Wagon of Mirrors - That's All, Folks!

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kakashi at the eifel tower holding a love ball time has come...
i cant deny i laughed so hard at this 😭 time 2 flop once again

edit: here is the man of the hour for anyone that needs a good laugh today (idk why i had it saved)
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I don't think I stand much chance at getting any of these correct ahaha, but I'm really curious about the special raffle... 👀
When I saw the challenge I thought "yeah, this is gonna be easy". Then I saw the 2017 ones and immediately lost any confidence. But who knows? Maybe my extensive Nintendo knowledge will finally pay off.
Woo boy I’m always terrible at these but I’m ready to try my best!
i think i got, like. only one of these right last time lmao. maybe two? but it was definitely very headache inducing 😵‍💫
kakashi at the eifel tower holding a love ball time has come...

i cant deny i laughed so hard at this 😭 time 2 flop once again

edit: here is the man of the hour for anyone that needs a good laugh today (idk why i had it saved)

the laugh i let out anytime i see this meme mirror LOL ahhhhh live laugh love kakashi at the eiffel tower holding a love ball 💖
i cant deny i laughed so hard at this 😭 time 2 flop once again

edit: here is the man of the hour for anyone that needs a good laugh today (idk why i had it saved)
Real "Jigglypuff from above" vibes with this one.

Welp, guess it's time to get ready, tonight's the night for mirror guessing!
I am crying when I look at the 2017 ones. Watch me getting 0 tokens from this event 👀😭
Oh boy 😭 I know like 10 nintendo characters so these are always fun.
I think over the last few events like this I've actually gotten better at it, but I may just be overly confident before seeing the new batch.
Are mirrors actually this bad? also, we should name all the characters we know, so we can refer back to them when the mirrors arrive.
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