We can remodel villager houses now - Who is first in line for you?

I can't wait to be able to make exteriors match a theme. For example, I'd love to give Sherb a more gothic looking house since he ended up on my gothic island. When you enter his house, there is creepy music playing so he seems a little bit gothic. Why not make his house match. And if we can get rid of items and clothing accidentally gifted to the villagers, that would be a huge perk. Also, I wish that when we delivered items for a villager to another villager, that those items wouldn't have to be displayed. I feel bad turning them down all the time when they want me to deliver something but I don't want those unknown items in their homes, lol.
I really hope we can also change the exterior! I have a forestcore town and really can't use some houses. It would be so amazing to use every villager I want in my town
Remodeling exteriors would be a dream - I chose three of my villagers solely because their houses look nice. I would definitely consider getting one of my dreamies if we could changer their houses exteriors.

Regarding interiors - Antonio was one of my first two villagers, so his home is in dire need of a redesign. And then Blanche. I couldn't say no when she wanted to buy a few fish from me.
Raddle, Mira Cashmere and Eugene.

Since the hospital items are now available Raddle will be my first victim in redesigning because I don’t like how his house looks like a chemistry classroom.

Mira will if the Astro items are in the update. (Which probably will as all the villagers that were in HHD will have their original house request, except maybe Eloise as Azalea now has that house request) I just don’t really like the Triceratops play she has in her house, it doesn’t match her aesthetic.

Cashmere is also getting hit because in her original house was a big kitchen, though nothing is wrong with her new house I wanted to go back with how her NL house looked like.

And finally, Eugene. I miss how his house looks in NL as it looked too good compared to now, it looks too similar to Raymond’s interior. (Exterior as well) so he’s another character that I’ll change the interior around.

I may just do it for all of them if I want, but the other villagers in my island I didn’t mention are already perfect.
Ankha. I have hated her house the most on my island. It's 90% a giant pyramid on the inside... I am going to remove that and experiment with other things.
Plucky has been in my town since launch day so her house is still horrid, she'd be the first one I'll redo. But it seemed like one of the final unlocked abilities, so I think it's going to take me months to get to the point where I can redesign their houses! After that, Savannah's house is pretty boring so hers is a nice option as well.
Ankha will get a not-cramped temple, and then Lucky will get his home upgraded to look Egyptian, too.

Caroline's house is already perfect, so that is staying as it is.
This part of the update means so much to me because I can finally invite Chief over and redecorate his ugly interior!!! :) Ngl, I’ve let some of my villagers go just because I wasn’t feeling their houses. So this is such a nice update.
This part of the update means so much to me because I can finally invite Chief over and redecorate his ugly interior!!! :) Ngl, I’ve let some of my villagers go just because I wasn’t feeling their houses. So this is such a nice update.

The house you build Cheif on the HHP archipelago is a vacation home separate from the house he lives in. Once the feature is unlocked, you speak to Tom Nook to ask to remodel local homes.
The house you build Cheif on the HHP archipelago is a vacation home separate from the house he lives in. Once the feature is unlocked, you speak to Tom Nook to ask to remodel local homes.
Yes I think it also requires a lot of designs before Nook will finally let us do the redecorating in our own islands so I’m just gonna amiibo him in once I unlock the feature lollll I really can’t stand his house in this game. 😅
Mira, if she is still on my island by then. I went in her house yesterday and it is hideous. She has colorful furniture everywhere which doesn't fit her look or personality.

I'm probably redoing Mira's house first! She was one of my starters so she has the crappy starter house (although I know even her fully furnished house is super underwhelming) so I'm definitely giving her the cool interior she deserves asap. I hope we have free reign, it's not going to be like the vacation homes with a few item specifications!
My dear Billy goat has no idea what's in store for him.
November 5th the literal trash he's living in will be taken out and he'll continue to live his old days in the most precious log cabin ever built. 🧡