Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Jasper burst out laughing while watching everyone's reactions through the feeds. This was much more perfect than anything he could have ever possibly imagined. He especially loved how Teela, the maid, fell down to the ground and started crying. Seeing all these wondrous reactions gave Jasper a great sense of accomplishment. His eyes fell on one of the screens and he watched Z call out his name in what seemed like anger, reminding him at how everyone affected might want him dead right about now. Well, he should lay low for a day or two before going out again. He couldn't die yet. There was so much more of the game that he craved to see and he sure as well was not going to miss out on any of it.
Koizumi Mahiru

"Y-yeah.. sure. Thank you,"
Koizumi said, still a little confused at Sendo's answer, before noticing herself on a screen in the corner of the room. What was going on? She quickly rushed over to see what was happening, leaving Sendo for just a moment.

She saw a familiar figure - a blonde-haired girl with a bloodied head and in a slumped position against a wall. "This can't possibly.." her eyes widened in horror while she watched the screen. She remembered taking photos of what happened. She was talking to a brown-haired girl about her pictures she took - about how some pervert could not have killed her, like the brown-haired girl said as an excuse. The other girl confessed, saying she killed the blonde girl. Koizumi was a dear friend of hers, so along with her, she covered up the evidence that she found by saying that some fake pervert killed her, since the other girl said that the blonde used her parents' status to bully others, even if she tried to reason with her.

Koizumi told the rest of her friends that despite the fact that she knew who the culprit was and didn't turn them in, she said that it was a random person that killed their friend. Koizumi didn't help and didn't tell the truth about a murder, and even covered it up. She basically helped in murder, but soon the brown-haired girl died because of what she did. She was always terrified of what might happen to her because of what she did..

When the video finished, Koizumi was quiet for a few moments out of utter shock and despair. Then, she started screaming and crying - she didn't want to be a murderer. She didn't try to help - she made the situation worse and lied about such a horrifying subject - murder. She broke down at that point - Koizumi wasn't there anymore. Her resolve broke and shattered. She didn't care that she was being loud. She wanted to die. She didn't deserve to be alive. Koizumi Mahiru was a monster.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda looked at Suzuya with concern in his face, then looked up at the television screen. There was a video, on that certain airplane flight he was taking towards Osaka, a place in which he wanted to visit - his parents were kind (and rich) enough to take him. He remembered there was a sudden jerking on the plane, and it started to barrel downwards towards the earth, killing nearly all those in it including his parents. He was left alive, but he inherited all the money from them, making him a ultra-millionaire at around ten.

At that time his constant swing between good and bad luck started - whenever he had good luck, and equal amount of bad luck proportioned it and cancelled it out. Soon, he had no friends - no family to talk to, and he began to crave hope. He drifted aimlessly throughout life without it, and longed to be of use.

Komaeda wasn't too bothered by his video, but when he saw Suzuya's reaction towards his, the tall boy's face was instantly lace with worry. His video wasn't bad - it was just his past and reminded him how much of useless trash he was. But Suzuya's.. Suzuya's was brutal. "Are.. are you okay?" he asked cautiously.
I covered my ears as the other videos played, whimpering as tears flowed from my eyes. Once regaining my sanity, I stood up, grabbing my blunderbuss. Finding a magazine of bullets, I reloaded the gun, and much like in my video, I aimed the gun at the screen. Still crying, my finger pulled the trigger, a bullet sailing right through the middle of the television. "At least I don't have tohear myself get called Teacup. What an awful nickname he gave me..." I grumbled, clearing my face of tears. Stepping out of the room, I made my way to the study in search of Jasper.
Feeling the craving for coffee, Jasper set down his computer and stepped out of his little hole, closing it tightly behind him. He walked over to the coffee maker in the study and got a fresh batch brewing just as Teela stormed into the room, on the hunt for him.

(No finding his room. >.< )

The female was furious. She was excited to see Jasper's work, but she didn't want everyone else to see it. Pulling out her rusted scissors from the bear's back, she departed the room, storming down the hall. Her heels clicked heavily as she stomped, and she was prepared to kill anything in her path to find Jasper. Oh, did she have some things to say to him! Her bear dragged on the ground but it hardly slowed her down; she had a newfound strength from her fury. There was someone else headed in the same direction, and Z only had to see the silhouette of the girl to know who it was.


