Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Sendo Senkusha ~

"You don't need Charles to tell you what to do, you know. You have a brain of your own so you can think for yourself. It's just that not every choice is without consequence." Sendo pointed out, "No need to get so down about his betrayal, it was inevitable, after all. Anyone could see you two drifting apart from the beginning." He was silent for a moment before adding, "You're both such different people, I'm surprised this hadn't happened sooner."
"I know that much but he raised me as if I was his own son. I'm indebted to him for the rest of my life. If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead right now..." He sighed, looking wistfully in the distance. "How was it inevitable? I thought I was the perfect butler for him... I did everything, even murder. How are we completely different people? I'm not sure I understand your point."
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"You only don't see because Charles wanted you to believe that you were like family. In truth, he has been manipulating you for a long time. For him it was the perfect situation--all he had to do was pick up the desperate child in front of him and raise him as his personal killer and he'd be set for a while. But you grew too fast at a rate even he couldn't keep up with, and now he is struggling to control you. I do believe Charles is actually afraid of what he has created, Jasper. What reason would he have to fear his own son if that is how he saw you?" Sendo wasn't really sure what would come of telling Jasper his point of view, but he hoped perhaps it would help him realize that Charles was no fatherly figure. He wondered if it was even worth trying to reason with him though, as he seemed to be very deep in denial.
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"If even he was, I'm happy he did... He taught me a lot about living in this mansion... the rules... the game... I know so much yet I don't know what to do with my knowledge now... do I play the game too? Do I wait for Charles?" He paused, laughing crazily. "Do I dare to help you?" He stopped laughing and continued, now serious, "He did want me to overcome him, I don't think he'd be anything but proud at this point... maybe he's growing a bit bored of this current game. Maybe he's spicing things up, as he usually does. If there's anything I know about the old man, it's that he always has a trick up his sleeve. He's always a few steps ahead of the game."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Tricks up his sleeve, eh? That's exactly what I don't like about him." Sendo replied with a grin, in light of the situation. "Though I wonder if he is running out of ideas, to call in help from hackers." his eyes narrowed as he remembered the trip to the security room not long ago. What was that riddle again? It must have meant something, but it had been very oddly worded. Perhaps it had just been to distract them from what was really going on.
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.: Shinohara :.

"Desperate is more than likely all Charles has ever been..." Shionhara idly commented to Sendo as he walked up to survey the scene, the hacker that appeared on the screen seemed more like a third party to Shinohara, a distant friend that might of come in to help Charles, but he wouldn't dismiss the possibility that Charles did ask for the hacker, either way. Jasper seemed to have injured himself pretty badly and more than likely wouldn't be able to put up a fight now.

"I won't comment on your old man.. he might love you like family for all I know, or he might want to manipulate and dispose of you like Sendo already said, I can't put myself inside that man's head and tell you what to believe.. but what I can do, is punish you for the crimes that you have committed." Shinohara explained to Jasper, not one to meddle with family issues, or whatever sick relationship the servant had with Charles, it was none of his business and didn't really interest him much.

Shinohara reached down and grabbed Jasper's wrist a little too roughly while yanking him up, then the S.W.A.T member twisted Jasper's arm behind his back and pinned it, using his free arm to grab Jasper's other and pin it as well, this way Jasper couldn't make an escape to attempt, although somehow Shinohara doubted he would, the man looked like he had already given up.
So, Shinohara nudged his head for Evan to come over.

"I'm out of handcuffs, hah... not to sound hasty, but do you mind?" He grinned towards the other rather sheepishly, knowing that Evan should have a set or two of handcuffs on him at all times, injured or not, Shinohara never liked a criminal to not be in handcuffs, the exception would be Sendo right now, and that was only because he was temporarily helping the case because they shared the same goal.

