Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Sendo Senkusha ~

As he laid eyes on Suzuya, Sendo nearly dropped the case he held to go strangle him. If it weren't for what was inside, he probably would have--but he didn't. He held back the urge to say something rude, but his pride as a gentlemen told him to be polite to the boy and his partner. "Would anyone like some cake? There is plenty to go around. I'm going to make some tea as well." he said, placing the briefcase and cake on the table and opening them up. Inside the case was an intricately designed set of china: a teapot, saucers, teacups, little bowls and some utensils too. He lifted each piece very carefully out and put them on the table as gentle as possible; they were very special to him.

When he was finished, he put on a pot of water to brew up some of his favorite blend, watching Suzuya closely to make sure he didn't try anything funny.
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Once finishing my song, I pulled down the cover for the piano keys, my eyes heavy with the need to sleep. Stepping out of the music room, I made my way to the servant's quarters, and grabbing a blanket out of a closet, I laid down on a couch, the scents of gunpowder lulling me to sleep.

.: Suzuya :.

"mm.. you know, it's confusing, but I think I do..?" Suzuya mumbled more to himself, not making much sense as he was trying to comprehend the emotion of love. to no avail.

It would probably be better to wrap his mind around it tomorrow, the Albino was far too tired from the long meeting that old bag Charles held earlier and his thoughts kept trailing off the subject now due to not wanting his cheeks to heat up like that.

However, it wasn't long until Suzuya registered the new arrivals in the room now that he actually looked over there, giving a small wave from the counter he was perched on.

although the Albino really did love sweets above nearly anything else, yet he also knew most of the food in the mansion would be laced with poisons, especially from one of the killers, it was probably poisoned after all.

"Ah! uhm.. Is it poisoned, desu??" Suzuya exclaimed with a rather puzzled expression, looking rather conflicted since it was true that he loved sweets, yet also true that dying didn't sound so pleasant, not to mention the Albino was simply confused about his earlier discussion with Komaeda.

.: Charles :.

Once everyone left and was dismissed, Charles started out of the room with a long strut and went down the halls to find himself a new place to hide, tomorrow would be interesting, most interesting indeed.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda advanced over to the man suspiciously, squinting at him then returning to his usual, kind smile. "I'll take some," he said coldly, standing up straight. "Nagito Komaeda, pleased to meet you," he said with his back turned, standing over next to Suzuya protectively, glaring for a moment at Koizumi.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi looked a little confused at Komaeda's coldness towards her and Sendo. She tried her best to look comfortable with Suzuya here, staring at the table, sweating. "It's not poisoned, I don't think.. he was gonna let me have some, so you should respect that he's willing to share."

The female watched Charles head to bed, smiling, pleased with his compliment. She turned, skipping after Jasper in curiosity. She would let the cattle know of her hostage soon enough, but for now, she was curious as to how Jasper was going to create these videos. He said he would make them believable, so that means they would be fake. But... how?

Z entered the room, leaning in the doorway and tilting her head to look at him.
"You've had this idea awhile?"​

The female watched Charles head to bed, smiling, pleased with his compliment. She turned, skipping after Jasper in curiosity. She would let the cattle know of her hostage soon enough, but for now, she was curious as to how Jasper was going to create these videos. He said he would make them believable, so that means they would be fake. But... how?

Z entered the room, leaning in the doorway and tilting her head to look at him.
"You've had this idea awhile?"​

Jasper didn't look up from his work as he answered back, "Yes, I have. Why? Does that surprise you?" Jasper grinned to himself. He really did enjoy his work. It did make life interesting after all. And if you loved what you did, what better way was there to live?
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Sendo Senkusha, pleased to meet you as well." Sendo said with a grin as he finished the tea. He said nothing about the others' discussion about poison--he would never taint his favorite dessert, after all. He left it unsaid though and began pouring for cups of tea; not asking if anyone didn't want any. Sendo sat next to Koizumi and placed one of the cups of tea in front of her as well as a slice of the cake before taking a sip of his own tea. The sheer taste of the delightful cup of bliss warmed his cold soul, soothing his nerves for but a moment before he took another sip to get that warm feeling all over again. Though there was nothing quite like the first sip of a good cup of tea. "So," he started, unable to cope with the silence, "that was some meeting, eh?"
Nagito Komaeda

"The meeting..? Ah, I remember now! He said you didn't kill anyone yet.. did you?"
Komaeda asked, looking closely at the man, grinning. "Did all your hope disappear? Did it all vanish because you can't kill anyone?" Komaeda sneered, only with a hint of friendliness behind his smile. "...were you too scared?" he mumbled, narrowing his eyes mischievously.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi sat uncomfortably when she noticed the taller white-haired man approach Sendo, afraid for what was going to happen next. She didn't feel she should interfere because she might've caused all this. She took a small bite of the cake she recieved from Sendo, surprised to how good it was. When she did realize so, she looked over at Suzuya and stuck out her tongue at the boy and kept eating.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Oh no," Sendo said, very matter-of-factly after another sip of tea, "I have all the hope I need and more. I have very few fears in this world and I do things at my own pace." He leaned forward with a very serious face before adding: "Everyone knows the tortoise won the race." with that, he leaned back in his chair and laughed. "You're very amusing." he commented before finishing off the last bit of his tea. Sendo liked it when people attempted to get on his nerves with petty words, it was fun to see what kind of silly things they thought would upset him.
Nagito Komaeda

