Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

.: Suzuya :.

Having caught sight of something bouncing, or rather, a stuffed animal that caught his interest, Suzuya started to trot over in the direction he could see the big bear.

However, the person holding the bear spoke and broke the little Albino out of his thoughts of touching the toy, getting his mind back on track to exactly why he was wandering out here, he was going to go save Koko.

"Ah um...I'm not sure where the master bedroom is.. where is it, desu?" Suzuya carefully asked almost like a child would, not even counting in the fact that he shouldn't be talking, or probably even following Z, and followed her when she gestured for him to come closer, noticing Jasper now as well, Suzuya felt a tad bit out of place, yet didn't make a move to run or anything, which was odd.

The female followed Jasper into the kitchen, shushing Suzuya for a moment.
"I'll show you the way, but first, I have to speak with Jasper. Don't go into the kitchen if you're uncomfortable."
Z glanced back at the boy, smiling a bit, before sitting slowly across from Jasper. Her gray gaze narrowed slightly in his direction, palm clenched tightly on the handle of her favorite scissors.
"Hello again."​
Jasper greeted, "Hello. Was there something you wanted to ask me about? I saw you in the hallway looking all suspicious." Jasper smirked. He knew she came to him about the videos. It seemed to be on everyone's minds at the moment. Obviously, something really bothered her or else she wouldn't have hunted him down so quickly.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya went quiet as he was hushed, it was a instinctive reaction that the albino learned from his adoptive father.
"Ah.. should I be uncomfortable?..desu?" he merely questioned back after a few moments after Z had already left to the kitchen, surely the little Albino felt out of place, but to say he was uncomfortable was an entire different story, they hadn't really done anything to make him feel that way yet.

And so, without warning of any kind Suzuya pranced into the kitchen to see what was going on in there, deciding it would be best to stay out of whatever it was that they would be discussing and remain neutral until he could ask Z if he could touch the teddy bear.

Ah, no that wasn't quite right, the stitched boy had to shake his head to remember that he was supposed to ask Z where koko was being held, though Suzuya had to admit that getting something to drink sounded rather tempting.

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Jasper walked over to the fridge, still waiting for an answer, but choosing to look for something to snack on while he waited. He would give the girl all the time she needed to think on how she wanted to respond. After all, that was only the polite thing to do.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino decided to just go and grab a drink so he wouldn't be so thirsty once he went out to find Koko, yet he wasn't exactly sure if he should get too close to anyone in the room, nevertheless, that didn't stop him from heading over tot he fridge to peek over Jasper's shoulder, probably getting a little too close for comfort as he was curious what the man was trying to find in there.

Although Suzuya had to note that The man looking in the fridge was oddly familiar... in fact, so familiar that Suzuya couldn't help but be curious

"Ah, you look familiar! how come??" Suzuya suddenly blurting that out from behind was probably enough to shock almost anyone, the boy was covered in stitches and although he might not have meant to most of the time, the Albino had the tendency to sneak up on others and make them jump.

Jasper settled on an apple from the fridge and easily replied, without turning around, "Ah, you must be Suzuya, aren't you?" He took a bite of his apple before turning around and holding out his hand for the young boy to shake. "You must recognize me from the whole video scandal. It's quite embarrassing how all our faces were on there. All except for Charles, which makes me believe that he had been the cause of it all." Jasper offered an easy smile. He made sure that his whole aura gave off a trusting appearance. He loved to lure the cattle into a false sense of security before their inevitable deaths. It made the game all the more enjoyable.

.: Suzuya :.

"Ah! I am, Suzuya Juuzou, juuzou like 13th~" The stitched boy chimed in response, a little happy that he didn't have to introduce himself, though also quite curious as to who the other might be, although it was true that he probably just recognized the man from the television film.

It was a little odd how easily Suzuya shook Jasper's hand, but the albino didn't exactly feel anything bad about Jasper at this moment, and he seemed relatively friendly, so the boy felt no harm in accepting the gesture.

