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Various users having the same "Popular" Villagers, Doesn't it get boring at all?


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Various users having the same "Popular" Villagers, Doesn't it get boring at all?

Yes, I'm talking to you: The guy/gal with all the popular villagers in their town.

Doesn't it get boring that you probably have the following Villagers in your town: Julian, Marshal, Rosie, Lolly, Molly and don't forget Stitches whatever you do!

There's too many users with the same wish-lists/dream villagers, I would honestly think it would suck having exactly the same villagers as other users, I'm quite surprised nobody else really feels the same (Unless I've never seen you around)

Yes, I might come across as a person who could not afford these Villagers or that I don't find any of these villagers "Cute", The only remotely cute ones I would consider is Marshal and Rosie.

I feel people should consider some of the "Obscure" Villagers or at-least some of the less popular ones to make their towns stand out more compared to others, otherwise we'll just see Marshal in every users town.

If anything, Julian's the worst. Not because he might stand out to the "Brony" community, He just flat out scares me.

Tell me, Share me your thoughts about the whole thing. I could just be another general user popping his head out of his ass and just finding things to complain about.
Yeah I'm sick of seeing the same wishlists too. I mean, its their choice, but it does seem terribly boring to me. If I had dreamies, I'd go for more obscure ones - they need some love too <3
Edit: though I should add, I find the whole dream villagers thing stupid in the first place, so I'm not really one to judge.
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People keep saying this, and I do get what you mean, but to me it doesn't make much of a difference. I rarely visit other peoples towns other than to trade. Why do I care if they have the same villagers as I do? I like some of the popular villagers, and I dislike others, but whether they're popular or not doesn't really matter, in my opinion. Going for a villager just because they're popular is kind of silly if that's the only thing you like about the villager, but going for an obscure villager just because they're unpopular is the same thing. But if that's how people want to choose their villagers - based on other's opinions of them - then who cares? I don't understand why anybody gives a hoot one way or the other who other people want to live in their town.
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I can't really speak for the others, but Julian's my main squeeze mostly because of his uniqueness. I mean, c'mon, he's a friggin unicorn! Just like how Drago's a friggin dragon! It really stands out to me and gets my attention. Does being a brony make it worse? Maybe. I myself am a proud pegasister, but even before MLP, I loved unicorns and pegasi, so I doubt this would change my influence. Molly's just precious, what can I say.

I fail to see what the big deal is about Merengue and Marshal is myself. Renee and Peanut look way cuter. Stitches is pretty cute, if not kinda creepy.
I've never bought/traded any of my villagers and they all came from either my starter or camp, I find it to not bother me at all :D. Granted my villagers aren't on the mega popular list (I think.) I tend to think of each town as its own autonomous thing, so they can all go about doing their thing in their own dimensions.

That being said, I only find marshall cute in that list too. Everyone else is just.. alright D:. (Maybe I just have strange taste)
I understand why these villagers would actually be popular, but I do kind of agree with you. I would feel bad if I had certain villagers in my town, and every town I visited seemed to have the same ones. Part of the fun in this game (to me) is meeting new villagers every once in a while! I hold onto villagers for quite a while usually (though I seem to be going through a "let them go" phase right now), so my only way to meet new ones is to visit other people. I'd get bored seeing the same ones all of the time, quite frankly. But I guess I do like some of the typical ones myself, and I do have a goal to have all peppy villagers someday. But I like my little oddballs like Deli and Rodeo. Not very popular, but they've been kind to me so I see no reason to boot them out of my village just because I have a few preferred villagers on my "dream villager" list.
Well, people have different preferences..! I mean, I'm don't get the appeal of those characters.. (WELL I do, they're cute!! Mega cute, like 100% kawaii) but they just don't appeal to me, I guess.
But the thought of "boring" did come across me.. I mean for everyone's wish list though.

well, my thought doesn't really count much but yeah. hmm.. i mean, i like all those villagers lMAO but not enough to get them
I've had some users over on GameFAQ's speak highly of themselves for having said popular villager. "Hey! I've got "this" Villager and you don't! thus means I'm better than you" type of vibe, It's not fun D:

I've never really got along with the Brony/Pegasister community, But I generally feel majority of people aim for him because he looks feminine and such. (WE'VE GOT ED FOR THAT, FOLKS) But I'm glad you like him for other reasons since he stands out compared to the other Horse villagers and not because "Kawaii uguu~"

You haven't any strange tastes. (You have Genji >w>)

Exactly my thoughts! I'm very proud and happy to have Punchy and Octavian who are semi-popular along with some of the least popular villagers.

Yeah, Rosie's adorable but I don't have enough motive to jump on someone and say "Ey! I'll buy Rosie for 40 Million Bells!"

