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Villager Tier List for Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Updated: 5/19)

Lol what a funny video! The creator has scary similar taste to one of my discord friends
Right! lol I saw this today and I was hmmm.. that could be it. You must have a funny friend if they have similar taste haha
where did you get the sprites for raymond, judy, and audie from? i want to find cyd’s!
Ok I'm going to do a list of my villagers and where they are tiered vs how I actually feel about them. I'd love to see other lists like this from all of you.

- Hazel - (B Tier) - Hazel is my day one uchi. She's generally kind of grumpy towards me and I always find myself wondering what I could do to improve our friendship. As a day one, I will never let her move. We're in this till we fin' this.

- Bill - (C Tier ) - Bill is my day one jock. I don't care much for the jock class but I LOVE BILL OMG. He is THE cutest little duck ever and I want to just hug him forever. Also a day one. Also can never be allowed to move.

- Marcel - (D Tier) - Marcel is my 3rd villager and my first lazy. The lazy class are probably my favorites. I like Marcel but have no super close attachment to him. I'll allow him to move...one day. (He recently asked but I shut it down as I want some time with my og 10 for a while)

- Skye - (A Tier) - Skye is my 4th villager and first norm. I had no particular interest in her at first. I even came THIS close (you can't see my fingers but they are really close together) to letting her move early on but boy what an idiot I was. Skye is my second favorite villager and just an adorable, cute and enthusiastic little baby blue wolf and I adore her now. I'll most likely not let her move away ever.

- Tammi - (Untiered) - Let me look through all my pockets and then the couch cushions to see if I can find one single, solitary FORK to give that Tammi is untiered....hold on...looking...nope...nope no forks to give. Tammi is my 5th villager, my first peppy and my absolute FAVORITE person on my whole island. I heart Tammi. I would marry her crazy monkey self if I could. She is my bestie and I will never let her move away.

- Phil - (D Tier) - Phil is villager number 6 and was my first smug who arrived via the tent. I've truly liked Phil a lot since our first conversation. He's just so funny and much nicer than his blank, unfeeling stare might indicate. I may let him move off one day but it won't be for a while. Mostly because I love his home and the classic style furniture, brown/red theme he has going on.

- Gonzo - (Untiered) - Gonzo was my 7th villager and the only one I didn't have a hand in picking once I was allowed to do so. I didn't know you could only leave the lot there for one day before the game picked for you. Having said that, I'm not crazy about Gonzo but I do like having the little old gray man around. I'll probably let him move as soon as he asks though.

- Dizzy - (D Tier) - Dizzy was my 8th villager and OMG I LOVE DIZZY. His "kiddie" themed room. His lazy personality (my fav). Plus I'm an elephant freak. By far my favorite animal on earth. Dizzy will most likely live in Calla Bryn for the rest of his life.

- Willow - (D Tier) - At my 9th villager I still didn't have a snooty so I went island hopping for one and when I found her I thought she was pretty so I picked her. Her house is fab but I find her fairly uninteresting and I'll probably swap her out when she asks to move on.

- Raymond - ( S+ Tier) - I went island hopping for my number 10 as well and I was committed to finding a villager that was either A) Something really rare and weird like a robot or octopus or B) Someone who was just in very high demand so I can feel like I had a celeb on the island lol. Took about 25 islands and then I hit one full of pink and blue windflowers and BAM there was Raymond. I'll probably keep him around forvever because of his percieved value and also because I love his two different colored eyes and his nerdy vibe. That office theme he has going is killer.
Huge thank you for this list and all of the work that went into it! The sprites that you have for them are fantastic as well.
EOD Update:

Marina has been moved from S tier to A tier.

Octavian has been moved from A tier to B tier.
I have the feeling Zucker is S tier, for me it seems strange that he is in a lower tier than Ankha, I see a lot of people talking about Zucker online, he definitely has a huge fanbase.
I have the feeling Zucker is S tier, for me it seems strange that he is in a lower tier than Ankha, I see a lot of people talking about Zucker online, he definitely has a huge fanbase.
While he is popular, Ankha is definitely higher than Zucker, she is often snatched up and goes for high prices while also being looked for more than Zucker
While he is popular, Ankha is definitely higher than Zucker, she is often snatched up and goes for high prices while also being looked for more than Zucker
I definitely agree with that if the tier list is only based on selling price and trading, because she's a cat and there's many of them she's harder to find in game, but if you also consider general popularity and dreamies list I still think Zucker is top tier too.
I definitely agree with that if the tier list is only based on selling price and trading, because she's a cat and there's many of them she's harder to find in game, but if you also consider general popularity and dreamies list I still think Zucker is top tier too.
No I totally agree that Zucker is very popular, definitely a high tier 2 or low tier 2
Couple of suggestions (feel free to disagree, of course).

Ruby: B->A. She's very frequently posted in the discord with c/o of 30+ and b/o of around 50 (which are common price levels for other A-tiered villagers), and shows up occasionally as an LFT-request. I don't know how well she actually sells at those levels but I suspect it must be semi-decently otherwise we wouldn't keep seeing it. I don't think she's "high A", but I think she's A nonetheless. Definitely outperforms Genji, who I notice you also used to have at A but (correctly, I believe) moved down to B.

