Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Koizumi Mahiru

"I can't agree more.. believe me, I know what you're going through. Don't worry, I won't kill anyone either no matter how much Charles bribes me,"
Mahiru smiled again, feeling a little relieved that the girl wasn't so tense anymore. "I'm Koizumi Mahiru - and.. the guy up against the wall is named Sendo. He can be a little cary at times," she chuckled a bit, but her face soon dimmed down to a solemn expression once more.
Yuki Shiro ~

"That's good," Yuki replied, looking cheerful again. She sat quietly for a little while before speaking up, "Um, I hope this isn't too weird but... is Sendo your boyfriend?" Yuki's naive question could have hushed a large crowd from the sheer awkwardness. "I mean, you seem awfully worried about him." she added, figuring she should explain her reason for asking.
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"Y-you make me feel safe..." I murmured, though I had no idea what I was saying. "So c-could you p-please just consider staying? Or at least h-helping me?" I asked. By now my cheeks felt they were on fire.

Jasper laughed. "I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're just joking but I have some business to attend to real quick. If you would like, I can return here after I'm done with my errands." Jasper looked expectantly at Teela, waiting for her answer. He smirked when he realized that she was blushing as well. Ah, puppy love, how innocent and cute, he could exploit this.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi was surprised that the girl would ask such a thing - Sendo, her boyfriend? "Of course not! Anyone would get concerned if someone's about to die, even if they're a killer," Koizumi huffed, getting slightly flustered at the sudden question. It was unthinkable - her and a killer? She was going to stop him from following her around once she knows well that he was in good condition. "It's silly you would ask such a question - I'm going to leave him soon anyways!" she sighed, trying to sport a gentler tone for Yuki. She didn't even know for sure if she meant those words - she was just beginning to grow fond of the suspicious man too.
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.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya released just as soon as he felt the finger press into his eye like that, not wanting to get his vision impaired the albino let go of the other with a yelp as Komaeda pulled him away, winching as he instantly covered his eye, it hurt pretty bad and was throbbing with discomfort but thankfully the eye wasn't penetrated.

Absently, Suzuya spat out Sendo's blood and skin tissue from his mouth, making a disgusted face as he did so.
"Komaeda, it's gross desu~ He's not sweet at all.." The albino mumbled distastefully as he winced from the pain coming from his eye.

Soon the albino stuck out his tongue, wanting the flavor to go away or else Suzuya felt he might hurl soon from it, though his attention soon focused on Z, the albino would be curious as to why was she standing in the doorway like that if he wasn't feeling like he was about to vomit.

Yuki Shiro ~

"You're right, it was pretty silly to assume," Yuki replied shyly, regretting her question. She often spoke her mind without thinking about the consequences until it was too late. "Err, anyway, I suppose I should go now..." she added. Yuki figured it would be best to leave the kitchen now, since she really didn't know these people and the blood on the floor made her uneasy. Not to mention she was a little scared to think about Sendo waking up--she'd seen how strange he was at the meeting. She didn't really give Koizumi time to reply before walking swiftly off after a quick "Bye!" and a wave.
"Oh... It would be comforting if you did come back when you finish..." I murmured, adverting my gaze towards the ground. 'If this works, I could achieve so much! Perhaps world domination! No, no. Teela, you're a maid. World domination is far beyond your limits. But I could gain control of the game. Maybe even get Jasper to aid me in finding Charles!' I thought to myself, trying to hide the excitement.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi had no idea how to reply to Yuki's words. "Er.. bye, Yuki," she said with a weak smile before turning back to Sendo. What were her feelings towards him anyways? She certainly didn't feel much negative feelings - in fact, she felt protected around him. She didn't know whether or not to trust him because he kept saying he wanted to kill her but he wanted to save her. She did feel concern for him, but.. this is a lot more concern that is required of a 'cattle' for a killer.
"Oh... It would be comforting if you did come back when you finish..." I murmured, adverting my gaze towards the ground. 'If this works, I could achieve so much! Perhaps world domination! No, no. Teela, you're a maid. World domination is far beyond your limits. But I could gain control of the game. Maybe even get Jasper to aid me in finding Charles!' I thought to myself, trying to hide the excitement.

Jasper nodded and he added with a wink, "We'll see about that." He walked out of the room, leaving Teela standing behind as he stormed towards the study. It was almost morning. These videos will be the perfect wake-up call to the guests, unless they're all still awake, which Jasper knew they would be. Most people in this mansion tended to become insomniacs after only a few days here. Jasper, being one of them. Although, coffee usually calmed his spirits down and kept his energy levels high enough to function on little to no sleep.
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo opened his eyes slowly, seeing a bandage around his arm as everything came into focus, and his blood stained the kitchen floor with drag-marks. As he gathered his thoughts, he looked over at Koizumi. "You're... still here." he said with relief, having expected her to leave him after all that happened a little while ago. Not only that--she was definitely the one who fixed up his arm. Though fatigued, Sendo found his way to his feet and lifted his left hand to adjust his hat; but he quickly realized it wasn't there. Glancing around the kitchen, his eyes landed on his favorite headwear in Mahiru's hands.
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Koizumi Mahiru

