Ive always loved jellyfish so can't be happier! There's a whole selection of them too and they're all beautiful!! Will aim to get a row of jellyfish *p*
Every piece of art, every collectible, every idea is a masterpiece. I am so in love with that bee plush! Gotta have it and a bunch of flowers and jellyfish. And that forest backdrop! Ahhhhhhh so amazing!
What a wonderful amount of creative work for this event!!
I absolutely LOVE every single Collectible *The Pen wonders if it’s even possible to acquire them all*
Those Plushies! The 3 pc Oarfish set! Gotta have that Patch! Ooo the jellies! That beautiful ocean Pearl!
All simply amazing
i'm so excited for camp! this seems like so much fun, thanks staff! looking forward to bunking with my cabin 4 buddies ☺
i love the art and new collectibles shoutout to the new staff @Mick@Mistreil@NefariousKing for their stunning work!