Giveaway Villager Cycling Thread : [Current: NONE]

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Would you be able to remove my reservation for Poppy? I Just managed to get Poppy today. Thank you for putting me down for a reservation!
All of the new reservations will be added momentarily, I'm glad you got Poppy big_boss!

Cherry the Uchi dog villager is now in boxes!
Sorry to bother, could you please remove my reservation for Sterling? I got a different jock. Thanks!
I'd like to remove my reservation for Sprinkle. I will be getting her from someone else. Thank you! c:
Reservations have been added and removed

Frank the jock parrot eagle is moving out! He is the last of my starting villagers so I'm sad to see him go but I hope someone will take him.
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Could I please reserve Monty ^^

- - - Post Merge - - -

Scrap that that's Deli - didn't look close enough :eek:
That's ok mistakes happen. I'll add your reserve for Monty in case he does come to town.
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Sure, I'll add you and you add me and you can come pick him up! :)

beffa: Yup, I'll add your reserve!
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Although I'm supposed to be off the internet right now, can I reserve Rolf and Nate instead of Knox and Boone since I started over? Thanks! :3
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