Unnecessary Japanese to English name changes!


Oct 19, 2020
So, I've been wondering why the English names in AC Japan were changed in the English version.

I understand that Japanese names such as Chachamaru (Dom), Gurumin (Bluebear) and Misuzu (Judy) were changed to make it easier for the English speaking person.
But why change the English names?

Here are some examples of English names (some European?) that where changed in the English version:

Whitney = Bianca
Diana = Natalie
Bunnie = Lilian
Beau = Peter
Ruby = Luna
Fang = Siberia
Audie = Monica (I understand this was changed to honor the famous AC grandma)

What do you think?
Do you think they should've kept the original English names?
i didn't know they were changed
luna is a much more fitting name for ruby ♡
i do prefer the name whitney over bianca though, especially since there's already a bianca

also i've been wondering lately why crackle is called spork in other countries
it's a bit odd, neither are proper names so they could have just picked one 😂
luna is such a pretty name! I'm glad they changed beau's name to what it is though - I just can't imagine calling him peter lol. lilian is also so pretty! I never really thought much about the name changes
The only thing I could think of is that maybe some of the English names have a negative connotation or are similar to Japanese words that mean something bad/silly. If not the English to English name changes seem kind of pointless! Not gonna lie I’m laughing at Beau being called Peter! I’m totally calling him Peter now! And Diana Natalie! 😂
Bunnie, Fang and Beau I understand.

Bunnie is well, a rabbit.

Fang is a really common wolf name with it also being the name of a famous American novel written about a wolf.

Beau fits him better imo because he's an antelope and the meaning of the word beau itself being a dandy fashionable man really fits his entire design and personality (where Peter is just, a really generic name).

Ruby should have 100% stayed Luna. It fits with her whole moon rabbit theme so much more.
Bunnie, Fang and Beau I understand.

Bunnie is well, a rabbit.
There are plenty of bunnies in the game though...
'Bunnie' seems very basic and meh....like they didn't put any thought or effort behind the name.
I think Lilian is a much prettier name for her 🙃
My guess is that when they were first giving them English names, they just named them without looking too closely at the Japanese names. Which I completely get, the vast majority of the names are not translatable anyway, and it's not like many players will play in multiple languages. Or, back when the first game was released, participate in international multiplayer.

It's not limited to the differences between English and Japanese either. There's a pretty neat list on Nookipedia that shows how other languages decided on completely renaming most of the villagers too.

Maybe the translation teams just wanted to give their work some sort of a personal touch, as well? :p
Some of them make more sense in English imo.

Diana for instance is the Roman goddess of hunters, so that makes more sense than Natalie. Siberia isn't really a name so much as a location, so I think Fang works better as an actual given name. Even though Ruby came first, her being called Luna would have eventually interfered with Luna from the Dream Suite being given that name.
I go back and forth between playing in Japanese and English and I really like a lot of the Japanese names. Luna is a really cute name and honestly Chachamaru suits Dom so well ;-; he is 丸い (marui/round) after all uwwwu
Found out recently that Pekoe Is Jasmine, and my name is Jazmine so I was a little disappointed by that
This change makes so little sense, they're both still tea themed ;o; Jasmine is probably more recognisably tea themed than Pekoe to a Western audience too ;w;
Should've stuck with the original names though I do like the name Luna for Ruby. I never understood why they localize english names when we can clearly understand it. It's being treated as if it was a whole other language.
I'm so sad that Judy's original name was Misuzu and we don't get to see her in her former glory!!! I wish you could give nicknames to villagers that would change their little name cards. It would be fitting, since we can give them nicknames! I wonder what the rationale is? It may be due to other popular IPs at the time, but I can't think of anything that would stop those specific names. Hopefully someone's uncle works at Nintendo and can tell us!
So, I've been wondering why the English names in AC Japan were changed in the English version.

I understand that Japanese names such as Chachamaru (Dom), Gurumin (Bluebear) and Misuzu (Judy) were changed to make it easier for the English speaking person.
But why change the English names?

Here are some examples of English names (some European?) that where changed in the English version:

Whitney = Bianca
Diana = Natalie
Bunnie = Lilian
Beau = Peter
Ruby = Luna
Fang = Siberia
Audie = Monica (I understand this was changed to honor the famous AC grandma)

What do you think?
Do you think they should've kept the original English names?
i rlly love fangs other name ngl
and the first two woulda been fine had they stayed how they were
I kinda wish they kept their original names, and some villagers I still associate with their Japanese names and often forget their English names because I played e+ lol

For example, I always think of Sylvana as Monpe and Raddle as Kakkun
I kinda wish they kept their original names, and some villagers I still associate with their Japanese names and often forget their English names because I played e+ lol

For example, I always think of Sylvana as Monpe and Raddle as Kakkun
I love sylvana, Monpe is a cuter name tho...
I always find it interesting how Japanese names are often changed when being localized in the west. Not just in Animal Crossing it happens in quite a few Japanese games in general. Sometimes there seems to be a valid reason and other times it makes you go "why?"
Honestly this thread makes me tempted to go back to playing in Japanese, even if it makes my brain hurt a bit >>