Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

I stared at the cup of coffie in my hands, unsure if he was joking about the poison or not. Sighing, I reached for the small bowl of sugar cubes, plopping about 13 into the hot drink. I pulled the cup up to my lips, hesitating a bit. 'He was probably just joking...' I thought to myself as I took a long sip of the drink. A strange flavor remained in my mouth. "Is... Is this alcoholic...?" I questioned myself, slamming the cup down on the table as the whole room started to sway. "Eh? W-what's going on...?" I muttered, already feeling the effects of the drug. I stumbled to the door, stars flooding my vision as I entered the hallway. "M-maybe some water would help..." I muttered, my thoughts becoming a jumble. I placed a hand on my cheek, which was feverishly hot. Nearly falling down the stairs, I stumbled towards the kitchen, having a feeling someone was there. "Hi hiiiiii, Zeeeeee!" I giggled, my speach slurred a bit as I put a hand on her shoulder to steady myself. "Howya been? Hmmm?"

Z turned, looking darkly at the female who had appeared behind her. It was Teela. She left a sour taste in Z's mouth, all Z could think about was her attitude towards Charles and how she had betrayed the other killers. Moving her hand away, Z stared at her in silence, ice cold gaze scanning over the female's body.
"Hello Teela. Are you drunk?"
Almost disgusted, she slowly grabbed a hold of Teela's arm and pulled her to sit down.
"Don't you think you should rest?"​
"Haha... Yeah, I think I am. But I wouldn't know. Never had alcohol before!" I giggled, rocking back and forth in the seat. As it wobbled, I giggled even more. "And rest is overrated! Only brother's sleep!" I laughed, pumping a fist in the air, unaware that the kitchen's television was playing my video.

"Listen, I have business to attend to. I can't help you with your situation right now. But if I were you, I'd find a bed and sleep it off."
Z shook her head with a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest and examining Teela. The girl was definitely drunk, but neither Z, nor Suzuya, nor Jasper had time to babysit her. They had something urgent to get to, Z didn't want Koko to die before Suzuya-san even got a chance to find her. That would be boring.
Teela also couldn't come with them, with Z's traps, she'd definitely kill herself by mistake.
"I'll come back for you, okay? As long as you promise me you'll find a bed."​
My giggles instantly stopped and I attempted to put on a serious face, but was only able to stick out my bottom lip in a pout. "If I find a bed, how will I know when someone," I glanced at Jasper for a moment before return my gaze to Z,"Tries to strip me?" I questioned.

"Nobody is going to strip you. Charles asked for you to be searched so Jasper did what he had to do. Nobody else has been asked to do so."
Z pursed her lips thoughtfully, making eye contact with Teela finally and shrugging a bit. She turned to set her bear down beside Jasper, her weapon still within her hand.​

She quickly headed towards the sink, rinsing the dried blood from her scissors before glancing back over her shoulder at Teela. Z was bored, she wanted to kill someone, it had been so long since she had. A thump came from a few floors up and Z knew that Koko was getting restless. Or dying. Probably both.​
By now, the effects of the poisoned coffee had started to wear off. "What was that?" I asked, staring at the ceiling. Turning back to Z, I noticed the look of boredom on her face. "I'm guessing it's been awhile since you killed someone, correct? You think it would be easy to just kill me while I'm drunk, right?" I questioned, grabbing a glass to fill up with water. "I aced chemistry. I even know that I can make a bomb out of this cup of water." I smirked, sitting back down, taking a small sip of water, which snapped me out of my drunkeness.

The female rolled her eyes, giving Teela a look of distaste before she went back over to stand beside Suzuya and Jasper.
"No, princess.. don't flatter yourself. You'd be a boring kill anyway, thinking you're better than the rest of us. It's embarrassing, really.~"
With a smile, she snipped the scissors a couple times before giggling, looking upwards as soon as the movement had stopped.
She couldn't be dead...​
Jasper looked through the fridge before pulling out a bottle of juice and handing it to Suzuya. "I'm sure this one shouldn't be poisoned. If it is, let me know." He smirked. "I doubt Charles would poison the juice. I heard this was his favorite, after all."

Jasper turned towards Z. "Oh? If it isn't too much of an inconvenience, I wouldn't mind accompanying you two." Jasper looked over when Teela entered the room, appearing drunk, when in reality, it was just the effects of the poison.