"Mm.. I don't really get the point of the videos.." He absently mumbled, the video that Suzuya was shown really didn't affect him except for making him miss Shinohara-san quite a bit, yet to everyone else it looked like the videos had struck a nerve for some reason, and to this point he couldn't understand why some film of themselves doing various things could affect them so much.

"Ah! but for some reason Komaeda-san seemed to mind them, I wonder why that was?" Suzuya quickly added, all the while assuming Jasper would know exactly who Komaeda was considering Jasper knew his own name.

Jasper said politely, "Nice to meet you." Suzuya seemed to be as childish as Jasper thought he'd be. This would be easy then. After he shook his hand, Jasper put his own hand down.

Jasper studied the boy's face. He didn't seem too bothered by his video. In fact, Jasper might have thought that Suzuya was even delighted by it. He cautiously asked, "What did you think of the videos? I, myself, wasn't too bothered as it was things I've seen already." Jasper looked away, faking the appearance of reminiscing, before looking back at Suzuya and answering, "I think the videos were meant to strike an emotional reaction from everyone. It seemed to have worked on a lot of people aside from you and me. I wonder why..."
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.: Suzuya :.

Smiling as he was somewhat properly introduced to the man save for knowing the other's name, Suzuya kept looking past the man and more towards the fridge as if he wanted something, yet lent an ear to Jasper and listened to what he was saying about the videos and his own opinions, all the while the albino absently wondered what exactly he wanted to drink.

Suzuya's mind was always one that wandered off so it was expected not to always be on the same track.

"Seeing Shinohara-san was refreshing.. but it also annoyed me that some pervert had taken footage of us like that, it's gross." Suzuya answered without any problem, trailing off a bit as the Albino was more so trying to think on how to should word how he felt exactly about the videos.

"Oh no, um.. ah, how do I word it?" cocking his head to the side as he got even more lost in thought, it took a few minutes so hopefully Jasper was patient on waiting for Suzuya's reply, The Albino had to grind up his mind a little bit to break his thoughts down into proper English for the other, but when he finally got it down. Suzuya knew how to respond.

"Like uhm.. I can't really understand why the film would upset anyone, nothing drastic really happened.. the film only showed stuff that already is in the past.." He stopped for a moment, giggling as he continued with "I'm not bothered by things like that! that would be ridiculous." Suzuya exclaimed with a grin, almost as if he were mocking anyone that would get emotional over those films.

It was a little eerie how one could imagine Charles would approve of Suzuya's answer, seeing as the old man hated useless emotions of sorrow and regret, and for that split second, it seemed like Suzuya might of shared that mindset.

Jasper easily replied, "I doubt the creator of those videos, most likely Charles, would have had to taken live footage like that. He may have just gotten really lucky online. After all, the internet contains a wealth of information." Jasper waited a few minutes while Suzuya pieced together his thoughts, which revealed how much of a child he really was. Jasper laughed at his answer. "Some people prefer leaving the past in the past. I have even heard of tales where the past can even be haunting. It does seem like a good fear tactic but you and me are the two exceptions to that method." Jasper moved aside from the fridge. "Are you hungry? I can be of assistance should you decide to eat." Jasper threw away his apple core and waited patiently for Suzuya's answer.
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.: Suzuya :.

Contemplating this, Suzuya hadn't really thought that any footage of him and his adoptive father could of been on the internet.
Well that is unless they had some kind of stalker, which in some cases could of been a possibility so the Albino wouldn't really be surprised if they did, the world was a rather dangerous and scary place after all.

On the other hand Suzuya couldn't help but nod in agreement as Jasper gave his two cents about his thoughts on why people were so affected by the videos, it was reassuring to know that someone could help him understand exactly why everyone was so phased by the films, even if Suzuya didn't know the person that well, Jasper still provided him with the answers that he wanted, so the Albino trusted the man for now.

"Ah!" Suzuya gasped, suddenly raising his hand as if he were in a classroom.

"Something to drink! I'm really thirsty.." Suzuya exclaimed with dismay, making a pout in discomfort as exactly how thirsty he was, the stitched boy hadn't had anything to drink in about two days, and from eating all of the candy and food without anything to wash it down was starting to take it's toll.