I don't hate anyone for having most popular villagers in their town, It's just kinda boring to see them alot.
Yeah! HAHAHHhaha I think it's ridiculous that people would buy villagers for 70 mil. I think I saw someone buy uh.. someone for 84? It was intense.
Hhahaha yeah, seeing them is boring! Not gonna lie..ahha.
Finally! This kind of thread appeared at last! ;p
Like i said before, if everybody have the same villagers here & there, those who you called 'popular' villagers will lose their value / rarity.

Just think of this for example: Among 20 players, 19 have Julian but not Tabby. Then, there is 1 player who have Tabby. There, Tabby has just become a rare villager! Thanks to those dreamies collector, Tabby's value just went up! Congratulations Tabby~ C:

But those players seem not to understand this or doesn't even care about how value point works. So, let's just leave them alone in their own happiness of collecting dreamies.
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No because



No, you can't.
Yes, i can.

Just like who am i to tell you how you play your game; who are you to tell me how i play my game?
I enjoy my game without dreamies & i have achieved lots (i really mean it, literally) of things in this game. Bells & Villagers aren't the only things in AC games. (I lost count on how many times i've said this already.)
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I started with Lolly, and Marshal moved in not long after - I never actively set out to have either as my dreamies. After speaking to them both, I grew to like them, and that's why I've chosen to keep them in my town. When the time comes for one of them to leave, if at all, I don't see myself selling them for insane amounts of bells, because I don't see the point. Same with Rosie - I've loved her since WW, and when my friend had her in her campsite she kindly convinced her to move to her town so that I could have her when she went. I don't choose my dreamies based on popularity or how much I can sell them for, I choose them through how much I like then actual characters and I have no interest in financial gain.
Molly's popular? Well ****. I love her ;-;

She's the only popular villager I like... Even though I didn't know she was popular. I do think the Marshal/Julian hype is crazy though. Julian is cute but not someone I could face daily... Those eyes...

I'd like to think my dreamies aren't that popular.
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I've never really got along with the Brony/Pegasister community, But I generally feel majority of people aim for him because he looks feminine and such. (WE'VE GOT ED FOR THAT, FOLKS) But I'm glad you like him for other reasons since he stands out compared to the other Horse villagers and not because "Kawaii uguu~"

I have Cookie in my town, and she's enough "kawaii" for me. And I really don't go after popular villagers for the hell of it. Sure, about half the dreamies in my sig are popular, but that's just what I like. Also, if Ed had a horn, he'd be up there with Julian, too. I guarantee it.

How about we just let people like the villagers they... like and leave it alone?
So, Marshal, Lolly and Julian (etc etc) are popular and on many dreamie lists. That's because many players like them. So? Where's the problem? Why should these people not get their favourite villagers... just because they're popular? Because a lot of people want to have them, as well? Lol... it's your game. Your villagers. Your Julian, Marshal, Lolly, blah... and other players have their Julians, Marshals and so on.
Well, atleast people haven't came here saying "U MAD CUS I HAVE MARSHAL AND I'M GOING TO SELL HIM FOR LOADSA MONIII"

If people are going to keep them and care for em, I don't see the problem. It's just when they hunt for them from Cycling/Giveaways just to sell on to make profit.

Heck, that's why I hope none of my current favorites become overly popular so I'd never get them from a Giveaway and love forever =u=
I have a town with a lot of popular villagers: Francine, Stitches, Chrissy, Marshal, etc., but it also has quite a few "unpopular villagers" (Rizzo and Rowan) too and I think it's good to have a balance between popular and unpopular. I need some more unpopulars in that town though.

Yesterday, I started a challenge after destroying my TT town to see if I could survive with no TTing and no resetting for villagers. I ended up with a bunch of villagers that I never see in other towns and it's very refreshing. I still ended up with Marshal though, he's moving in as my sixth villager and happened to show up completely by chance. I was actually a bit disappointed to see him as I wanted someone new.
I think he is stalking me.

Even if it is a bit odd to see the same villagers over and over, they are popular for a reason and if a player really likes them, I don't see why it's an issue for them to have the same villagers as everyone else. If you don't want the same villagers as 329393984439 people, then don't get them or kick them out if they move in.

As for the popular villagers in the town I mentioned above? All of them, except Marshal, are villagers that I have never had before in AC and it's nice to have them around.

How about we just let people like the villagers they... like and leave it alone?
So, Marshal, Lolly and Julian (etc etc) are popular and on many dreamie lists. That's because many players like them. So? Where's the problem? Why should these people not get their favourite villagers... just because they're popular? Because a lot of people want to have them, as well? Lol... it's your game. Your villagers. Your Julian, Marshal, Lolly, blah... and other players have their Julians, Marshals and so on.
I've constantly said this various times "It's really boring to just see people have the same villagers all the time." I'm not hating or anything.

They can like the same thing, it's just really boring ._.
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