"I'm not on your side.. I actually quite despise murderers, criminals, scum alike.. but I would like to give you a piece of advice, Kid.. don't let anyone put thoughts into your head except yourself, humans are manipulative b!stards, and it would serve you well to make your own decisions and not let others make them for you.
Mind you, this is the only advice you're gonna get out of me, and that's only because you remind me of someone I knew back at a coffee shop I regular, he's always trying to take too much on himself.. and you're reminding me of him right now, disgustingly enough."
Shinohara mused with a chuckle, he really did hate criminals, so he wasn't sure why he would even offer them any kind of advice or explanations, but he just felt he might as well, they weren't going to be able to rush things anyway.

.: Charles :.

"I wouldn't compare you to a dog.. they are too loyal, they never betray unlike someone I know." Emphasizing that Teela was this someone, Charles didn't hesitate to reach out and grab the blunderbuss, forcefully pushing it down so Teela wasn't able to aim the thing at him, and he looked the maid dead in her eyes, his own eyes giving her a warning that if she made the wrong move, she wouldn't be leaving this tower unscathed.

"Now then, listen to me and listen to me well, because I will not repeat myself... I want you out of my sight, I can't stand you.. if you value yourself at all, you'll hear me out.. and if you don't? well, we'll still what happens to those who don't heed my little warnings." Charles scoffed in the maid's face, glaring at her as he dared her to even move, he had no time for this, he was in the process of teaching his new servants the ropes and how to send them off into the mansion, he didn't need distractions..

Not only that, Jasper was probably captured already, and he had plans to retrieve the boy soon enough, this would only make things take longer.

I glared back at Charles as he pointed my blunderbuss away. "If you don't want to see me, then why not get rid of your eyes? The world would be better off without your vision anyways!" I chuckled, my grin growing. "I'm nothing but lowly scum, correct? But would a piece of scum have the insane guts to do this?" I questioned as I pulled my leg back, aiming it at his shin.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi gave a light smile towards Suzuya, relieved to know that the pain in his wounds were dying down. "As long as we have Charles and each other, we can!...though, I have a strange feeling that maybe Sendo's comforted me before my torture.. is that weird?" she asked the boy, even though she knew he probably didn't know better. When she mentioned that he comforted her, heat rushed to her cheeks. She took it as anger towards him - he'd burned and burned her after all, and was probably even the source of her having no hearing. She quickly brushed it off, waving her hands for emphasis."A-anyway, don't believe that man, he'll probably just torture you again the next time he sees you. Charles wouldn't let him or Sendo near us.." she smiled, sounding as if she were a mother.

Nagito Komaeda

Still staring at the blood on the ground, it was now evident that Suzuya was tortured. Why..? Why was he tortured? He's solved many cases before this, even considered becoming an investigator alongside Shinohara and Saionji.. but he couldn't figure out why Suzuya was tortured. Was it something he did? No, he did absolutely nothing to deserve this punishment. Perhaps he was kidnapped in his sleep - no, Suzuya could've defended himself in such a case. But.. then how could he have been tortured? He couldn't think of any other way that Suzuya could've been tortured until he came to a conclusion - no, it couldn't be, he refused to believe it.

He'd turned himself in. At this thought, without a word, Komaeda got up towards the door, walking around the mansion and frantically checking each and every room for the albino. There was no evidence or clues anywhere as to where the stitched boy was taken, so he checked the second floor, checking the rooms there as well. He had no idea what went on in Charles' wretched mind, and he didn't hesitate to ruin whatever plan was brewing in it. Something about that old man even touching Suzuya made something in his brain snap and want to give him a brutal death by decapitating him and then letting him boil. He didn't want to think of what he did to Suzuya or the pain he must've suffered - which made him think it was impossible for him to have willingly sent himself in for torture. Was it because he seemed angry at him earlier? The albino did go to rather extravagant lengths to please Komaeda.. but all this over him feeling bad for his actions was unbelievable. What made it more unbelievable was that someone would do it for vermin like Komaeda.

After checking all the rooms, Komaeda stormed up to the third floor, checking the rooms there and thinking over this mess. What compelled Suzuya so much that he would do such a thing for mere trash? Garbage, literal scum that will never amount to anything or prove to serve any use to the world?

