Villagers you wanted but then disliked?


I know that she was one of the popular villagers and I got her after spending 250 nmts last year. Over time I started to like her less. Something about the way her eyes was looking at me was making me feel uncomfortable. She was always staring at me and making me feel like she was up to something. Her home was just a Wooden Block Set which I am not really a fan of since at the time I didn't know what to expect. Then by the end of the year she was thinking about moving out and I let her go. At least I got her Photo and Poster so I am not completely heartless. Not that I "dislike" her, but she really wasn't making me feel comfortable.
the first one to come to mind is Apple - for context i ADORED her in NL so obviously I wanted to have her on my island, but something about the peppy personalities in NH just didn't seem to match up with my memory of her from NL so i let her go. it slightly broke my heart but more because she didn't match up to my expectations than because i was actually upset to move her out - i was going to move her back in if i missed her too much but i've found new peppy villagers now who i feel fit the personality better
the first one to come to mind is Apple - for context i ADORED her in NL so obviously I wanted to have her on my island, but something about the peppy personalities in NH just didn't seem to match up with my memory of her from NL so i let her go. it slightly broke my heart but more because she didn't match up to my expectations than because i was actually upset to move her out - i was going to move her back in if i missed her too much but i've found new peppy villagers now who i feel fit the personality better
You just reminded me of when I had punchy.
I loved him in new leaf. Had his amiibo but I lost it. I ordered a new amiibo of him before new horizons came out specially to have him on my island.

But when I had him, the dialogue was just all wrong. Punchy is a cool laid back cat. He does not talk to bugs and stuff.
The personality just no longer worked with him.

It works amazing for other lazy villagers.
But punchy? No way

So sadly he had to leave.
I have a couple of these.

First one was Kiki. I had her in my new leaf town and I really liked her there. When I first started playing new horizons, she was actually the first villager I found in the islands. I was supper exited to have her. Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with her as much as when I had her on new leaf. I tried too, but I just didn’t connect. Her house exterior is also not very likeable.

Then there was Lucky. I did not have him in new leaf, but I knew I wanted him in new horizons. Even before the game came out, I purchased his Amiibo card. Too bad he looks completely different in new leaf. I just couldn’t get used to him. In new leaf he has a rugged look. His bandages are more pronounced. In new horizons, he looks quite clean. Too clean to be a mummy.

Blaire, Ken, and Hamphrey. All three of these I had in new leaf, so I was sure I would want them in new horizons as well. Their houses just aren’t as nice. I brought over Blaire, but her house doesn’t match my island. Ken and Hamphrey I didn’t bother trying them out, because I know they won’t match.

Muffy: The sheep look way different in new horizons. I can’t get used to the look. Its so unfortunate, because I really liked her in new leaf.

I also invited over Raymond a couple of times. I thought his coloring would fit in nice with my other villagers. Unfortunately. I don’t think I like him as much as my other villagers though, so he was replaced.

i only liked him because he had a playful look to him. but he just never caught my attention outside of that and isnt interesting to me at all
I kept seeing Dom everywhere online and thought he was cute to have and I stated to make it my mission to find him and I ended up finding him on a mystery island so I was excited to have him. He is cute but his colour theme doesn’t really match with my island.
I've been cycling villagers and I've gone through many villagers I've thought I'd like. I really wouldn't say that I "dislike" them though. More like, we just didn't click.

Lucky. He was my starting lazy, and the 3rd villager I came across on mystery islands. I really like his design, and I had him in New Leaf for a long time so I invited him immediately. But for some reason, after some time, I just didn't find him adorable anymore. Maybe if I invited him again today, things would be a bit different. I had a different mindset last year.

Axel. I thought an elephant villager would be interesting to have. But I didn't get any some sort of attachment to him, and I mostly ignored him.

Phoebe. Ooh. A phoenix. I thought it's really cool at first, but became pretty meh after a while.

Puck. The athletic but lazy concept got me interested. But he didn't have the same appeal I get with other lazies.
maybe audie. i have her on my island rn but my feeling of her is just bland. i personally liked wendy more than audie. wendy moved already. why? i dont know... i just cant get along with her. also personality have decreased a lot in this game, so yeah thats it
Euince! I've loved her in every game before and was a permanent dreamie. I got her in new horizons, and she was around for a little over a month. She was jus so boring...
My most disappointing ever was Celia.

I thought that I was going to love her. She's my birthday twin (or one of them, as Billy has the same birthday too) and a cute looking eagle! Well... she turned out to be so incredibly dull. I don't know why, but she seemed more boring than any of the other Normal villagers I've had. Once our birthday had passed, I was more than happy to let her go.
Marina, I thought she was cute at first, but the initial attraction faded off quick. I've learned I'm pretty picky about normal type villagers and very few I actually end up liking. I do not hate her or anything, but she's just not my personal cup of tea.
I really wanted Wolfgang at one point, but I didn’t vibe with him. I prefer Lobo.
Definitely Raymond lol

I spent so much time trying to find him, visited over 300 islands and ended up paying quite a bit for him
But after all of this, he just didn't appeal to me. His design was pretty nice, but I already had other smugs that I liked a lot better, and he just ended up being too much and I decided to let him go

Haven't had any interest in getting him back, either