Giveaway (US)Pokemon Red 3DS Download Code!

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tbt's best thighs
Mar 12, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Blue Foraged Brushroom
100% (122) +
Hello all! In honor of the 20th anniversary of Pokemon I thought I'd go out of my way and have a giveaway for one of the games that started it all!

To enter, simply name your favorite Pokemon/a Pokemon you like(since I know it's tough narrowing down one favorite).

Once you post your favorite Pokemon in here, your username will be noted and put into a randomizer. The giveaway will end and the randomization will happen on Friday, March 11th @ 10pm PST

Thank you and best of luck!

edit: don't know if these codes are region - locked so if someone could fill me in that would be sweet
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Can I just buy it from you? lol jk

Pikachu has always been my favorite, even though everyone thinks he's an annoying pos.
Thanks for the giveaway Jav 8))))
Ahhhh thanks for this, man!

My favourite Pokemon is and will always be Eevee. It's so cute and fluffy! Plus I like how it can evolve into so many Pokemon. I really want it as a pet. >w<b
Vaporeon ftw lol. Surf, Ice Beam, Acid Armor... and a ton of hp. bwahahaa.
Thank you so much for the opportunity! My favorite Pokemon of all time is Espeon !
Wow, you are so nice! My favorite Pokemon has got to be... Salamence! He was the strongest non-legendary Pokemon of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. His design is also really cool! His mega evolution on the other hand...
Favorite pokemon has always been Eevee. There's so many things you can do with it...
Ahh my favorite pokemon? I've had SO many different favorite pokemon over the years, like Mankey, Scyther, and Tangela. Right now I'd say my favorite pokemon is Entei. Also Squirtle, simply because smash brawl made me fall in love with his cute self.
OMG OMG I need this so bad D: My favorite pokemon is Magneton!!! :D
This is so awesome, thanks so much for the opportunity!!! One of my absolute favorites is lapras :blush:
pikachu & leafeon(/eevee) :')
thanks java!!!!​
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Wow this is the best giveaway I have ever seen!

My favorite has always been Scizor because he is epic and BA
If i had to pick a gen 1 pokemon, it would probably be Kabutops for same reasons lol
Thank you sooo much for this giveaway!

My favorite is Chikorita or Pichu. Both gave me some really good childhood memories. <3
Bulbasaur or Greninja for me... And Lugia! I love all three so much, I favor shiny Greninja more *glares at shiny Greninja that's in my party* yeaaah, I love the lil' dude so much ~3~
Bulbasaur though is just ;3; yes
Oooh, this is tough! I'll have to go with Eevee though. It's just so cute and adorable, and can evolve into anything you could ever want!
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