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji refused to look anymore at Big Sister's blood and flesh scattered on the ground, or, rather, everywhere. So she buried her face in Mr. Shinohara's shoulder, mumbling, "I.. want to go to bed." Her fists clenched, holding onto the man's sleeve quietly and not caring for whoever else was in the room with them. Where did Koizumi go..? They were gonna play and share candy.. if she were dead, the body would still be here, wouldn't it? She felt determined to find her, but at the same time sickly since her only friend was gone. There wasn't a thing she could do about it, and this was proof. "Big Sis is dead.. she won't be coming back.."
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Z looked up at Evan, not bothering to put up any sort of fight, but instead, she placed her knife in his hand. Her bear had gone missing so it would be the only weaponry she had, and she'd release a soft sigh. Charles had promised her, upon hire, there would be no consequences, no police, no arrests. That was why she said yes, she could have fun without jail time. She'd killed in the past and cleaned it up without leaving any trace, so she knew she was wanted in other towns, other places, but why here? She didn't even get the chance to kill anyone, she just let someone die. That's what these police were doing now, every second they waited to save Suzuya and Mahiru. They were allowing them to die. Did that make them killers?
Z didn't even look at Jasper. That jerk never believed her, he never wanted to work with her, she knew he was using her... so why did she stick around? Why did she like him so much? All that she did to try and help him was wasted now that he was caught, and all because he couldn't hear the truth, even now that Sendo told him the same thing. It didn't make sense, it made Z's head hurt, and she just wanted to go outside, she wanted to breathe.​
Jasper passively replied, "If you plan on arresting me for living my life the only way I've known how for the past 10 years, go ahead. Do it. I won't run. I won't fight back. I am happy with only the knowledge that you'll end up losing in the end. They all do~" He had a smug smile on his face. Even if he wasn't there to see it, he was confident in the old man's ability to make people suffer. He'd be able to keep the game going and to make sure there are no escapes or any survivors that'll cause him trouble.

Jasper felt the other man grab his hands getting ready to place handcuffs on him. He waited patiently while his fate was being decided by others. Such a silly little thing to have happened.

Evan nodded at the command. "One second, sir." He grabbed the knife from Z while holding onto her arm with his other hand. He dragged her over to join the main group and fished in his pockets for a pair of handcuffs. Once he produced one, he gave it to Shinohara before grabbing onto Z's wrist again. He whispered into her ear, "Don't think about trying anything funny, okay?" Even though, it did seem like the girl wasn't going to put much of a fight up anymore. She seemed to have almost given up.

Jasper laughed. "I don't want your advice. However much you try to convince me of who Charles is, I will refuse to believe you. You'll never understand how much I appreciate him for raising me." He added, low to himself, "Besides, if I were to leave his side, I'd have nowhere to go. No one to help... no family at all." He took a deep break before staring off into the distance once again.

.: Shinohara :.

Whence Shinohara obtained the handcuffs and started to put Jasper's wrists into them, he felt just a little regretful that things had to turn out this way for Jasper, he hadn't known the servant personally, but the way he was acting right now reminded Shinohara of someone that had nothing left, the way Jasper clung to Charles and said his life would have no meaning without the man was somewhat respectful, yet at the same time horrible and Shinohara had to shake his head a bit to clear his thoughts, he wouldn't pity a murderer, no matter the reason.

"Thank you very much, Evan." He smiled over to the man, and if he had the hands available, Shinohara would of pat Saionji's head and told her that everything was going to be alright, but he was making sure to secure Jasper, and thus didn't have the chance to, instead he sighed and tried to reassure the girl. "It's fine.. Charles wouldn't kill that easily, I'm sure they're both fine, we came too fast so he had to flee, makes sense! right?" Shinohara smiled down at Saionji, trying to lift her spirits with some of his light hearted chit chat.

Although his eyes caught sight of Komaeda leaving the scene, and he narrowed his eyes as he watched the other go, he would have to deal with the boy later, right now, securing their captives would be first priority.
"I hate to say something so dastardly.. but I think we should use this kid to our advantage, if Charles really does care for him as he believes, we can use him as a bargaining chip." Shinohara proposed a little hesitantly, not one for captives, yet at this point they were running out of options and the clock was ticking.

