually proves this. So what has been said about ETs from many different lightyears away coming to our planet is that they use different forms of meditation to basically travel through dimensions. Beings can evolve infinitely apparently which means if us humans are currently in a 3rd density state, we can evolve into the 4th dimension and so on. The higher we evolve in density, the more we activate spiritual energy that exists within us that's also a part of the entire cosmos/universe(es) etc. It's said that ETs from all over the galaxy have evolved into 4th, 5th, 6th dimension and so on and in doing so, have accessed deeper levels of consciousness and therefore spiritual energy. It's said that spiritual energy is infinite just as the universe is, and therefore, there's no limitation to the things we can do in utilizing spiritual energy. Apparently things like teleportation, shifting into different dimensions, flying/levitation and so on are all possibilities when accessing higher states of consciousness in combination to evolving in density/dimension.
this reminds me of something my dad told me about. my dad and i share the same beliefs on these things overall but he'll watch documentaries sometimes about space or unexplained phenomenon, and once he told me about one he watched about a cult (for a lack of a better word) of people who'd meditate to achieve contact with aliens because they believed they [aliens] could travel on a dimensional level. is that documentary film where you learned about that, or did you find this research elsewhere? i'm curious :]
the idea that there are, no doubt, other forms of intelligent life somewhere in the universe is something that has plagued my thoughts for a very long time
i used to ruminate on it every single day and be so frustrated that i may never have my beliefs confirmed.
i’m a super skeptical person especially of the supposed images and videos that people have captured of ETs and UFOs to date. it would be so cool to finally wake up one day to the news of extraterrestrial life being confirmed and us even having made contact with it. i fantasize about that a lot because it would just be so cool
(scary, but cool)
space is insane dude i still can’t fully wrap my head around it and find myself just staring at the night sky for long periods of time like woahhhhh. there’s so much out there we haven’t discovered yet (and sadly, may never discover)
It is true that things have been shown to be connected in ways we don't fully comprehend yet, and some measurements have pointed at particles interacting faster than light through quantum entanglement. This has not allowed instantaneous communication though: the 'signal' is random by nature and you cannot even detect whether it had been sent to you yet.
You're right in that this only leaves the option of communicating in a kind of spirituality not (yet?) based in physics that is impossible to prove or disprove with our current knowledge about the universe. All I can do is - respectfully - disagree. I can consider, but not prove or disprove any of this, which means I'd be left betting on probabilities. This is more likely to be false than true, and I'll prefer to stick to the safe side.
Again, I think 'they' would either not be advanced enough to communicate with us, or too advanced to find communicating with us interesting at all, especially if they are somehow nth dimensional spiritual beings that we can't begin to comprehend. I imagine it'd be like us, talking to a rock.
But hey! The unknown will always be fascinating to our curious tendencies, and there's no harm in hypothesising about what could be there, I suppose. ^^
I feel you. I think you underestimate how special we are tho. We may be super underdeveloped in comparison, but we still have infinite souls, epic imaginations and are precious intelligent living beings. I think many ETs out there adore us. If many humans can adore and want to connect with insects like tiny little emtpy-headed ants, for example, I think ETs could feel the same way about us. What a being finds interesting is very subjective and not every being has the same level of interests.
i mean, look at my current pfp and sig, lol.
i'm naturally skeptical of many ufo sightings and alien stories and stuff, but some people's abduction stories that i've heard can be pretty sincere sounding at least. i don't believe in ancient aliens. i also don't necessarily think that the government is in contact with aliens or whatever - but then again, the pentagon like randomly released UFO files that one time so who knows, but even that i think isn't like, much substance toward the conspiracy theory that the government works with aliens or whatever else those types of theories say. UFO ≠ aliens, after all, just unidentified aircrafts.
i haven't read through the entire thread, but what @/demoness said matches my thoughts pretty well. i think the universe is too big for us to be the only organisms out there. life takes a long time, and there's probably tons of single-celled critters out on some rocks somewhere. maybe there's planets of people as intelligent or even more intelligent than humans. but with as big space is, it's possible that some planets we observe or could observe we see from years and years away, long after any life has died out. and aliens out there could say the same for earth, too.
the universe is huge, and i doubt we're the only instance of life thriving in it.
but then again, even if we are truly alone, i don't see that as a sad thing. it means our little planet and all of our species was incredible enough to survive in this massive, empty universe. i don't see it as lonely, i see it as special.
Indeed they did. And in fact, on the official FBI website on the files of Nikola Tesla, it actually states Nikola Tesla was from Venus and that they were visited by beings from Venus. I kid you not. You can even go to the official FBI website and see for yourself. The evidence of our government being in contact with ETs is out there in raw form, it's just that there's a heavy censorship on it and misinformation campaign from the media etc to confuse people about it and keep them unaware of all of it. Dr. Greer talks about this in the documentaries I mentioned which I highly recommend to everyone for the purpose of general awareness regarding the topic of ETs and Earth.
