Villager Hunting General Thread

Hopkins left today, which made me a little sad because he was quite adorable honestly. I wanted to fill the void with another lazy or Dom, and I used 94 tickets. Here were the highlights:

- Ran into Merengue pretty early on. I like her but I already have two normals so I had to turn her down.
- Cookie came right after her, much to the dismay of my mother. I turned her down because I don't really want more than one peppy. She's adorable though.
- Erik followed immediately after Cookie. I nearly took him because I love all the deer, but decided against it because I didn't want an all deer island.
- Ran into Merengue again like 10 tickets later. Still not taking her.
- Zucker popped up right after. I also like Zucker, but I can't take him because he's already on my other island.
- I stumbled upon Marshal like 15 tickets after that! I still don't care for him though. I was more fixated on the Queen Alexandria's Birdwing right next to him.
- Going back to Zucker, I ran into him three times total. He's great, but seriously?
- Ruby also popped up around the same time. She looks a lot better in-game than I thought she did, but I still can only tolerate one peppy.
- On my 94th ticket, I ran into the one and only Lucky, and took him without skipping a beat. This was a very slow and tedious hunt with way too many bears and mice for me to get any level of enjoyment out of it. The hunt paid off though; Lucky was definitely the lazy I wanted the most so I'm very happy with how it turned out. I'm thinking Julia will get axed next but I'm hoping I can get Vesta out so I can have a proper Dom hunt. Oh well, I'm happy with who I got this time!
Congratulations! I love Lucky; he was my favorite villager in WW. I do have to mention that ya brought up not wanting an all-deer village: I’m making a deer majority island on Evwirt!
I was campsite resetting all day yesterday in my second town, since a plot opened up in my main one and I really really wanted Kabuki. I was just resetting while doing stuff and thats why I didn't log every single one but I did keep count!

Ugly buttlips monkey
Like 14 villagers I didn't write down
Broffina ... ew
Biff Jock

I'm SO happy to finally have him in Meridian! He is my absolute favourite villager from when I played New Leaf. I've moved him in now and he loves to just go around town dancing LOL. I'm glad he feels at home :')
I was campsite resetting all day yesterday in my second town, since a plot opened up in my main one and I really really wanted Kabuki. I was just resetting while doing stuff and thats why I didn't log every single one but I did keep count!

Ugly buttlips monkey
Like 14 villagers I didn't write down
Broffina ... ew
Biff Jock

I'm SO happy to finally have him in Meridian! He is my absolute favourite villager from when I played New Leaf. I've moved him in now and he loves to just go around town dancing LOL. I'm glad he feels at home :')
I’m so happy for you! 😄
Did some TT to try to Judy's friendship up higher and to get Sterling out

The goal was to get Marshal or some friends' dreamies but I took home Dobie because I was so tired and he was the only one that gave me pause. I used up 43 tickets

Bluebear, cub, peppy
Rex, lion, lazy
Buck, horse, jock
Ellie, elephant, normal
Octavian, octopus, cranky
Fushsia, deer, sisterly
Iggly, penguin, jock
Pierce, eagle, jock
Tipper, cow, snooty
Piper, Bird, peppy
Carrie, Kangaroo, normal
Keaton, Eagle, Smug
Rowan, Tiger, jock
Cyd, Elephant, Cranky
Bea, Dog, normal
Naomi, cow, snooty
Gloria, duck, snooty
Paula, beer, sisterly
Freya, wolf, snooty
harry, hippo, cranky
Norma, cow, normal
Stella, sheep, normal
Elmer, horse, lazy
Patty, cow, peppy
Gwen, penguin, snooty
Deirdre, deer, sisterly
Poncho, cub, jock
Tybalt, Tiger, Jock
Anabelle, anteater, peppy
Leopold, lion, Smug
Kyle, wolf, smug
Claude, rabbit, lazy
Antonio, anteater, jock
Savannah, horse, normal
Sprocket, ostrish, jock
Hornsby, rhino, lazy
Tybalt, Tiger, Jock
Sprocket, ostrish, jock
Bitty, hippo, snooty
Patty, cow, peppy
Truffles, pig, peppy
Graham, hamster, smug
Dobie, wolf, cranky
Did some TT to try to Judy's friendship up higher and to get Sterling out