Z said nothing, knowing Teela would hear her anger just by the steps she took, but Teela was not her target, and Z's eyes expressed that. She wasn't going to kill Jasper, he had gotten along with her just fine, so she had no reason to. But she felt she needed to see him, to tell him how displeased she was.​
"Jasper... How did you get that video? Hmm? My parents couldn't have given it to you, because they died that day. And my brother is probably dead. Tell me how you got it...?" I growled, placing my blunderbuss back in its holster to show I wasn't planning on shooting him. Yet.

.: Suzuya :.

As Suzuya watched the television through his good eye, the other still throbbing from the pain inflicted upon it, The albino looked only a little hurt by the footage, yet it wasn't remorse, only missing the adoptive father that was displayed on screen, and to be noted that Suzuya didn't react at all when the footage of him killing those men appeared. after all, it didn't bother him.

However, Suzuya began to grow puzzled once Komaeda's video went on screen, not really bothering to watch the others, as they were of no importance to him, The albino witnessed the taller boy's parents being killed in a plane crash, and yet still somehow held that vacant stare towards the screen.

"mm..does it hurt, is it painful?" Suzuya quietly asked yet the question itself was hesitant, the albino didn't quite understand death but from the looks of the film that was displayed Komaeda didn't seem so phased by the death of his parents either, so perhaps it was okay to feel indifferent about it.

Sluggishly making his way over to Komaeda and leaned against the other as the stitched boy still felt sick from his earlier actions.
it wasn't that blood or even gore phased him, yet the taste was absolutely repulsive and had given him a stomach ache.
Not to mention that Suzuya had just thrown up. "Ah! I'm okay... I just feel really nasty." Suzuya answered as he stuck out his tongue to try to rid the remnants of taste from his mouth.

After awhile of leaning against the other, Suzuya began to gain his composure back and soon mumbled out much like a kid would do when pouting. "I'm going to the master bedroom.."
Nagito Komaeda

"It.. does hurt,"
the tall boy mumbled quietly, recalling what life was like before he was granted good luck. He followed Suzuya quietly to the bedroom. He found some bandages to wrap around Suzuya's eye. "I.. think I'm gonna head to sleep. You could sleep here if you want.. it doesn't matter," Komaeda said a little solemnly, climbing into the bed, in a particularly noticeable change of mood.
"Jasper... How did you get that video? Hmm? My parents couldn't have given it to you, because they died that day. And my brother is probably dead. Tell me how you got it...?" I growled, placing my blunderbuss back in its holster to show I wasn't planning on shooting him. Yet.

Jasper continued to brew his coffee and asked innocently, "What video? I was in here the whole time."

Z stopped in the doorway upon seeing Teela already interrogating Jasper, one of Z's brows quirking in response. Why was she here? How could she know that Jasper...
She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Jasper's innocent tone. He wanted to convince them he hadn't made the videos, and Z wasn't going to sell him out. Glancing in his direction, she shot him a look to request a talk later, but nodded to him so he would know she was going to keep quiet. Z turned, slipping out of the room but leaning against the wall in the hallway to listen.​
"Don't play innocent with me. I've seen how good you are with technology, and you're the only person I know who could use that to turn on the TVs." I murmured, walking over to him. "I just want to know how you got it..." I added, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.
Jasper saw Z peeking in from the background. He couldn't let her spill the news to anyone but he noticed her nod in his direction. It seemed as if she would keep quiet. He slightly nodded in return. He'd have to reward her later for this.

Jasper scrunched up his face in confusion. "Why would I play innocent? Although, I truly am flattered that you seem to know me so well. I only wish that I knew what you were talking about. Videos do sound splendid though. What were they about?" Jasper tilted his head in curiosity as he poured a cup of coffee for himself. Remember Teela, he asked, "Oh, forgive my manners. Would you like some too?"

.: Suzuya :.

The way Komaeda was acting took Suzuya by surprise, he wasn't use to seeing the other gloomy or even phased by most things, so the change of events left him baffled.