.: Suzuya :.

"Ah.. perhaps he was using the same method that Komaeda was? that uhm... oh! Stockholm syndrome." Suzuya replied to Koizumi curiously, unsure of his own answer yet wanting to say it, after all, the Albino was convinced that was the only reason he felt any kind of connection to Komaeda, it was because the other used the method known as Stockholm and lured the Albino into a false sense of security.

Yet it wouldn't matter now, Suzuya wouldn't give in, not after Charles showed him the light and rescued both him and Koizumi from that torturous chamber where Komaeda and Sendo had left them to rot.

However, the Albino grew puzzled as he stared at koizumi's face, and reached out to trace a finger down her cheek to see if it was warm, and to his surprise it wasn't just red, it was hot against his fingertip. Suzuya gasped, leaning back a bit as he exclaimed. "Ah! It's hot!"

"Your face is red and burning.. why is that, is it because you're angry, Desu?" The Albino questioned, blinking a few times as he stared towards the other as if she would explode or spontaneously morph into another being at any second, the albino was eccentric, and so were his expectations.

.: Charles :.

Charles was just about to reply before he got kicked in the chin, grunting in pain as he heeled over for a second, holding his breath to surpass the pain, the old man was just that, old, and as such his bones weren't like they used to be, such a weak kick from the maid actually hurt him, and for allowing himself not to foresee the maid's attack, he scoffed at himself.

"If that's the case.. I'll just rid you of your own sight, doesn't that sound more interesting?!" Charles struggled to keep his tone quiet as he hissed towards the maid, suddenly lunging his arm forward and grabbing Teela's throat, the old man then in all of his fury got a rather sick and twisted idea, and acting on his own desire to wound the girl, Charles thrust his other hand forward and attempted to plunge out the maid's eye from the socket with only his fingers, trying to grab hold of it and yank the thing out so she would no longer be able to see him and find him so easily.

(Ew, ew, I'm so sorry, it's up to you if you want her eye to be yanked out omg ew. ;w; )

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I screamed as his fingers dug into the socket of my left eye, blood oozing through his fingers. I desperately tried to push away from him, but the old man's grip on my neck was firm. I started to fire blank shots at Charles, but all it did was make my eardrums pop, muffling my screams. I fell to my knees as I watched in horror as my eye was ripped out, leaving a dark hole where it used to be. My hand flew up to my eye socket as I tried to stop the bleeding, but as a result, I only worsened the agonizing pain. I could still see out of my remaining eye, but my vision was hazy and blurred from the tears that grew on my eyelashes. I started to feel myself start to slip away from consciousness as I was choked, and I soon fell limp like a ragdoll.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda began to gradually lose hope, realizing Suzuya and Koizumi were probably not in a lot of the rooms he'd already checked. He never really explored the first floor other than the kitchen and music room, so he felt he should be cautious as to where he stepped but he still rushed, wanting to make sure Suzuya was okay. He heard voices coming from the staircase - one of which belonged to that irritating Teela and another which belonged to Charles, which picqued his interest and made him get close to a wall so he wouldn't be noticed. When he saw the girl fall limp, he couldn't help but smile. Sure, he never agreed with Charles but this made a strange, new respect grow for him. However, that respect was short-lived when he'd snuck around the two fighting, and looked through a creak in the door which revealed a singed Koizumi and a wounded Suzuya - which pained the tall boy to witness - it hurt him to see Suzuya hurt because of his actions.. and it made him want to run into the room and hug the albino.

That was impossible though, now that Charles was here. As much as he hated it, Komaeda decided to hide and waited pateitly for the man to leave.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Most likely.. I don't think Sendo must've meant any of those words, he just wanted to torture us in the end. Don't believe either of them, only Charles.."
Koizumi smiled, but the heat from earlier rose to her cheeks again when Suzuya pointed it out. "I don't know either! I think I'm.. angry? It's probably Sendo's doing, he's a big jerk who's just gotten into my head.." the girl puffed out her cheeks, turning her head away, face burning.