The goal was to get Marshal or some friends' dreamies but I took home Dobie because I was so tired and he was the only one that gave me pause. I used up 43 tickets

Bluebear, cub, peppy
Rex, lion, lazy
Buck, horse, jock
Ellie, elephant, normal
Octavian, octopus, cranky
Fushsia, deer, sisterly
Iggly, penguin, jock
Pierce, eagle, jock
Tipper, cow, snooty
Piper, Bird, peppy
Carrie, Kangaroo, normal
Keaton, Eagle, Smug
Rowan, Tiger, jock
Cyd, Elephant, Cranky
Bea, Dog, normal
Naomi, cow, snooty
Gloria, duck, snooty
Paula, beer, sisterly
Freya, wolf, snooty
harry, hippo, cranky
Norma, cow, normal
Stella, sheep, normal
Elmer, horse, lazy
Patty, cow, peppy
Gwen, penguin, snooty
Deirdre, deer, sisterly
Poncho, cub, jock
Tybalt, Tiger, Jock
Anabelle, anteater, peppy
Leopold, lion, Smug
Kyle, wolf, smug
Claude, rabbit, lazy
Antonio, anteater, jock
Savannah, horse, normal
Sprocket, ostrish, jock
Hornsby, rhino, lazy
Tybalt, Tiger, Jock
Sprocket, ostrish, jock
Bitty, hippo, snooty
Patty, cow, peppy
Truffles, pig, peppy
Graham, hamster, smug
Dobie, wolf, cranky
You found Kyle, so lucky! 😍 I found him, then left him, but now I’m obsessed with him and his flirty self! 😅
For my second hunt, I’ll just list highlights:

Celia was my first ticket. I REALLY wanted her at first but since I have a deer island idea I’m not going for her.

Just found Diana on my 11th ticket! That’s one more deer down for me, as well as giving me my full personality spread!
So I was island hopping today after letting Fuchsia move out (I’ll miss you, precious!) As always lately, since I realized I’m not in a rush to get some perfect line up (I don’t even know what that is for me yet), I was looking forward to going to a bunch of islands and finding someone interesting to move in.

Here’s what happened:

Island 1!! - sister fruit island! Curly
Island 2 - Tammy
Island 3 - sister fruit island. Tipper. She’s really really cute!! But I think I am not ready to be done yet, I still want to keep island hopping
Island 4 - Merengue
Island 5 - Astrid
Island 6 - Egbert. I did not expect to like him as much as I did, as i am not usually very into the chicken villagers.
Island 7 - Margie
Island 8 - TABBBBBBBBBBBYYY!!! I really wanted to go to way more islands, but I can’t leave tabby, who I’ve always wanted on my island.


To put this in context, cause I know Tabby is not super popular, this was for me the equivalent of finding Raymond after 8 tickets (with about the same odds, given that they are both cats)

Oh gosh, it kind of threw off all my plans, and I am sad to not be doing more island hopping (May even time travel soon to accelerate Freya leaving) but I’m so happy!!! Welcome home Tabby!

Here’s a couple of the other cuties I met:



(Sorry for bad pic quality, is was too lazy to upload to a computer)
after some stress getting villagers out was looking forward to island hopping,, passed up Sylvana and Dobie because I wanted to keep looking but took in Lolly on my 11th ticket because i just couldn't move on
after some stress getting villagers out was looking forward to island hopping,, passed up Sylvana and Dobie because I wanted to keep looking but took in Lolly on my 11th ticket because i just couldn't move on
Lolly is so sweet! I’m sure you’ll like her! 😁
Today I had a camper. Celebration #1.

it was an actually GOOD camper, Lucy. Celebration #2...

she was adorbs, i fell in love with her.... and she was easy to get to move in... #3 AND 4 right dere...

and finally... she wanted to replace Tybalt........... YES #5 LOL

Don't get me wrong. Tybalt's a great dude. I just kinda hate him. Lol

SO now I will have: 3 pigs (Agnes and Gala being the other two. i LOVE pigs xd) 3 normals (uh-oh. well, i'll prob kick coco soon lmao) and... a singing pig (Lucy has the music hobby). IM SO EXCITED