The recent Las Vegas event has stirred the waters a lot due to police turning body cams off, messing with security cameras and missing/edited audio. The family seems sincere. Some people think it may lead to disclosure.
(If nothing else, it should cause a change about how the police operate there, why turn the body cams off? Why missing audio? That's a problem, aliens or not.)
Personally I do think aliens exist but they are what ancient people have called angels, demons, gods, and star people. And I don't think they think like us or operate like us. They are completely different than us and have different values than we have and between other extraterrestrials, as there are different kinds. They are also intelligent.
And if they do exist, no doubt many powerful individuals of the past and governments have tried to get in touch with them to get an upper hand over other humans. Whether to observe and learn from them or do some sort of trade (not sure what we could offer them that they would have interest in). It wouldnt surprise me if treaties were in place to help with protection from other extraterrestrials or even to keep safe zones for humans as ets can pretty much do what they want given their technological levels.
Edit I almost forgot, testimony from David Grusch recently came out that have grabbed a lot of people's attention too and may lead to disclosure due to him going a very legal route and there being paper trails.
I think there's definitely intelligent life out there but I don't think they've ever visited our planet. All the UFO/UAP 'sightings' seem like bogus to me; usually its a weather balloon or something.
The Tic Tac UFO that some US military people saw in 2021 is kinda interesting but again, probably not aliens
I think there's definitely intelligent life out there but I don't think they've ever visited our planet. All the UFO/UAP 'sightings' seem like bogus to me; usually its a weather balloon or something.
The Tic Tac UFO that some US military people saw in 2021 is kinda interesting but again, probably not aliens
There's life out there somewhere. The universe is way too vast for there not to be something. Doesn't mean it's something as crazy as a sci-fi movie leads us to believe. Could just be some kind of bacteria or whatever.
I mean it is possible. Yesterday I was watching the first season of The UnXplained on Netflix. The episode was on strange weather phenomenons, in this case red rain. I forget the correct word that the scientist use; but, basically the spore which causes the red rain did not come from this planet. It could have possible come from a meteorite. If a little spore could do that to our planet, who's to say that evolution didn't take place in another planet?
I have no doubt in my mind that the likelihood of extraterrestrial life existing somewhere else in the universe but I predict is existing in either of the following two ways: either the alien lifeforms are so far advanced, having conquered interstellar travel, that a species that has only recently (within the past Earth century) reached the satellite of its home planet, that they have no interest in us or that they are equally or less technologically advanced as we are, possibly even just single-celled organisms reminiscent of our LUCAs, totally incapable of communicating with other organisms throughout the universe. It's also possible that any life out there in the universe wouldn't even be recognizable as life according to our current understanding or vice versa. Perhaps a species of silicon-based life that exhales quartz dust dwells in the core of an otherwise inert planet. Furthermore, any radio signals that we send out in to space quickly become "background noise," lost among all the other waves flying through space and it would take an incredibly powerful receptor pointed at the exact right spot for someone to hear us. If there are space-faring aliens out there, then we are to them as flies are to us. Honestly, I hope we don't meet them anytime soon as it could lead us to countless scenarios that may spell the end of complex civilization here on Earth.
I have no doubt in my mind that the likelihood of extraterrestrial life existing somewhere else in the universe but I predict is existing in either of the following two ways: either the alien lifeforms are so far advanced, having conquered interstellar travel, that a species that has only recently (within the past Earth century) reached the satellite of its home planet, that they have no interest in us or that they are equally or less technologically advanced as we are, possibly even just single-celled organisms reminiscent of our LUCAs, totally incapable of communicating with other organisms throughout the universe. It's also possible that any life out there in the universe wouldn't even be recognizable as life according to our current understanding or vice versa. Perhaps a species of silicon-based life that exhales quartz dust dwells in the core of an otherwise inert planet. Furthermore, any radio signals that we send out in to space quickly become "background noise," lost among all the other waves flying through space and it would take an incredibly powerful receptor pointed at the exact right spot for someone to hear us. If there are space-faring aliens out there, then we are to them as flies are to us. Honestly, I hope we don't meet them anytime soon as it could lead us to countless scenarios that may spell the end of complex civilization here on Earth.
I disagree that they would have no interest in us. We're beginning space travel, and I'm sure they looked through our history to see what exactly this planet and the largest inhabitants are like. My guess is they are keeping a very close eye on the potentially dangerous beings that will come from Earth.
I believe in extraterrestrial life, but personally I think it’s unlikely that they will visit us given how vast the universe is. Would certainly be interesting to see though! I also think that they could be anything in terms of benevolent or malevolent, I think that depends on their society and such. Let’s just hope we don’t run into the space equivalent of the British Empire.