She really didn't have a clue of what Sendo wanted to do with her.. it seemed that he really buried in that Stockholm syndrome Suzuya was talking about.

Saionji Hiyoko

"He could kill them whenever he wants to.."
Saionji said quietly, staring at the ground. "From the evidence it's obvious - we can't promise that he won't torture them again.. he could kill anyone, even Big Sis.." she winced when she said those words, her tone noticeably lacking the cocky demeanor she possessed just a couple of minutes ago when she didn't see any of this. She frowned, frightened for her friend and mostly just talking to herself now, not wanting to meet the eyes of Mr. Shinohara.
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Yuki Shiro ~

"Mr. Shinoharaaa!" Yuki called, running down the hall when she caught sight of the investigators. As she reached them, she latched onto the man's arm. "I got lost when you went to the security room, but you weren't there when I found it..." tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, "It's really scary in here, please don't leave me alone anymore." She released Shinohara's arm when she saw Sendo. "Oh, how's your arm?" she asked him, forgetting about her fears already.

Sendo Senkusha ~

"It's not really my style to do something like that, but it may be the only chance we have." Sendo replied to Shinohara's idea with a discontented sigh. He felt his heart sink a little at the investigator's attitude toward Jasper, but not because the killer didn't deserve it--he definitely did. It was because Sendo knew that he deserved that same treatment in reality, he was no better than Jasper in terms of past crimes. But he wasn't going to let Koizumi go through any more pain. Even if it was the last thing he would do, Sendo was going to make sure Mahiru was safe and sound, he didn't care what would happen to him afterward. Just then, Yuki came running down the hall and grabbed Shinohara as though he were a large stuffed bunny.

"Ah, it's fine." Sendo answered her when she asked him about the injury from Suzuya's bite. Sendo tried to remember if he had met this girl before, though he gave up when nothing came to mind. "Don't worry, we won't leave you alone, young lady." he added reassuringly.
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Z nodded in response to Evan's warning, though she could hear it in his voice that he already knew she wouldn't do anything. This was it for her. If Charles really came to save Jasper, he'd kill her for sure, he'd kill her for planting those thoughts in Jasper's head and Jasper would just be a robot once again. In fact, Charles would probably ask Jasper to kill her. That would be okay. She looked over at the male she had once been allied with before she sighed softly, her voice trembling as she spoke.
"You'd have me. You wouldn't be alone."
Her eyes returned to Evan as she watched the investigator. He seemed nicer than the others, including that Kenai fellow that stayed back because of what Z did, so she hoped he would be the one to keep hold of her the entire time. She didn't like the way that Shinohara dragged her and pushed her around.​
Jasper zoned out most of their conversation, not really caring anymore of what they had to say. He started to look around the spot where they were standing and his jaw dropped when he saw Z just standing there. The one person who surprised him; someone who he could have trusted. The very same girl who had ratted him out. He looked at her with a pained expression on his face, not really having the energy to do anything more. After all, he was still injured and bleeding. How could the investigators not see that?

Evan spoke up to Shinohara's suggestion, "That does seem like a good plan but how will we be able to contact Charles? How will he even know that we have one of his servants?" He was intrigued by this particular plan and wanted to see it put into action. He was usually the type to talk things out before doing them but now, he really wanted to get something done. It did feel rewarding to capture two killers so far. Maybe now, the victims in this estate will be even more safe until they were able to truly save them from this horrid place.

He watched the young girl beside him nod. She seemed to be a bit sad and frightened. Maybe she was forced into this. Evan believed that anyone who hurt another person was bad but if someone was forcing these people to commit crimes, maybe they were victims too. Why did the maid seem so... suspicious? She was certainly crazy but she had a deep sadness about her as well. He whispered to the killer beside him, trying to be a bit polite, "I'm sure he'll be okay. He seems to be bleeding a lot and his injuries might lower his sentencing." He could certainly tell that these two had some kind of thing going on. As for what kind, he wasn't really sure. But it wasn't really any of his concern, his first priority was to save the victims and make sure the killers were put away for the safety of the town.
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.: Shinohara :.