Yeah just thought I'd share xD
Many regrets and also general annoyance of how many time I found another octopus villager.
I took home Dom to give him away later. I hate my luck

Zucker, Octopus, Lazy
Caroline, Squirrel, Normal
Knox, Chicken, Cranky
Vladimir, Cub, Cranky
Velma, Goat, Snooty
Biskit, Dog, Lazy
Ed, Horse, Ed
Pango, Anteater, Peppy
Tammi, Monkey, Peppy
Rex, Lion, Lazy
Nate, Bear, Lazy
Pancetti, Pig, Snooty
Agnes, Pig, Sisterly
Marina, Octopus, Normal
Marina, Octopus, Normal
Henry, Frog, Smug
Sly, Alligator, Jock
Dotty, Rabbit, Peppy
Annalisa, Anteater, Normal
Shari, Monkey, Sisterly
Lily, Frog, Normal
Vladimir, Cub, Cranky
Norma, Cow, Normal
Lyman, Koala, Jock
Norma, Cow, Normal
Agent S, Squirrel, Peppy
Rodeo, Bull, Lazy
Coach, Bull, Jock
Wart Jr, Frog, Cranky
Zucker, Octopus, Lazy
Zucker, Octopus, Lazy
Marina, Octopus, Normal
Tia, Elephant, Normal
Gayle, Alligator, Normal
Sally, Squirrel, Normal
Violet, Gorilla, Snooty
Dora, Mouse, Normal
Sylvana, Squirrel, Normal
Merengue, Rhino, Normal
Claude, Bunny, Lazy
Boomer, Penguin, Lazy
Megan, Bear, Normal
Biff, Hippo, Jock
Roald, Penguin, Jock
Louie, Gorilla, Jock
Zucker, Octopus, Lazy
Groucho, Bear, Cranky
Gigi, Frog, Snooty
Anchovy, Bird, Lazy
Marcie, Kangaroo, Normal
Agnes, Pig, Sisterly
Tex, Penguin, Smug
Pompom, Duck, Peppy
Butch, Dog, Cranky
Knox, Chicken, Cranky
Phoebe, Ostrich, Sisterly
Fuchsia, Deer, Sisterly
Cashmere, Sheep, Snooty
Axel, Elephant, Jock
Pecan, Squirrel, Snooty
Croque, Frog, Cranky
Coach, Bull, Jock
Moose, Mouse, Jock
Al, Gorilla, Lazy
Bianca, Tiger, Peppy
Ken, Chicken, Smug
Cally, Squirrel, Normal
Cyrano, Anteater, Cranky
Alfonso, Alligator, Lazy
Kiki, Cat, Normal
Dom, Sheep, Jock
Two days ago, I decided to look for either Poncho or Filbert. After many, many repeats and 253 tickets, I finally found Poncho.