"Are you okay? You should rest for now.. even if you only hurt your arm, I'm sure your body can't handle you getting up after losing that much blood,"
Koizumi said with concern, handing the man his hat. "Geez, don't do such reckless things..! You really could've gotten yourself killed, you know," the photographer sighed. "Really.. those are dangerous guys. You had a pretty bad wound from the bite," she frowned, deciding to let him rest against the wall.
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"Eh...?" I muttered, my cheeks feeling like lava was just poured on them. Once he left, I covered my cheeks with my hands, dropping the blanket that had covered me. A small squeak escaped my thrat as I hurried over to my pile of clothes. Realizing how bloody they had become, I hurried over to a closet, putting on the traditional maid outfit. Sitting back down on the couch, I soon fell back asleep.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"I'll rest," Sendo said, "but not here." he added, wanting to leave the kitchen now. He couldn't protect Koizumi with so many killers close by, not to mention this was a horrible place to rest, anyway. Sendo didn't bother to gather up his tea set, he figured he'd get it later as he headed to the door opposite of the one the other killers were standing in and started down the hallway to find a room with a couch, at least, though his mind was hazy.
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Jasper entered his little room in the study and grabbed his laptop out of his duffel bag. He sat down on his bed, placing the laptop on his lap as he accessed the videos. His laptop was connected to the main video feed for the mansion so all he had to do was to pick which video he would air.

He had made videos of everyone currently in the mansion, dead or alive, for all excluding Charles and Monica. He had too much respect for the two to ever make such a video of them. The videos were quite lengthy and consisted of various images from each person's past, the most humiliating aspects, as well as images of people those victims loved being beaten and abused. For some, those same people are also spewing hateful words in regards to the victim the video was about.

For Jasper's video, it detailed his journey to the mansion, showcasing how his pitiful past built him up to be a strong and well-respected young man. He hoped that his video would show the rest just how capable he was of serving Charles as well as intimidate them a bit. He placed all the videos on a playlist and grinned as they all began to play. They would go on a loop and each screen around the mansion would cycle through all of them endlessly, at various paces. Jasper would wait in his room and watch the chaos ensue.

He was recently able to connect his laptop to the surveillance feed so there was no need for him to go up to that room in order to watch the fun. This'll be interesting. His lips curled into a wide grin. He was just so excited.

(@everyone: Feel free to make up the details of the video but please react to them! They're now live! )
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi quickly rushed over to Sendo's side, leading him towards the living room and letting him sit down. "Now, could you please tell me what's going on? Are you trying to kill me?" Koizumi asked seriously, looking him straight in the eyes.

The female scowled at Komaeda, displeased with his attitude, but she said nothing, immediately turning her attention to the little Suzuya. She leaned in closely as friend would to tell another a secret, before she smiled impishly.
"Suzuya-san, Charles had assigned me with the task of collecting your little friend Kowareta. She hardly fought back and may or may not be in critical condition, but I decided that, since you were last seen with her, I'd let you know. If nobody goes for her, she may be tortured to death. It's only my job, but... I wanted to give you a head start, considering if you do happen to save her, you'll be granted immunity for a few days from killers and knowledge of traps you can easily share with this Komaeda."

Z turned, and after finishing her warning, she nodded respectfully towards Komaeda and skipped out of the room. She could hear Jasper's work come to life and was curious as to what he had in store for her.​
I woke up to the sound of knives being sharpened. Glancing at the small television, I saw what looked like a younger me sharpening the blade of a pocket knife. Younger Teela's arms were rid off all the scars I had now, but I knew that was about to change. Hopping up onto the back of the couch, I perched there on my toes, fear, yet excitement showed clearly on my face. Little Teela had silent tears running down her cheeks, which were strangely dark with small, circular bruises. About the size of the small pellets shot from those toy guns. As little me slid the knife down her arm, I traced one of the scars that she was making on my own arm. Shouting could be heard from the video. "Hey Teacup! Where didja go?! It's no fun when my target is hiding from me!" Shouted a male voice, a blonde boy with blood red eyes, unlike her crystal blue. The tall figure could be seen through the cracks in the shed Teela hid in. The boy appeared to be 14 or so, while Teela looked 7. Teela started to rip up her arm with the blade, the beginning of 12 new scars. By now, her clothes were soaked in her blood as the door to the shed was slammed open, the blonde boy stepping in. "B-brother... I-I d-don't want to p-play anymore..." Teela squeaked, dropping her knife as she dodged his pellets. "Too bad, Teacup! Mom and dad left me in charge, so I get to choose what we do!" He laughed, continuing to shot at the defenseless girl. Bending down, he picked up the pocket knife laced with my blood. Approaching her, the pellet gun dropped from his hands, landing by the girl's foot. With his hand shooting forwards, he grabbed Teela's arm, the knife raised towards the top of her arm, the very spot the long scar touched the 12 others. "A-alex... L-lemme go!" She whimpered, loud sobs coming from her mouth as the knife slid down her arm. Bending down, she took the gun, pointing it at his face. Though Teela's eyes were shut tightly, when she shot the gun, a black pellet destroyed her brother's red left eye. I blinked as the video ended, surprised to find my cheeks soaked with tears. "Oh..."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"It's true I'm a killer," Sendo explained as he sat down, "but I'm not going to kill you. You said that you wanted to live, so I'm respecting that wish and I want to do everything in my power to keep you alive, because... well... never mind that. The thing is, I have to keep up appearances so referring to you as a victim is crucial, do you understand?"