"Saionji... " Shinohara sorrowfully started, his expression softening as he glanced down at the girl, she was going through so much right now and staying strong simply wasn't an option for her, the blonde needed a rock and the man felt afraid that he couldn't support her, there were no comforting words that he could offer Saionji, for his own crippling fear settling inside his heart made him imagine the worst had already happened to his son, and as much as he tried to shake the thought of Suzuya possibly being dead already, it still haunted him, and prevented him from comforting Saionji or Yuki, all he could offer the frail girls was a ruffle of the hair and a sad smile to try to ease their worries.

Sighing, Shinohara tried to level his head as he attempted to focus back onto the thought at hand.
They needed to figure out exactly how to use Jasper as a bargaining chip, yet more importantly they had to keep him alive so they could use him as a bargaining chip and that bothered the S.W.A.T member to a point, knowing that they would have to care in anyway for the servant gave him an uncomfortable feeling within his gut.

"Charles will know.. if he has this mansion surveyed as we expect, he'll know our actions before we even make them, I have no doubt that he already anticipated our decision before we even came to it.." Shinohara made a rather risky assumption, and contemplated that perhaps he was giving Charles a little too much credit for being the mastermind of this mansion.

Although at the same time Shinohara had no doubt that the old man would be one step ahead of them, he had been doing this for years and had gotten away with it, and this was probably the first time investigators even got involved, and out of mere coincidence were they even allowed to, this case wasn't official, and by no means legally permitted. it was a rescue mission that Shinohara formed on a whim, and could of landed them in serious trouble had the case came up with no results.

"We need to tend to the boy's wounds first... then we can think of a plan to lure Charles out, I hate waiting but.. he's going to be no use to us if he dies.. however, I don't want to leave the captives hanging.. " Shinohara started as he examined everyone in the room, they someone that could scout the mansion and possibly find the captives location before Charles would move them, that way they could just rush in once Jasper was fixed up and play their card for trade, then after Koizumi and Suzuya were secured and at a safe distance, they would take Charles and Jasper down on the spot before they could make a move.

"Any volunteers to scout..? I want to make this patchwork quick, nothing fancy." Gesturing to Jasper before the man continued with
"We don't have time to wait for him to heal completely, we need to move quickly.. each second we waste, the captives lives are on the line and ticking away, however if we lose this important chess piece.. I fear time will run out before we even find them."

.: Suzuya :.

"Only Charles.." Suzuya agreed with Koizumi as he repeated her words, smiling as he closed his eyes and thought about the sentence that came from his mouth, somehow it felt alien, and made him feel a little uncomfortable as he uttered them.
The stitched boy played it off as just feeling wrong in general after the torture, his senses were out of whack from the torture he endured earlier, and decided that finding out why Koizumi's cheeks were red would be a little more fun than worrying about it.

"Ah! I would get angry too.. but I don't think getting mad will solve anything to do with Komaeda-san, I want to take revenge.. it's much more sweet!" The Albino giggled as he exclaimed this, idly starting to sway his legs that dangled from the chair he sat at for entertainment, yet Suzuya didn't notice how quickly his heart picked up pace as he said Komaeda's name.. almost as if it were aching for some reason, an odd sensation of wanting to see the other was passed off as the Albino wanting to hurt Komaeda for what he did to him, thinking that he only wanted to see Komaeda so he could put the other through the same pain he had to go through.

"Aye aye Sir!~ can you bring me back some sweets too-" Suzuya cut himself off as Charles abruptly shut the door, frowning a bit at how much of a hurry the old man seemed to be in, it was nothing that the Albino could stop however, and he knew he had to be grateful to Charles for saving him, so he wouldn't complain even if the old man didn't bring any delicious sweets back.

.: Charles :.

Charles chuckled as Teela screamed, merely digging his fingers in more to cause the maid pain before the old man inevitability yanked her eyeball right from the socket, throwing the disgusting thing to the floor so he didn't have to taint his hands with it's gooey blood, wiping the substance off onto the side of his pants as he scoffed at how dirty the girl was, ignoring her wailing and struggling to stand, Charles turned back to the door that was still ajar, and leaned in to chime to the two occupants.

