1. Greta - I have no idea who I am hoping to find, so I considered inviting her. She’s weird but I might kind of like her.
2. Knox - ugh
3. Sandy
4. Lobo
5. Sly
6. Drake - seriously considered him because I have never had a duck villager and they are cute. Also, somehow he has like one of my favorite houses.
7. Rory - another one I considered. He’s kind of weird cute, but I like his theme and the lions all look pretty cuddly. I may regret leaving him behind.
8. Octavian
9. Pekoe - surprisingly cute
10. Pecan
11. Grizzly - I love him, but I already have (and love) Ike.
12. Leonardo
13. Yuka
14. Phoebe
15. Knox, ugh, again!
16. Pinky - pretty cute I might already regret not giving her a chance...and also for missing out on her house.
17. Tad
18. O’Hare - sad

cause I just let him go from my second island. But I am going to get him back on there someday!
19. Mathilda
20. Rooney
21. Deena - she weird and cute! I’m going a invite her. But also her interior is boring and I am going to ruin it.