Ugly/unpopular villagers you like?

cole isn't ugly but unpopular i guess.
he's my favorite <3.
I really loved having Lucha and Alphonso in my town while they lasted. Alphonso was difficult to let go, and I didn't have a choice with Lucha; he just sort of up and vanished one day.
Okay I love Curlos, and our friendship on New Leaf is amazing, and I don't understand why he isn't liked as much. Sheep are adorable and Curlos is one of them, yet he's stuck on tier 5??
There's quite a few I like but don't have them, so I won't be listing those.

But, Hazel. My babu. I love her so much. I think her unibrow is really charming and her catchphrase is "uni-wow"... that's just so freaking cute and funny.

Also Camofrog, I am hunting the forums for him right now. Badass soldier frog.
my favourite would have to be Caroline, I think shes adorable but when looking at the villagers popularity list in the trading plaza shes a tier 5 villager, I always thought she was so cute and I love her so I never really understand why shes so unpopular :')
My favorite unpopulars are Chester and Camofrog. Chester is so cute, and we have a pretty solid friendship. I have flowers around every villagers house except his. Chester has a garden of bamboo because he's a panda. It's adorable, really. And I have only had camofrog for a week or so, but he's pretty badass and really sweet and protective of my other villager babies.
Tammi gets no love for no reason.
Also, I like Kevin, yet nobody talks about him.

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Okay I love Curlos, and our friendship on New Leaf is amazing, and I don't understand why he isn't liked as much. Sheep are adorable and Curlos is one of them, yet he's stuck on tier 5??
I remember Curlos! He was awesome!
Tammi, Lucha, and Baabara. uvu I never thought I was going to like Baabara, but she really grew on me! I already had Willow--who, mind you, is adorable--in my town when I got her. I thought Willow was the snooty villager I'd be keeping, but I ended up liking Baabara a lot more. She's staying in my town now. x)
Hugh grew on me. But I think the time has come to where I must let him go. He can only grow on me so much, yaknow.
Wart Jr.! For nostalgic reasons. When my sister and I played the original Animal Crossing we pretended to have "boyfriends", and mine was Ace while hers was Wart Jr., haha. I'll never forget that and I'll always love Wart Jr. for that reason.
Ok, after getting Camofrog and having him for a week: I declare myself to be his biggest fan on this forum. :rolleyes:

Haha seriously, I love that lil frog, he is perfect. I changed his catchphrase to "soldier" too, so whenever he speaks it sounds like he is my commander or something and it's just hilarious somehow.
I used to have Katt a long time ago in my first ever town. Katt was super adorable to me:)
o'hare and jambette, yes I love jambette because I think she looks exactly like pepe, and I love pepe.

i had jambette in my town and i thought the same exact thing; jambette was a plague on my town because she was in my first town, then moved to my friend's town, moved back, rinse and repeat twice after i restarted my town a few times. i grew to like her at the end, but i had to give her up recently since she wasn't a dreamie of mine.

i also like goldie (not sure if she's unpopular? she's certainly not ugly though), walker, and pango. pango was in my very first town in wild world as my starter, and she actually became my 'best friend' or so i called her back when i was younger. i was sad when i lost my game because i missed talking to her.
Just got Hazel on my secondary town and despite what people said, I found her cute and funny :D
I also love Drift and Gruff so much!
Olaf. Both his personality and his character design are both really weird and really hilarious. I'm happy to have him in my town. <3