• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Visitor Rules?

My number one town rule is..
No running. In ACCF, my grass was destroyed by people who visited kept on running..
Other then that I'm fine.
Regarding the running concerns... haven't we concluded by now that grass wear is very minimal in this game? I haven't heard any horror stories and many here have had the game for 6+ months now.
would people really lie about that?! i feel like you would have to be a huge a**h*** to do that.

i hope i added some decent people because if someone destroys my town i will find them and i will eat their souls.
no fruit picking?! that's my main point for going to other towns!! it'll grow back...geez.

no fruit picking?! that's my main point for going to other towns!! it'll grow back...geez.


I think the no fruit picking thing is more along the lines of wiping out the entire towns fruit supply lol, or just shaking every fruit tree for no reason.
Regarding the running concerns... haven't we concluded by now that grass wear is very minimal in this game? I haven't heard any horror stories and many here have had the game for 6+ months now.

My concern with the running also includes flowers. I plan to have plenty of flowers in my town and running on them will destroy them.
I think the no fruit picking thing is more along the lines of wiping out the entire towns fruit supply lol, or just shaking every fruit tree for no reason.

Animal Crossing has trolls too :( but its a nice idea to have a special list with honorable persons that play serious. Also I saw an adult only thread for those who feel more comfortable knowing the other one is a grown up too.
Just some ideas(These are not rules of my town btw):

-No shaking trees without owner's permission
-If finds a rare bug, inform the owner before catching it
-No digging/chopping flowers, rocks, trees, bushes, or bamboo
-No depositing the last amount for a PWP
-No littering
-No picking up patterns
-No running
-No picking up random items whether it be in town or Lost and Found
-No pitfalls

I'm totally for a rules list, but some of these seem excessive such as:
-No pitfalls
-No depositing the last amount for a PWP
-If finds a rare bug, inform the owner before catching it
and even:
-No buying items without owner's permission
Rules are one thing, but man some of you might as well be running North Korea.

Pitfalls are in the game for fun, it's not like you'll fall into one and your entire town will fall into some horrid massive sinkhole.
I'm totally for a rules list, but some of these seem excessive such as:
-No pitfalls
-No depositing the last amount for a PWP
-If finds a rare bug, inform the owner before catching it
and even:
-No buying items without owner's permission

I'm glad someone else pointed this out. I thought the same thing but I didn't want to start a fight... :p If we do create a list, it will just be the obvious stuff like chopping down trees. If someone really is bothered by these things, they can enforce them in their own town but they're not going in a forum wide list.

Pitfalls are in the game for fun, it's not like you'll fall into one and your entire town will fall into some horrid massive sinkhole.

Pretty much this. I'm stealing this from Jer but I encourage pitfalls in my town!
How would people fake a screenshot? Unless they provided one that wasn't theirs, but that's why I said provide evidence. I implied multiple evidence, not just once.
It's mostly because I saw it on another forum, used with Pokemon, and trades and scams and junk and it worked really good. They even had a report system. Which involved bringing it to the moderators attention, and then the moderator went over both sides in a PT to make sure there wasn't a miscommunication. The decision was made then by the mod whether the person being accused was accused for actually doing what they were reported for or if it was just someone trying to be malicious.

It could work, but it also could not. Either way, there's only a certain amount of people I'm playing with in the game that have come to show they're pretty good with boundaries and rules, for now.
Thanks for all of the advice everyone. I will try giving out my FC and will definitely tell the mods to keep an eye on a certain person if they are being malicious. Thanks again!
I suppose people who do ruin someones town could be treated and handled in such a way as Pok?mon trading forums do.

I doubt there would be much trouble around these parts, though you never know.
I doubt there would be much trouble around these parts, though you never know.

In my honest opinion....why get mad at people coming to your town to buy furniture or get new fruit? That's one of the biggest reasons people visit other towns.

If you want to make a deal out of it, you should buy the furniture you want before hand and lighten up on the fruit. As long as they aren't shaking all of your trees down or just taking the perfect fruit, it shouldn't matter. Also, if you have visitors, you should let them take the fossils in the ground. If you don't want them taking them, dig them up before you invite people to your town! It's that simple!

Edit: Also, if they find a rare bug or any bug you don't have, you should be kind and let them catch it.

General Rules:
- If a path is provided, use the path / If a path is provided, ask before you walk/run on the grass
- No stealing flowers, please buy your own
- No cutting down trees
- If you shake a tree for it's fruit, please pick all of the fruit up
- Don't say things that may offend or make others uncomfortable
- Refill holes that you dig
- When in doubt, ask first!
After general rules there can be town specific rules that should be discussed between the people partaking in the visit.
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My rules are:

- No chopping trees or picking foliage
- No running unless if on concrete or on designated paths
- Try not to pick up patterns; If it's by accident it's forgiven
- Picking fruit is fine, just don't shake the delicious fruit trees

And the biggest rule of all:

I also feel that since you have the power to buy items and sell fruit before you open up your doors that it shouldn't be a forum wide rule. And no pitfalls is ridiculous.
My rules are:
No cutting down trees (without permission)
Please dont run or steal my flowers!
No picking up my patterns or paths on the ground
If you find an item on the ground please tell me and I will say if you can have it or not
If you shake a tree for it's fruit, please pick all of the fruit up
Please re-fill the holes you dig

Running OK!
Buying things in my town OK
Catch all the fish and bugs you'd like~

please bring me some fruit so we can trade fruits?
I love gifts ;)
Lets play some mini games on the island? :D

Other then those, I hope you'd have a great time in my town. (Hopefully town name will be Harajuku) :)
I'd say

- Buying items are fine
- Pitfalls are fun
- It doesn't matter which town you are in when you catch a rare bug or a fish, what's yours is yours (unless if you want to trade)
- Tree shaking is fine, just pick the fruits up. Careful when you shake delicious fruit trees though, they might go naked.
- Most important accepted rule: have fun