Jasper watched the scene play out, laughing to himself the whole time until the poison finally wore off. He began, "Now then, shall we get going?" He watched Z, waiting for her response.
"Actually, I don't think of myself as being better than anybody. I'm a maid, so I'm below everyone here. I look up to you, Z. And I was just about to ask if you wanted to know how to make a sodium bomb." I smiled at her, an honest look in my eyes.

Z blushed faintly, surprised by Teela's words, before she shook her head and sheepishly turned away, grabbing her bear by the paw before nodding at Jasper.
"Yes, let's escort him. Also, Teela.. maybe another time."
She smiled gently towards her, before grabbing a hold of Suzuya's arm to drag him along behind her and Jasper.

"I'm giving him a chance to save his little pet, we have to take him towards the master bedroom. That's where I have her kept. Once we get there, he must navigate the traps on his own; we'll be able to watch and see how strong he really is."
Her voice lowered enough for Jasper to hear, glancing back to make sure the albino didn't hear her.
"Suzuya-san... wanna hold my bear?"​
Jasper listened intently to Z's plan before grabbing Suzuya's arm and getting ready to drag him to the master bedroom. "Shall we just pull him along or do you want to let him walk on his own?" Jasper didn't mind either way although, dragging sounded way more fun than just letting him wander on his own.

"He can walk, but, we can hold onto him if that is more comfortable with you."
Dragging sounded fun to her as well, and her pink lips curled into a small, impish smile. She wanted to jump around and scream out her excitement, but she had to keep calm around Jasper, hoping to leave a good impression on him. He was such an outstanding hunter compared to her, and Charles absolutely adored him, so she wanted to learn from him and hopefully get him to like her... as an acquaintance anyway! The thought of anything else was... insane. Z reddened a bit, looking down at the floor.​
"That would be for the best. I don't want to risk him getting away. That would certainly ruin the fun." Jasper grinned, and started to drag off Suzuya towards the master bedroom.

Even though Jasper had only talked to Z momentarily, he could already tell that she would be a much better ally in this game rather than Teela. Teela was so needy and a bit on the crazy side, the bad crazy side. Crazy was good but the type that she was considered was just childish, really. Z just seemed more mature than her already. Jasper laughed. Maybe one day, Z can help him kill Teela. Now, that would be fun.
I stared at the wall, a bored look on my face. "Hmm... I wonder if I can make a stink bomb... Or a smoke bomb!" I giggled, bouncing up as I went through all the cupboards and drawers until I came upon a box of matches. "Eureka!" I shouted, a large smile on my face. Running into the dining room, I picked up one of the hair decorations in a paper napkin, placing it on the kitchen counter with the matches. Grabbing some scissors and string, I cut the tops of a few matches, placing them in with the hair. I tied up the napkin off with a bow. "Should I save it or use it...?" I asked myself, staring at my little creation.

.: Suzuya :.

Taking the juice in his hands, the Albino gave a quick thanks and started to get the straw into the pouch, beginning to drink the beverage idly as he watched everyone in the room start to talk, it was interesting that the killers would chat like this, but it was even more interesting when he saw a drunk girl stumble in, Suzuya slightly hoped she would stumble and hurt herself, after all, the albino thought some pain was funny if it resembled the stuff that he had seen on television.

"Ah?..." Suzuya wasn't paying enough attention when he got grabbed, but he vaguely made out that Z asked if he wanted to hold her teddy bear, and his eyes lit up with excitement.

"mm, That would be fantastic, desu!" he chimed in delight, however dropping his juice pack and wishes of holding the bear as Z and Jasper began to drag him. gasping in surprise as he struggled to keep his balance, not quit sure of what even was going on at this point.

Perhaps they were going to go see Koko? that would be beneficial, but Suzuya didn't understand why the other had to drag him to do so.

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Koizumi Mahiru

"You.. you idiot.."
Koizumi frowned, wiping her eye but taking Sendo's hand anyway. "I.. I don't know what to do. How did they get that video? Did anyone else see it?" she asked in confusion, calming down a little but still extremely frightened - why did they show it? "You saw a video, too, didn't you? What happened?"

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda woke up with a start. He'd barely slept at all and he just had a nightmare - was it morning? From the sound of it, it was still the same day. He looked next to him and was surprised to see that Suzuya wasn't next to him. Did something happen? He rubbed his eyes tiredly - maybe he was just getting a snack since they didn't eat after the commotion in the kitchen earlier. He was still in a bad mood, but he felt like he should go and check out what was happening. Komaeda got up, opened the bedroom door and followed where he heard the sounds coming from.
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