Giveaway (US)Pokemon Red 3DS Download Code!

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This is great! I've always loved Mewtwo, even tho he's OP. His story got me as a kid, and I'm still hooked all these years later.
Favorite pokemon is definitely eevee and vaporeon!!
Thanks for the giveaway! c: c:

I am tied between Slowking and the unknown for two very different reasons. Slowking being aesthetic purposes and the unknown being the fact they originate from an alternate universe, which implies Pokemon exist in multiple planes of reality. Me being the nerd for lore that I am, means I am very much in love with this fact alone. Thanks for the contest.
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Snivy, i am a huge fan of Grass-type pokemon and Snivy is the best one i have. I like him so much, i leveled my first snivy to a level 100 just for the heck of it.
i'm a huge fan of eevee and all the eeveelutions! they're wicked ; 0 ; thanks for this giveaway, good luck to the others!
Thank you for holding this awesome giveaway. I wonder how pokemon red is on the 3ds. I love first gen pokemon, but my love for the pokemon Salamence beats them all.
Salamence is the best~
Extending entries to Friday, March 11th, at 10 pm PST!!
duuuude, I remember when I was little I use to call drowsy, muddy pants.
those were the days..

but my fav Pocket Monster is Shaymin.
I mean who doesn't love a little fluff ball with flowers.
tbh in real life it would suck my allergies would play up something horrid. BUT STILL.
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