  1. Felicity
  2. Marina
  3. Cheri
  4. Maple
  5. Spork
  6. Angus
  7. Sly
  8. Flo
  9. June
  10. Sydney
  11. Celia
  12. Deirdre
  13. Keaton
  14. Wart Jr.
  15. Rex
  16. Marina x2
  17. Hamphrey
  18. Mathilda
  19. Agnes
  20. Cleo
  21. Gayle
  22. Coach
  23. Beau
  24. Patty
  25. Renée
  26. Genji
  27. Benedict
  28. Elvis
  29. Pietro
  30. Diana
  31. Mathilda x2
  32. Fang
  33. Goose
  34. Freya
  35. Simon
  36. Coach x2
  37. Pompom
  38. Blanche
  39. Del
  40. Canberra
  41. Winnie
  42. Fang x2
  43. Dizzy
  44. Frita
  45. Goldie
  46. Tybalt
  47. Alli
  48. Cashmere
  49. Zell
  50. Boomer
  51. Klaus
  52. Velma
  53. Leopold
  54. Marshal
  55. Bella
  56. Twiggy
  57. Soleil
  58. Cobb
  59. Carrie
  60. Leopold x2
  61. Axel
  62. Yuka
  63. Knox
  64. Claude
  65. Piper
  66. Jacob
  67. Opal
  68. Baabara
  69. Annalisa
  70. Julia
  71. Bitty
  72. Rex x2
  73. Maddie
  74. Punchy
  75. Pietro x2
  76. Renée x2
  77. Huck
  78. Simon x2
  79. Julia x2
  80. Boyd
  81. Chow
  82. Jambette
  83. Olive
  84. Becky
  85. Harry
  86. Truffles
  87. Walker
  88. Pecan
  89. Celia x2
  90. Coach x3
  91. Ike
  92. Cashmere x2
  93. Cobb x2
  94. Nan
  95. Caroline
  96. Leopold x3
  97. Derwin
  98. Sheldon
  99. Sprocket
  100. Nan x2
  101. Bam
  102. Vic
  103. Merengue
  104. Harry x2
  105. Rhonda
  106. Cally
  107. Bangle
  108. Margie
  109. Rex x3
  110. Mott
  111. Lolly
  112. Blanche x2
  113. Cesar
  114. Ava
  115. Julia x3
  116. Blaire
  117. Violet
  118. Winnie x2
  119. Amelia
  120. Roald
  121. Phil
  122. Paolo
  123. Kyle
  124. Shep
  125. Roald x2
  126. Twiggy x2
  127. Chevre
  128. Leonardo
  129. Boyd x2
  130. Snooty
  131. Carrie x2
  132. Pierce
  133. Velma x2
  134. Hornsby
  135. Deena
  136. Nana
  137. Stu
  138. Stella
  139. Flip
  140. Bertha
  141. Grizzly
  142. Ruby
  143. Ken
  144. Lionel
  145. Marcel
  146. Graham
  147. Mint
  148. Paolo x2
  149. Leonardo x2
  150. Pierce x2
  151. Vic x2
  152. Chevre x2
  153. Cesar x2
  154. Lucha
  155. Derwin x2
  156. Purrl
  157. Mott x2
  158. Clyde
  159. Phil x2
  160. Hamphrey x2
  161. Dora
  162. Sterling
  163. Benjamin
  164. Ozzie
  165. Spike
  166. Blanche x3
  167. Mott x3
  168. Rex x4
  169. Phoebe
  170. Roald x3
  171. Mint x2
  172. Annalisa x2
  173. Patty x2
  174. Moose
  175. Poppy
  176. Coach x4
  177. Rodney
  178. Spike x2
  179. Celia x3
  180. Pompom x2
  181. Flora
  182. Rudy
  183. Mint x3
  184. Francine
  185. Cube
  186. Piper x2
  187. Genji x2
  188. Biff
  189. Lucky
  190. Sparro
  191. Rex x5
  192. Keaton x2
  193. Peanut
  194. Dobie
  195. Murphy
  196. Naomi
  197. Bianca
  198. Becky x2
  199. Boomer x2
  200. Lobo
  201. Axel x2
  202. Frita x2
  203. Deirdre x2
  204. Bones
  205. Nan x3
  206. Eunice
  207. Patty x3
  208. Biff x2
  209. Rocket
  210. Bam x2
  211. Chadder
  212. Mathilda x3
  213. Phil x3
  214. Avery
  215. Colton
  216. Bettina
  217. Twiggy x3
  218. Chadder x2
  219. Tucker
  220. Huck x2
  221. Admiral
  222. Rodeo
  223. Friga
  224. Ed
  225. Annalisa x3
  226. Paula
  227. Rodney x2
  228. Celia x4
  229. Alice
  230. Sylvia
  231. Midge
  232. Freya x2
  233. Canberra x2
  234. Freya x3
  235. Leonardo x3
  236. Quillson
  237. Gigi
  238. Zucker
  239. Hamlet
  240. Rodney x3
  241. Yuka x2
  242. Kidd
  243. Freckles
  244. Rex x6
  245. Carrie x3
  246. Limberg
  247. Bruce
  248. Kitt
  249. Baabara x2
  250. Lionel x2
  251. Timbra
  252. Bianca x2
  253. Poncho
Looking for one of 80 smug, cranky, sisterly, lazy, and snooty villagers on my list. Hoping to find someone I like within 30 tickets.