"You're pretty interesting too,"
the tall boy smiled, standing up straight and looking down at him. "Ah, that's right - slow and steady wins the race, doesn't it? I forgot to ask- how's the girl doing?" he asked cheerfully, putting a hand on Koizumi's shoulder and looking down at her. "Is your ear doing well? Could I check?" he inquired, poking the bandages covering her ear.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi began to get irritated from this tall guy - why was he poking her? He was probably even worse than Suzuya was.. She looked at Sendo briefly for help, then realizing it was no use since he was just 'spectating' her and let it happen.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"She's doing fine," Sendo said, waving his hand at Komaeda to give Mahiru some personal space, "don't you have somewhere to be?" He was tired of these two and their shenanigans; he just wanted them to leave now. Sendo glanced at Koizumi, hoping Komaeda hadn't hurt her ear by poking the bandages.
Nagito Komaeda

"Not particularly - I haven't made any plans to kill anyone yet. Why?"
Komaeda asked, beginning to pry gently at the bandages but enough to irritate the other. "Does it bother you? I didn't expect this from you!" he laughed amusedly, continuing his actions.

Koizumi Mahiru

The man's actions began a dull aching in Koizumi's ear. She winced slightly, not really expecting Sendo to help and hoping they'd leave.
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo gritted his teeth, standing up and yanking Komaeda by the collar of his shirt so that their eyes met. "Try that again, I dare you." he said seriously, "See what happens when you mess with my victims." Sendo's eyes narrowed, he was ready to attack him if he persisted--and he'd have no qualms about taking off a limb, or maybe even jamming one of the forks from the table into Komaeda's ear. If there was anything he didn't like, it was fools like this trying to get in the way of his work.
Nagito Komaeda

"Right, right! Wouldn't want that now, do we?"
Komaeda smiled, pulling the man's arm off of him and grinning. "Looks like I hit a nerve there. My bad," he beamed, in a good mood for finally figuring out what this man was doing. "Aren't I making your job easier? I could help you out by killing her here and now - you could take the credit and Charles could see hope in you again! What do you say?" he asked, holding out a hand to him. Now he almost forgot that Suzuya was here - after all, he would do anything to be of use to someone else or even better - provide hope to someone else.

Z quirked her brow, shaking her head before lowering her voice slightly.
"Not at all, it's expected from you. I mean, you're basically Charles's dog.~"
She teased a little, making sure her tone was far from aggressive. She didn't want to get on Jasper's bad side, she'd heard what he could do and wasn't interested in becoming his next kill.
"It's amazing though, that you can put all that together yourself. You're clever and cruel. I like that."
She smiled, looking at his equipment but not touching it; she knew it was fragile and she couldn't ruin a plan like his.​
Jasper replied, "Well, you'd be the same way if you lived around Charles for the past 10 years. He's the one who saved me from my dreaded past." Jasper softly laughed. "If I couldn't do this much, what kind of help would I be?"

Jasper smiled. "Thanks. Your plan is quite clever as well. How long have you been working that out?" Jasper continued to work while he waited for her answer.

That was something Z didn't know. It shocked her, and she stared curiously at him, her gaze narrowing with thoughts. Before she spoke, she shook her head to rid herself of the wonder, and nodded, pursing her lips.
"It's a good thing you're around then, who knew if he would last this long without you."
She didn't intend on flattering him, and her eyebrows furrowed with confusion as the words came out of her lips. She set her bear down by the door, the metal objects hidden within it banging against one another.
"Not long, to be honest... Koko was an easy target so I just did what I had to do. I'm not really sure what will happen if they get past my traps..."​
Jasper nodded, his hands still at work on the computer in front of him. "Yes, it is a good thing, I suppose. I have a question. By any chance, are you still hanging on to that little teddy bear? I was considering making videos on the killers too for a bit of extra enjoyment and I found quite the information on you. And yes, Koko must have been quite the catch. She wasn't too hard to find information about either. I doubt anyone would miss her. She seems so invisible at this point."
"It's unfortunate she had to disappear so early on. She couldn't even make alliances."
Shaking her head, she folded her arms with a sigh.
"And I do hang onto it. It's my weapon cache. I couldn't be without it or else I would only have one weapon."
Z moved around to behind him, taking a peek at the screen before scrunching her nose with distaste.
"And what sort of information did you find? Hopefully more than I know. I'm curious about my past."​