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Various users having the same "Popular" Villagers, Doesn't it get boring at all?

People keep saying this, and I do get what you mean, but to me it doesn't make much of a difference. I rarely visit other peoples towns other than to trade. Why do I care if they have the same villagers as I do? I like some of the popular villagers, and I dislike others, but whether they're popular or not doesn't really matter, in my opinion. Going for a villager just because they're popular is kind of silly if that's the only thing you like about the villager, but going for an obscure villager just because they're unpopular is the same thing. But if that's how people want to choose their villagers - based on other's opinions of them - then who cares? I don't understand why anybody gives a hoot one way or the other who other people want to live in their town.

I really agree with this quote. Going for unpopular villagers just because they're unpopular sounds like a blatant hipster move.

"I'm letting this unpopular ugly villager move into my town ironically."

Anyway, I've traded at least 100 times on these forums. Whenever I visited a town, I never cared or tried to look at trader's villagers and critique theirs. I do judge duping and cheating, because it hands out unfair advantages and hurts the economy. But having villager preferences doesn't really do any harm whatsoever.
I don't care. When i visit someones town i never talk to the villagers anyway. it's mostly to do trades or mess around with friends.
Before I even joined this forum, Marshall was the second to move into my town. Once I realized that he was a "highly-sought after" villager I didn't like him as much because everyone loves Marshal. However, I don't feel need to sell him or get rid of him; I'm quite content starting my game and having him be the first villager that greets me.

I think Dream Villagers are okay, but I think the popular ones are overrated.
I think Marshal is very overrated.
I don't think it really matters as long as you're happy with your villagers, in all honesty. Let everyone play the game the way they want to and have whatever villagers they like. It doesn't matter if they're popular or unpopular.
I don't pick my villagers to be balanced or whatever, I pick the ones I like and that's all (there's a LOT of villagers I like not on my sig though, too many to fit into one town!). I don't really care if I'm not a "special snowflake", I just want to have fun and like what I'm doing/playing. If I came across a town with the exact same villagers as me that'd be pretty cool, to find someone who likes the exact same villagers as me from A to B. :p I don't really mind visiting people who have popular villagers or visiting dreams who have popular villagers since I hardly talk to their villagers anyway... and the personalities don't seem to vary much.
If all you want them for is popularity, I think it's ridiculous. I pick my villagers based on how much I like them, not others.
If the people personally like that villager, go for it.
Before I even joined this forum, Marshall was the second to move into my town. Once I realized that he was a "highly-sought after" villager I didn't like him as much because everyone loves Marshal. However, I don't feel need to sell him or get rid of him; I'm quite content starting my game and having him be the first villager that greets me.

I think Dream Villagers are okay, but I think the popular ones are overrated.
I think Marshal is very overrated.

Why would you dislike something just because you find out that lots of people like it?
hipster much?
you think Marshal is overrated yet you use him as your avatar??..

I just don?t understand why some people think it?s better not to like something just because other people like it.
I made my dream list right after the game came out, (I updated it later though when I had met some of the villagers) and I chose the villagers that I like the most from each of the different personalities, later I found out that some of them are popular, which is fine, that just means that a lot of people like them just like me, I see that as a good thing if anything.
I personally hate some of the most popular villagers, or find the gimmicks to be a bit samey.. Like Julian, Marshal and Tangy are all just meh to me.. Particularly Julian, he's a feminine horse with a horn.. I don't see the attraction, then again, I'm a guy :L

I tend to get attached to villagers when they move into my town, or for nostalgia value.. They tend to just HAPPEN to be some of the unpopular ones.. I mean, I do like some popular ones, particularly all the wolves.. But, I tend to like the standard designs for the most villagers, the gimmicks are a bit too.. Gimmicky?

I mean some of my favourite villagers of all time are Sydney, Joey, Rod, Pecan and Simon.. Yet, they don't seem to ever be traded D: .. It makes me sad, but it also makes me feel like I have some individuality too I guess xD
Why would you dislike something just because you find out that lots of people like it?
hipster much?
you think Marshal is overrated yet you use him as your avatar??..

I just don?t understand why some people think it?s better not to like something just because other people like it.
I made my dream list right after the game came out, (I updated it later though when I had met some of the villagers) and I chose the villagers that I like the most from each of the different personalities, later I found out that some of them are popular, which is fine, that just means that a lot of people like them just like me, I see that as a good thing if anything.

sigh, I figured someone would point this out. I drew my avatar for the forum before I even knew about his popularity. I still like him, I'm not tempted to sell him, but he wasn't in my town I wouldn't feel like I ABSOLUTELY NEED HIM.

And so what if I'm "hipster-ish" or whatever. I was just stating my feelings. Seems like you're attacking me. e_o
Hound00med makes a good point- everyone is an individual
I'm sure people like these characters but is it because they don't want to be different??
Yeah! HAHAHHhaha I think it's ridiculous that people would buy villagers for 70 mil. I think I saw someone buy uh.. someone for 84? It was intense.
Hhahaha yeah, seeing them is boring! Not gonna lie..ahha.

i once saw somebody asking 150mil for a villager. i saw another person bid 120mil for another. yeh u see sum things
I'm not into any of the popular villagers... Well, yes, I love Fang, but it's because he's nostalgic to me. I have had him in the GC version as well^^ He's the only real dreamy I have. Besides him, I just love to get random villagers in my town.

To each their own, I guess. But I do wonder, sometimes, why so many people seem to want the same villagers. Is it because they really like these villagers personally or is it just because it's an "everybody's" thing.
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;o .. I'm fine with the ones I have I like getting to know them and having different, quirky and odd personalities in my town.
I'm with you, Hound00med. I loooove my Joey! :D He's so sweet! *smooches*

Hi-five! .. Joey was the first friend I ever made, in my first ever town in WW, my first ever AC game :p .. He holds a ton of nostalgia for me, the cute duck :p .. He's been pushed back in NL with some other villagers being my favourites, such as Sydney and Eugene.. But he will always hold a special place in my heart <3
sigh, I figured someone would point this out. I drew my avatar for the forum before I even knew about his popularity. I still like him, I'm not tempted to sell him, but he wasn't in my town I wouldn't feel like I ABSOLUTELY NEED HIM.

And so what if I'm "hipster-ish" or whatever. I was just stating my feelings. Seems like you're attacking me. e_o

And I?m just stating my feelings too.
How am I attacking anyone, I?m trying to argue, I like arguing with people because I get a better insight on why people think the way they do.
No, actually, it doesn't get boring. I love my precious Julian and wanted him before I knew he was a "popular" villager. Not everyone wants a villager just because that villager is popular - they just happen to, you know, like the villager?
I have Julian, Rosie, Lolly, Tangy, and Punchy who are generally considered "popular", but I have them because I like them. Not because they're popular. I also have Katt who so many people hate - same reason for having her. Because I like her. And I used to have Tabby but lost her when my save data was corrupted; I ended up getting Tangy instead of her in my new town because of a story idea I have for my town (and Tangy fits better for it because of my headcanon for Tangy), but I still love Tabby and if I could have another villager I'd have her in a heartbeat - even though she's not a popular villager.
Same goes for my second town. I have Bella who I know people consider "low tier", because I had her in my City Folk AC game and fell in love with her. I choose my villagers based on how much I like them, not based on how popular they are.
The fact that some of the ones I chose are popular and all the same as everyone else's, that's coincidence.
It seems like the "popular" thing to do nowadays is hate on the popular villagers. I'm getting really sick of seeing posts like this.