Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Jasper replied, "That only goes to show how weak Koko really is." Jasper finalized the videos and looked over them a few times to make sure they were done correctly. "Well, that's interesting. Keeping your weapons in such an innocent compartment. It may seem obscure to the others but to the trained eye, you can clearly tell you're hiding something."

When Z came up behind him, Jasper closed the screen of his laptop. "You'll find out later when everyone else does." He turned to face her and gave her a sly smile. "No peeking. That would ruin the fun."
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Z smirked, pleased with the fact that Jasper had noticed and acknowledged where she keeps her weapons. It almost satisfied her that someone had finally said something about it. Quickly moving to pick up the bear and hug it within her arms, she skipped back beside him and shrugged.
"Fine, but I'm going to give you constructive criticism afterwards.~"
With a little wink, she turned to head out the door slowly, almost dreading the boring task of handling Koko once more.​
Jasper nodded. "I expect as much." He stood up, beginning to pack away his equipment and placing it in a black duffel bag which he would hide in his little room in the study until it was time to present the videos. "Well, I'm going to head out then. Goodbye." Jasper walked out of the room, carrying his duffel bag with him as he headed towards the study. There was plenty to do until it was time. And speaking of, he still needed to track down Teela and strip her down, as he had promised Charles he would.

The female didn't respond to his farewell, she quickly skipped down the hall to make her way towards the kitchen. There were voices echoing from there, and she decided it would be a nice place to start to give warning about her hostage. As Charles had asked her if cattle should become killers, she decided that whoever rescued Koko would be given immunity... at least for a little while. That would mean their pitiful lives would be spared until they did something weak and caused Z's disgust to spike.

Now to determine which one would go that far to save another poor life... if anyone would.

She stepped into the kitchen, swaying on her feet back and forth to examine those who were in the room. She knew all of them, yet none knew her. She wasn't around until now, she had been assigned to steal Koko right under Suzuya's nose without him noticing. Luckily, the boy's attention was never too focused, so it was quick for Z and she had plenty of time to play with the girl. Perhaps Suzuya would be strong enough to save Koko, after all, they were friends.​
Jasper dropped the duffel bag on the bed in his secret room before exiting it and going back into the main study. Once he confirmed that it was locked and sealed, he went towards the servant's room, hoping Teela might be in there. He knocked on the door and waited for a response.
Still asleep, I couldn't hear him. The only audible sound coming from the room was when I curled up into a ball and when I occasionally murmured in my deep sleep.
There was no response. Jasper swung open the door loudly and stormed inside to find Teela fast asleep on the bed. He thought for a moment. Should he wake her up or just strip her in her sleep like Charles had suggested?
"W-wha!" I shouted, nearly falling off of the couch. I spun around, glaring at Jasper. "What do you want now, pervert!" I shouted.
Jasper put his hands up. "I'm not the pervert here. I'm just doing my job and I know you have weapons on you still. Give them to me or I will be forced to strip you down myself to get them."
"I don't have any weapons on me! I gave all of them to you!" I lied, holding up a pillow in the events he would attack.
Jasper sighed. "Teela, Teela. I can hear the tangent sounds of your lies as they pass through my ears. I really don't have time for your shenanigans." Jasper walked closer, approaching Teela. "I'll try to make this quick for both of your sakes. Just don't move too much."
"Lay a finger on me, I'll shove this down your pants!" I threatened, pulling out a grenade from the pillow. As he stepped closer I remained my place. While anger shone on my face, my eyes were filled woth fear of him.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino had begun spacing out and wasn't really aware of what was going on around him, that is until Koizumi stuck her tongue out at him, which caused Suzuya to grimace in discomfort, resulting in the Albino hopping off the counter, then he was just about to go to hide behind Komaeda in a rather shy fashion to avoid the awkward situation.

However Suzuya hadn't expected Komaeda and Send to be bickering and looking down on each other like that, this caused him to stop in his tracks as he stared vacantly at the situation presented before him, taking a moment to simply stare and take it all in.

Although soon, the Albino found himself scurrying over and pulling Komaeda's hand away so the other couldn't offer it to the man, then narrowing his eyes and giving a glare towards Sendo, almost as if saying 'touch this and i'll bite you', it was a little silly how Suzuya was acting, but the male was probably jealous of the little gesture and confused about the fighting.

Though through all of this, it looked like Z would have to make a noise to be noticed.

"Lay a finger on me, I'll shove this down your pants!" I threatened, pulling out a grenade from the pillow. As he stepped closer I remained my place. While anger shone on my face, my eyes were filled woth fear of him.

(Um... I don't want to start a fight now...)

Jasper laughed. "You're not going to do that. In order to do that, you'd have to actually approach me. Besides, you can't fool me. I can see the fear on your face. Just be a good girl and give me all your weapons. If you're nice, I might let you keep one or two." Jasper winked.
"F-fine... I'll d-do it..." I muttered, turning my back to him. "D-do I still have to... Um... Strip?" I asked, my cheeks bright red with humiliation.
Jasper thought for a moment. "I still don't seem to be able to trust you so, yes, please strip then place your weapons on the ground next to you. Afterwards, I will decide which you will be allowed to keep, if any."
"B-bu..." I cut myself off, knowing my chances of getting any weapons were already low enough. My hands trembled as I undid my dress, my shaking clearly noticible as it fell to the ground leaving me only in my undergarments. Bending down, I was extremely careful with placing it on the floor. "D-do I have t-to take off t-the rest...?" I whimpered, my face burning now as I rubbed my scarred arm.
Jasper shook his head. "No, I think that should be enough. Now, where are the weapons?" Jasper regarded her with a cold, lifeless stare but his main focus were the weapons. It didn't faze him one bit how Teela was practically naked in front of him. Jasper wasn't bothered. He's seen enough naked bodies of his victims after he's killed and mutilated them.
"T-there..." I murmured, pointing to my blunderbuss and the grenade neatly set aside on the ground. "Um... C-could I put my clothes back on? I-I don't have any weapons in them, but if you plan to check, could I at least cover myself up with a b-blanket or something?" I questioned Jasper, Turning to glance at him, my cheeks still had a burning feeling to them from the humiliation Jasper has had me go through.
"Is that all of them?" Jasper walked over to inspect her weapons. He easily replied, "You may grab a blanket." Jasper grew curious about the girl's behavior. He asked, "Why does it sound like you're stuttering your words? Why are you nervous? This is completely normal. You shouldn't be scared." Jasper gathered up the grenades and continued, "You can keep the blunderbuss. That seems to be the least destructive out of everything here."