Although the stitched boy planned to go find Koko after he got some refreshments, the girl was probably scared and waiting for him to come find her, plus Suzuya was quite excited that he could finally introduce Koko to his partner, Komaeda would probably like her a lot, besides the fact that Koko was nice, she also made a lot of funny faces that the Albino enjoyed.


After some time gathering her thoughts, she stood, approaching Jasper before pinching his side gently.
"Yes, it was embarrassing how we were all shown to everyone."
Z frowned, hoping he would take her hint as to how displeased she was that her past was publicized, and then she looked down at Suzuya.
"I'm escorting him to that Koko," she told Jasper. "Would you like to accompany us?"
Turning on her heels, she quickly went over to pick up her bear and carry it back towards the two males, hugging it tightly to herself before shooting Jasper a smile.

"It'll be fun."​
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo's rage simmered down when he saw Koizumi's reaction to her own video. He wasn't angered anymore; but worried that her sanity was breaking apart. "Hey, calm down...!" he said over her screams of distress, remorse and the feeling of worthlessness that she was clearly going through. He couldn't stop her though--she kept going, and he wasn't sure what he could do to halt her breakdown. "It's alright!" he yelled to get her attention. Sendo did the only thing he could think of, he reached out and embraced Mahiru, holding her tightly. "Don't hurt yourself..." he said quietly.
Koizumi Mahiru

"D-d-don't touch me!! I'm not associated in any way to a killer! I-I'm not a killer - what are you talking about?!"
Koizumi yelled, pulling away from the hug. "Idiot! I'm not.. I'm not one of you.." she started to quiet down, tears budding in her eyes. "You know what..? It doesn't matter anymore. I'm a monster however you look at it. Kill me anytime you please," Koizumi sniffed. It was like her body was engulfed in a big ball of shame and depression. She tried her best before she came to this mansion to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer in order to somehow erase that memory from her mind - but that scar always somehow bubbled back to the surface in order to haunt her.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"You think I don't know that?" Sendo asked, looking down at his blood-stained glove, "That's why..." his voice trailed off, leaving the thought unfinished when Koizumi told him to kill her anytime he pleased. His face filled with anger and he grabbed her shoulders. "Making a stupid decision like that doesn't make you a monster! What makes you a monster is killing someone with the sole intention of ending their life, not even considering whether or not they truly wanted to die!" with that, he released Mahiru and backed away, removing his hat and putting his hand to his forehead. "There's only one monster in this room..." he said in a low voice, "stop pretending it's you."
Koizumi Mahiru

"I.. I should have helped, but I only made the situation worse.."
Koizumi mumbled, staring at her feet when she collpased onto her knees. "I couldn't be honest and confess what she'd did.. he's going to come after me now.." Koizumi looked at the ground helplessly. "Even that Komaeda guy is better than me.. he could own up to his actions and I'm just a big wimp.." she smiled painfully, the guilt finally catching up with her.
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo looked up at Koizumi. "Wait, who's going to come after you?" he questioned. He wasn't interested in whatever else she was saying--if someone was going to be hunting her down, he would need to be ready to protect her. After all, no matter what she was saying about herself, he believed she was innocent and deserving of safety.
Koizumi Mahiru

"I.. I know he's not here, but I'm sure he'll find me once I get out since he must've found out by now that I associated with killing his sister.."
Koizumi sounded genuinely terrified of someone she hadn't seen in a couple of years, but it still could happen. "That's why it's okay.. it's okay now to kill me!" she said, laughing, more out of fear and trying hard to not lose her sanity much more than she already have.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Alright... I know I'm not the best pep-talker, but you need to snap out of it!" Sendo said in an annoyed tone. "This is what they want you to do; you're playing right into their hands!" He put his hat back on his head, signifying that he felt more like himself again. "And quite frankly, you can't say anything to change my decision to protect you now, I'm afraid." he made one of his usual grins as he removed his blood stained gloves, then offered Koizumi his hand to help her off of the floor.

"Now, are you ready to fix the future?"
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