Pekoe: C->B. Similar to Ruby, I don't think her current tier (C) accurately reflects the prices she commands on discord. She's a 15-20 NMT trade, with seller-favorable deals closing (presumably - again, I of course can't be sure if the deal goes through) over 20 from time to time. In my mind that's a B, not a C, as C levels are going for 1-5 NMT on discord and show up frequently in the give away channel.

Zell: Stay C, but tag as "trending up" (although I could also support moving him to B, tentatively). I've seen a large influx of Zell "LFT" requests over the last 48 hours, whereas a week or two ago he was barely mentioned.

Pierce: C->D. He's a middle-of-the-road Jock in terms of popularity, and Jocks are already slanted toward the buyer because they're easily rerollable at game start (along with Uchi (Sisterly)). Anecdotal, but a friend tried to sell him for 1 NMT on discord and couldn't find a buyer after 12 hours; while helping her research his sale value I noted several threads indicating they ended up voiding him. There's also no way he's competitive with some of the other C Jocks like Ribbot, who gets good prices (15-25+) sometimes due to having a very strong cult following. This analysis probably applies to a few other C-tier Jocks but I don't have personal experience with them so limiting the comment to Pierce for the time being.

Ribbot: C->B. If Pierce and some of the other Jocks stay C there's no question he belongs in B. He clearly outsells them and can compete occasionally with other B villagers in cost due to his cult following. Of course, rerollability hurts him and the fact several actively dislike him (even if those who like him tend to REALLY like him), so he'll likely never be a "high B," let alone A. I think a similar case can be made for Sprocket but I don't see him LFT-requested ever, really, whereas Ribbot shows up semi-commonly in this regard, so I think Sprocket should stay C for now.

Mira: Tag as "trending down." Her popularity has taken a huge hit recently, I think in part due to how dirty they did her house in NH compared to NL.
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No I totally agree that Zucker is very popular, definitely a high tier 2 or low tier 2

Yeah I think too, maybe not as high as the highest ones like Raymond but just below !

I'm fairly new to the AC world so maybe I'm biased, but my newbie eyes see those names in multiple boards A LOT :
Raymond, Sherb, Audie, Fauna, Marshal, Merengue, Zucker, Beau, Coco, Julian, Ankha, Marina.
Yeah I think too, maybe not as high as the highest ones like Raymond but just below !

I'm fairly new to the AC world so maybe I'm biased, but my newbie eyes see those names in multiple boards A LOT :
Raymond, Sherb, Audie, Fauna, Marshal, Merengue, Zucker, Beau, Coco, Julian, Ankha, Marina.
Zucker and Marina are popular, but they’re quite common and don’t go for nearly as high a price as others in tier S. In fact quite recently I’ve often see people selling them for next to nothing quite recently. A is right for them.
Zucker and Marina are popular, but they’re quite common and don’t go for nearly as high a price as others in tier S. In fact quite recently I’ve often see people selling them for next to nothing quite recently. A is right for them.
Yeah I know that, it's true, but once again I have the feeling that in this case they're ranked solely according to selling prices and not general popularity like the initial post of the thread say... 😅 Just my opinion though.
Katt is Tier B?
I actually LOVE Katt but I thought most people didn't so this is surprising.
Couple of suggestions (feel free to disagree, of course).
I'll take all of this into consideration for today's update. Regarding Genji/Ruby and villagers like them... one thing I've found while making the list is that as other villagers have started to fall from S tier the quality of A tier has significantly increased and the threshold to actually be in it has increased. Ruby/Genji are definitely in the top for B tier though. I'm also looking at a couple of villagers that may be possibly demoted as well - Ketchup, for example.

The effect starts to trickle down. As I move villagers from S, some A villagers can be expected to be moved and so forth. The big move from B to C actually happened a few days ago so I don't expect much movement in that tier but I haven't had a chance to look over the data from today.

Katt is Tier B?
I actually LOVE Katt but I thought most people didn't so this is surprising.
Katt is actually fairly popular on Reddit and Discord.

Agreed! No way Tangy is more popular then Kiki. Kiki both sells for more and she is on more top 10 ten lists then Tangy.
Tangy is on the lower side of A tier. She's one of the villagers I'm going to be taking a look closely today. Kiki is solidly B tier though when compared directly to the likes of Lolly and Punchy.
Just to throw in my 2 cents here- I hardly ever see anyone talk about Kiki outside of her small, apparently devoted fanbase. I wouldn't rank her in even the top 5 of the cat villagers alone.

To everyone trending the Octopi down based solely on their slightly increased appearance rate on the NMT islands- accessibility does NOT necessarily equal "value".
If this were true, then all 8 of the new NH villagers would be the 8 most "valuable" villagers in the game, and on the forums, seeing as they are the only ones with no amiibos.
Just because something is slightly more accessible, that doesn't mean it's less popular. Marina and Zucker especially are widely beloved and their tier should reflect that.