This happened to at least two house on my island, I haven't been able to check everyone yet. An unnecessary and frustrating change.
Lolly was previously displaying 3 items on her shelves that I had gifted her - books, a plant, and a record player. Now she is only displaying 2 ribbons I have gifted her and no music player.
Molly was previously displaying 2 items on a shelf I had gifted her - a music player and a stack of books. Today there was nothing on the shelf, it was just empty. Edit: Day 2, now the books are back but still no music player.
Is there a new limit on how many things they can display in their house or is this just bad rng? It's odd that some items have just disappeared with nothing new in their place.
I have noticed this yet. But I hope my villagers will be sensible and keep their hats on their heads, not on the table. In any case, I will just gift them something else to place on tables if they decided to display their fashionable hats and glasses. They usually place in their houses the items I give them, so I’m not too worried about this.
Still, it’s weird they made this change in the way they decorate their houses...
Not when it comes at the cost of throwing out proper counter furniture. In the example image I shared above, Mitzi got rid of her alarm clock for glasses. It's so uncool. I'd rather have glasses on the floor than taking up the alarm clock spot
It probably depends on the villager, but the thing I preferred about the floor is that it easier to predict where they would put things and replace them.
One of my villagers has 1 open space on her floor, and whenever I would give her a new hat or ribbon, she would usually put it there, so it was always easy to replace by just gifting her another floor item. Now she has 3 more spaces on shelves she can display it, so it makes the process of replacing it more complicated.
I don't really mind when they replace their regular furniture with my items so I'm not bothered by it. I'd rather see them put it somewhere that makes it kind of blend in/look natural. It's cool to see their rooms change through our relationship together