Just then the television flicked on, airing the videos Jasper had found somewhere or another. They ranged from old family videos to photoshopped footage, even things no one could have witnessed but the player or killer they were directed at. He stared in awe at the things that he witnessed, disgusted that someone would do something like this. After being barely being able to pry his eyes away from the other videos, his undivided attention was directed at one of his childhood--something he only he would have known.

The video was of his late mother when he was twelve, getting her daily beating from his drunken father. It had pained him to no end, to see her that way, a bruised and sobbing mess in the corner. All the yelling and the screams of pain ringing through the house were enough to make one go insane. The question of how these videos were accumulated didn't occur to him as the scene changed to himself that night by his mother's side as she hugged her child close. "Free me from this pain," she would always say. But young Sendo wasn't going to take it anymore, he went to the kitchen in search of a knife to finally give her that wish.

The video flashed to that of someone else's past as he stared blankly at the screen, he had no words for this, nothing could describe what he felt right now. A rage began to stir up in his stomach, a feeling that made him want to kill whoever was airing these. Though he knew he couldn't, he didn't even know who was doing this. Could it be Charles? Steven? Perhaps Jasper--he probably would have thought something like this up.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya's visible eye widened at the sudden knowledge Z shared with him, "K-koko....san?" the Albino whispered in disbelief, trying his hardest not to hurl, yet he couldn't hold it in any longer as the television in the corner of the room lit up, Suzuya hadn't even seen what was playing before he chucked up everything in his belly, coughing as he did so.

It was disgusting to see himself just hurl like that, but the taste of blood was now gone and replaced with the taste of puke remnants, he sluggishly pulled himself towards the sink in the kitchen, washing his mouth out which oddly was probably easier to clean than blood ever was.

"A-Ah..Don't go!" Suzuya weakly called out to Z, still feeling sick and quite woozy from his stomach emptying like that.
"Where is koko-san..?" he mumbled, it was weird but.. ever since the albino had met Komaeda, he had started to feel something keen to concern for others, it wasn't as strong as how worried he had gotten when the other boy got slugged, but the concern he felt now was still genuine.

However, what the albino didn't expect was to see himself on the television above, it was months ago and even last year footage of the stitched boy playing with his adoptive father, hanging out at a coffee shoppe as they both ate cake and drank coffee.
Suzuya would always tease his father while they went to their favorite coffee shoppe, and his father would tease back by giving Suzuya a hair ruffle, it was a little odd seeing his father on the screen after not seeing the man for nearly a week, and something about it tugged at Suzuya's heartstrings more than he would of liked, nevertheless the television showed him and his adoptive father living happily together as they watched movies and pigged out on candy and snacks, or even just went to the park for a nice walk, it was odd yet Suzuya was never seen interacting with anyone else except his adoptive father.

Although, without much warning the next series of film shown was a very blurred footage that showed Suzuya slowly coming into view on the television, the set was still focusing but one could hear Suzuya giggling, and as soon as the television focused it was revealed the albino was eerie sat upon a pile of three corpses, something in his hand dripping with a red substance revealed to a blade of sorts.
Soon, the stitched boy swung the blade back, and started to repeatedly thrust the switch blade back and forth, gashing the blade into one of the corpses chests as intestines and blood started to seep out.

the stitched boy was muttering "hang in there.. don't die yet, don't die yet~ hang in there!" with glee on the television as he mutilated the bodies, their blood splatter clinging to the boy's clothes as he did so.

Shinohara-san was later seen in the background as the man hurried up to the stitched boy, prying him off of the corpses as he held Suzuya tight in an embrace, whispering to the boy that they should go and he would cover up this incident somehow, in turn the albino looked confused, and asked "Why?.." with such a puzzled expression, which the only response Shinohara gave was silence, pulling Suzuya away from the corpses and the scene all together as police cars and an ambulance siren were heard in the background before the video cut to black.


"The master bedroom."
Z was quick to leave the room, heading back to her favorite room - the music room. She watched the video that played on the screen of all the cattle. They all had such awful lives! Z let out a cackle, throwing her bear atop the piano before sitting at the bench and playing a slow, sad song, note by note. She stopped when she saw herself upon the screen, young, still carrying around the bear, but at that point, there were no weapons hidden within it.

Young Zhen-co approached her mother, holding up the bear before receiving a wild slap upon her cheek. Her mother frowned, red-faced and drunk. The bear was stolen from Zhen's arms, and she watched as the head was torn off of the teddy bear right before her eyes. She burst into tears, before her mother turned and left. That was when the video ended.

Z knew what came next, nothing. Her mother was gone for good, and Z was left alone. There was no footage after that, and she clenched her hands into fists of anger, slamming the piano lid down. "JASPER!"​