...And my search was over in one ticket. I found Judy. My eyes at 5 AM cannot believe this.

ETA: it's been 10 hours and I'm still shook in disbelief. XD
Last edited:
My hunt for Marshal continues. I found my other dreamie Pashmina though! I did almost stop at Punchy and Willow.

Clyde, Horse, Lazy
Celia, Eagle, Normal
Deena, Duck, Normal
Cyrano, Anteater, Cranky
Velma, Goat, Snooty
Octavian, Octopus, Cranky
Barold, Cub, Lazy
Monty, Monkey, Cranky
Soleil, Hamster, Snooty
Puck, Penguin, Lazy
T-bone, Bull, Cranky
Lucy, Pig,
Ketchup, Duck, Peppy
Sydney, Koala,
Vic, Bull, Cranky
Rex, Lion, Lazy
Egbert, Chicken, Lazy
Marina, Octopus, Normal
Biskit, Dog, Lazy
Tom, Cat, Cranky
Gala, Pig, Normal
Paolo, Elephant
Tammi, Monkey
Victoria, Horse, Peppy
Butch, Dog, Cranky
Wade, Penguin, Lazy
Gloria, Duck, Snooty
Paula, Bear, Sisterly
Anabelle, Anteater
Lopez, Deer, Smug
Cousteau, Frog, Jock
Bam, Deer, Jock
Flurry, Hamster, Normal
Ike, Bear, Cranky
Alice, Koala, Normal
Blaire, Squirrel, Snooty
Sylvia, Kangaroo, Sisterly
Caroline, Squirrel, Normal
Cheri, Cub, Peppy
Wolfgang, Wolf, Cranky
Deirdre, Deer, Sisterly
Chief, Wolf, Cranky
Huck, Frog, Smug
Antonio, Anteater, Jock
Lopez, Deer, Smug
Ozzie, Koala, Lazy
Naomi, Cow, Snooty
Sterling, Eagle, Jock
Tex, Penguin, Smug
Baabara, Sheep, Snooty
Keaton, Eagle, Smug
Sheldon, Squirrel, Jock
Boyd, Gorilla, Cranky
Annalisa, Anteater, Normal
Charlise, Bear, Sisterly
Deli, Monkey, Lazy
Punchy, Cat, Lazy
Nibbles, Squirrel, Peppy
Naomi, Cow, Snooty
Bertha, Hippo, Normal
Kitty, Cat, Snooty
Bubbles, Hippo, Peppy
Wade, Penguin, Lazy
Willow, Sheep, Snooty
Hornsby, Rhino, Lazy
Rooney, Kangaroo, Cranky
Lyman, Koala, Jock
Dora, Mouse, Normal
Patty, Cow, Peppy
Yuka, Koala, Snooty
Robin, Bird, Snooty
Kitty, Cat, Snooty
Hugh, Pig, Lazy
Pashmina, Goat, Sisterly
so, 2 days ago i decided to finally try out the campsite method for the very first time and see if i can get either marshal or raymond this way. and this is the outcome:
  1. kidd, smug.
  2. quillson, smug.
  3. jackques, smug.
  4. chops, smug.
  5. zell, smug.
  6. cranston, lazy.
  7. colton, smug.
  8. mira, sisterly.
  9. sterling, jock.
  10. hazel, sisterly.
  11. frita, sisterly.
  12. ed, smug.
  13. hans, smug.
  14. anchovy, lazy.
  15. kevin, jock.
  16. pashmina, sisterly.
  17. tex, smug.
  18. chadder, smug.
  19. ketchup, peppy.
  20. shep, smug.
  21. sylvana, normal.
  22. truffles, peppy.
  23. raymond, smug (invited). ♥
so yeah, i'm very happy now! ☺
went island hopping earlier - i’m always searching for my remaining dreamies but i’m not super picky with my searches; i’ll invite whoever i run into that i like aha

1. octavian
2. octavian,,, again🤨
3. angus
4. barold
5. plucky
6. sheldon
7. lily

i decided to invite lily; she’s adorable!