"Oh! It seems that we have a rather awful rodent out here.. I hate to leave you two, but I'll be back shortly, I need to dispose of it.. if this thing stays here, then we will for certain get some sort of disease.. you two rest, and if anyone comes in, please do show them some hospitality." the old man finished and was just about to leave, when he quickly stopped himself, wagging his finger as if he was trying to keep a thought within his mind that begged to escape him.

"I'll also be bringing you two weapons when I return.. we don't know when they will come back, now do we? It would be better if we can defend ourselves, so I'm going to scrounge up some weaponry that will be to our liking." Charles grinned as he said this, letting the two know that they would soon get the revenge they craved, then the old man finally turned to leave, grabbing the unconscious Teela roughly by the hair, he yanked her by the golden locks and started down the staircase dragging her all the while.

Although the real reason the man was leaving Koizumi and Suzuya behind was not just weaponry, in truth Charles already knew that Jasper would of probably been caught by now, and he had to check to see just how severe the situation had gotten without him there, after all, the surprise in the morning wouldn't be as suspenseful if his faithful servant wouldn't be at his side. someone needed to help him train the two newbies so Charles could get the terror filled finale on the road after all. Charles had plans to attend to, big plans that only Jasper could help him with, and so, the old man carefully treaded down the staircase with the maid's body in tow.

(Ah! sorry for taking like a day to reply, eep! </3 )
I opened my eye as I was dragged down the stairs, tears dripping from my eye, blood pouring out of my socket. Sobbing, I grabbed onto my hair as I was pulled by it, half stumbling, half falling. "L-let me go! Let me go you monster!" I shrieked, trying to pull myself away from him. "You god damned, ****ing, eye stealing, devil worshiping, son of a *****!" I screamed, weakly slamming my fist into his thigh.
Nagito Komaeda

Once the coast was clear, Komaeda scuttled out behind the plant he was hiding behind and rushed over to the room he saw earlier, the watchtower, he assumed. He spotted the familiar albino in there, relief washing over his face. "Suzuya! Suzuya, are you okay, what happened, I--" Komaeda asked, rushing into the room when he was sure Charles wasn't there anymore, not wanting to risk the stitched boy getting tortured again for his reckless actions. He didn't know what to say - there were bandages all over his body and it looks like his hair was wet. It was most likely from the well in the cellar, but Komaeda hasn't quite figured out why Charles would need a well without the intention of drowning his victims. The boy seemed to be talking to Koizumi.. why was she here, anyhow? Suzuya he understood, but he couldn't put his finger on what could be the reason. He'd overheard his name in the conversation earlier, but he felt he shouldn't point it out.

He drew closer to the albino, making sure that he was okay by holding up his arms gently, carressing the stitches lining it in the process. "If you don't mind me asking.. Suzuya, why did you leave?" Komaeda asked in a worried tone. His face was dangerously close to the other's, making sure that he was okay, and inspecting other areas around the albino's body for maybe smaller injuries.

Koizumi Mahiru

"I think I'd agree.. if Sendo ever shows his face in front of me again, I'll do what he did to me, for defiling a woman like that! It's crude!"
Koizumi nodded, until someone's burst into the room. Komaeda. "Hey! You b*stard, you can't show your face around here!" Koizumi said, pointing at the tall boy accusingly.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo was anxious to get moving and find Mahiru. "I'll do the scouting, that is if you don't mind." he suggested, hoping the investigators would approve. He couldn't just stand around idly waiting for Charles to cook up some other plan, they needed to act now. Though the feeling that something horrible awaited all of them couldn't be shaken, as Sendo attempted to cling to the hope that Koizumi was alright. As the minutes went by however, Sendo's distant feelings of despair sunk in slowly and his desperation grew with each mention of Charles. Surely he would begin to fall apart if they found no leads soon--after all, what did he have left to live for anymore, if not for Koizumi?