1. Cesar
2. Alice

3. Leopold
4. Hamphrey

5. Ketchup (cute)
6. Rolf
7. Gwen
8. Tammy unexpected

9. Dobie
10. Jitters (cute)
11. Marina
12. Buck
13. Sly (surprisingly cute)
14. Dobie - gah, again!
15. Dora
16. Cesar, also again
17. Queenie (cute)
18. Skye
19. Ankha (cute)
20. Bree

21. Eloise
22. Sylvana

she was cuter than I expected! I considered her more seriously than any of the others so far. Her smiling face is especially cute. May regret leaving her but ultimately decided to keep going for someone on my short list. Added her to the long list though for the future!
23. Hugh

24. Astrid
25. T-Bone
26. Patty
27. Penelope
28. Buck
29. Egbert

30. Peggy (cute)
31. Agent S
32. Ava
33. Annabelle
34. Samson
35. Jakey
36. Knox
37. Hopper
38. Rex! Long time no see, buddy! He’s still pretty cute to me

39. Leonardo
40. Roald (cute!)
41. Henry
42. Klaus
43. Naomi
44. Elmer
45. Carrie
46. Rory! He’s on the long list, but I’m in a bad mood right now due to amazon sending us a broken air conditioner and having terrible customer service and not feeling it at the moment. I hope I don’t regret keeping going.
47. Bertha

also long list! But I don’t know, I guess I am going hardcore today. I think because I let fauna go.
48. Melba (cutie)
49. Bluebear (cute!)
50. Winnie never seen her before, she’s pretty cute!
51. Diana - ew
52. Fang
53. Bitty (cute)
54. Kitt
55. Annalisa
56. Apple (on second island)
57. Drift

58. Hamphrey

59. Erik (very cute and felt bad because my husband really likes him)
60. Hugh still cute, but still ambivalent on idea of two lazies
61. Zucker (also on second island)
62. Curlos, not gonna lie, he is pretty adorable. But two smugs is...a lot. His kuchiguse is ‘baby’ which is...interesting
63. Gayle . Ahhhhh
64. Colton
65. (I think I forgot someone)
66. Boots he’s okay
67. Grizzly

honestly, I love him. But I think another cranky bear might be too much. Plus what if he overshadowed my sweet Ike?
68. Hans
69. Gigi
70. Sterling
71. Nate

72. Snooty - she’s actually really cool
73. Wart jr. - he’s my birthday twin, and actually pretty cute. So little
74. Murphy
75. Sprocket
76. Prince
77. Gruff
78. Nana

may regret not taking her, I’m getting tired.
79. Paolo kind cutie
80. Iggly
81. Biff - love him but just got him for the other island!
82. Spork
83. Knox
84. Gloria (cute)
85. Snooty again!
86. Hazel
87. Sterling again - I have angered the rng gods by passing up so many good villagers
88. Gayle

89. Hazel
90. Whitney.
91. Julia. (Cute)
92. Annalise
93. Vladimir
94. Rosie
95. Maggie!!!!! A name from my shortlist! Just as I planned to quit for the night and time travel back because I’d gotten tired!