Looking For Want: Dobie Have: 300K Bells or 2 Orange Roses

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Senior Member
Nov 24, 2019
Silver Mailbox
100% (2) +
Looking for Dobie. He's the last dreamie want in my town. Can offer 2 Orange Roses or 300K Bells or both. IDC if he's original or not, I just want him in before a villager from an online interaction randomly decides to ruin my chance of getting Dobie in at this current moment. FC: 4313-5212-1176. Available past 9:00 PM Mon-Sat and past 8:00 PM Sundays. My mayor name is Matthew (which is also my Mii name). Thanks in advance and have a nice day/night.
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I can offer you original Dobie in boxes.
Since I have all game items I want, you can have him for free.
You didn't note your time zone.
Mine is UTC+1 (Germany) but I put my town online unattended so you can come around when it's convenient for you.
I can offer you original Dobie in boxes.
Since I have all game items I want, you can have him for free.
You didn't note your time zone.
Mine is UTC+1 (Germany) but I put my town online unattended so you can come around when it's convenient for you.

CST. It'll have to wait until past 9:00 PM my time as I'm out during the day and even though I have time RN, my system refuses to go online until after 5:00 PM for whatever reason.
9PM CST will be 0400 for me, so I put the console online over my night time.
Just come along and adopt Dobie on your own when the time is OK for you. :)
9PM CST will be 0400 for me, so I put the console online over my night time.
Just come along and adopt Dobie on your own when the time is OK for you. :)

It said "Moved out" when I came to adopt. So someone on your Friend List beat me to it. Honestly, this is why I purge my Friend List of FCs every week so when people adopt from me, I don't have to deal with this. Not calling you a bad trader or anything but I'm upset with whichever person decided to do this stunt.
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