As they came to the bedroom, Suzuya sat down on the bed and let Komaeda tend to his eye as he patiently waited for the other to bandage the wound, the Albino couldn't wrap his mind around why Komaeda was acting so depressed now.

"Why does it hurt..? does it hurt physically?" The albino absently asked without much thought, crawling over to where Komaeda laid, Suzuya stared at him for a few minutes as the stitched boy tried to figure out exactly where it hurt.

Not long after contemplating this, the albino had an idea, if Komaeda had pressed his lips to Suzuya's forehead when he was upset, perhaps doing the same would result in Komaeda feeling better.

So without much warning, Suzuya leaned down and innocently pressed his lips to Komaeda's cheek, closing his eyes as he did so to try to wash the pain away with this action. "Feel better soon, Komaeda-san.." He whispered as he slowly pulled back.

Now it wasn't long before the albino began to climb off the bed, "I have to go.. Koko needs me, but I'll come back to sleep, okay?" Suzuya offered a small smile, promising that he would be back as he trotted out of the room, closing the door behind him so no one would come and bother Komaeda.

Then Suzuya pranced out into the hallways, wandering out on his own in search of the master bedroom. come to think of it.. The albino wasn't even sure which floor the bedroom was on.
"Mine was about how I got my scars." I replied. "Also how I shot my brother's eye out..." I quietly added. My eyes narrowed at his words. "How do you know there was more than one video? I never mentioned 'videos'. I said 'video'. There's a difference, Jasper. Please don't lie to me." I stated, staring at his coffee. "Sure, if it's not to much trouble for you to make me some.
Jasper held up his hands up. "Well then, you're no fun. So maybe it was me. I have my ways of obtaining information like that." He poured another cup. "Would you like it black or with sugar? I prefer it black. It really brings out the sharp poison flavor." Jasper grinned a creepy little grin as he took a sip of his own cup. "Oh, wait. I forgot that poison is still... poison for you. My bad."
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda was caught completely off guard when Suzuya leant down and pecked the side of his cheek, leaving him quite flustered once Suzuya left. Sure, he was still in a terrible mood from the video, but the stitched boy made it bearable at least. He still wasn't sure who "Koko" was, and why that girl Z was so strange, but he decided he'll figure it out sooner or later. Z did look at him a little strangely, but he was okay now at least. All he could hope for was for Suzuya to not be troublesome as usual, and soon dozed off to sleep in a decent mood.
A frown appeared on my face as he mentioned poison. "Sugar please..." I murmured, staring at the cup. "Could you please tell me how you got my video? Please, Jasper?" I questioned, a pleading look in my eyes.
[Sorry, last post. Gotta sleept.]]
Jasper added sugar to Teela's cup before handing it to her. "I hope you don't mind a bit of poison. It's not enough to kill but if you're not immune like I am, you will start to feel just a little bit dizzy. It wears off though." Jasper smirked. "This is why people can give me such lethal amounts yet I can still be standing. I started small and consumed just a tiny morsel every single day."

Jasper looked at the expression of hurt on her face. "Teela, dear, trust me, you don't want to know how I did it. It's better off if you didn't know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the kitchen for a snack." Jasper finished his cup of coffee, set it down on the table, and walked over to the entrance, motioning for Z to follow him. However, he was more curious to see what she wanted than to grab a snack.

(Good night!)
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Z heard a door open and she glanced down the hall. There, of course, was the albino. He was alone this time, and this caused Z's curiosity to spike. She moved off of the wall to watch him better, tossing her auburn locks out of her face and smirking.
"Hey, Suzuya-kun...~ Where do you think you're going~?"
She skipped towards him, hoping to stop him in his tracks so he would speak with her.

Before she could get close, though, she turned back towards Jasper, staring quietly at him as she determined who was more important for the time being. The female took a step in Jasper's direction, looking towards Suzuya and gesturing for him to follow her.​
Jasper walked towards the kitchen slowly, expecting Z to follow him. After all, they did make eye contact. It didn't take him long to find his way to the kitchen and he wearily sat down at the table, waiting for Z to arrive too.