Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


Z tilted her head curiously, her eyes locked with Evan's before she released a heavy sigh.
"He's my... friend. And I think you should be careful using him as a hostage, if Charles is one step ahead of the game as we all believe, that means he might have something horrible in mind planned for you all."
Her voice was low, as she only wanted Evan to hear, knowing the other police didn't trust her. She then turned her eyes back over to Jasper to watch him. It made her sad to see him like that, like watching a hurt puppy stumble along with nowhere to go. Jasper. Her Jasper. The one who not so long ago entrusted her with his secret room. The one who left her for dead.​
Evan reassured, "Don't worry. Shinohara has been in this business for a long time. I'm sure he has something in mind." It surprised him to hear the girl call the other killer her friend. Could killers even have friends? Were they even capable of such things? It seemed rather strange. How thin the line between victim and killer was. It made him wonder if Alice had ever harmed anyone. He had no doubt in his mind that she was harmless but now, a new sense of confusion arose. He shook his head. Better to wrap up this case soon before he really did get lost.

Jasper stared into Z's eyes from where he stood, as if he was trying to mentally communicate with the other. He was trying to ask why she had ratted him out so easily. He really didn't understand why she did that. It baffled him. Confused him. He had began to believe they were allies but after that, it showed that they were nothing more than two strangers, incapable of trusting each other or working together.

Then, he had a brief thought of going to save her but let it slide. He can't put himself in jeopardy just for her. Then there was the whole thing about brainwashing. She didn't seem to understand how deep the connection between him and Charles went. He did begin to believe her at first but then, it landed him in this situation. He laughed dryly to himself. Maybe, if they met under better circumstances, they could have been great friends or maybe even more than that...

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara finally noticed that Evan had caught Z, and gestured for Evan to come closer so they could put the two criminals together, they could probably keep a better eye on them if they kept them by each other after all.

"It's not much.. but if you can help us out with this, I'm sure you'll get brownie points when we take you back to the station." Shinohara told Sendo as he also gave a nod of approval to let him know to go ahead and scout, if it was just another criminal it would be fine if they were caught anyway, going alone was dangerous and Shinohara knew the risk, so sacrificing another sinful human being didn't bother him as much as sacrificing one of his comrades if the worst result came up.

However Shinohara had a feeling that Sendo would be able to hold his own and perhaps even find the location they needed revealed, searching his pockets for a walkie talkie, Shinohara came over and plopped the device down into Sendo's hands.

"Once you find their location.. if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in?" The S.W.A.T member looked sternly into Sendo's eyes as he said this, yet held a firm smile that somehow let the other know how important it was to inform the investigators, perhaps not just for arresting Charles, but for letting the father reunite with his son, and to save Koizumi from harms way, Shinohara always was more concerned with the captives than he was the hostile criminals.

"For now.. does anyone here know standard medical?" Turning to the group as he looked over everyone, the man waited for someone to volunteer to give Jasper a quick patch up job, they had to be quick if they wanted to be able to use the servant as bait to lure out Charles.

.: Suzuya :.

Even while he was somewhat zoning out, Suzuya let himself nod in agreement with Koizumi.
After all the stitched boy understood where Koizumi was coming from with such a statement, it was gross and perverted to do something like that to someone and it made him feel quite uncomfortable to know that Komaeda defiled his body like that as well. they were both tortured with their bodies treated as toys for entertainment by both Sendo and Komaeda.

Suzuya opened his mouth and was about to tell the red head exactly how they could get their revenge when the very person who caused harm to the stitched boy entered the room, the stitched boy could only sit there with his mouth agape as his fellow servant tried to defend him, telling Komaeda that he wasn't welcomed there.

The Albino couldn't even process it until it was too late and Komaeda had gotten uncomfortably close, Suzuya watched in horror as the other held up his stitched arm and started to caress it as if the other cared for him, the Albino was in such utter shock that he didn't know how to reply and only flinched as the other caressed him, instinctively leaning back to try to create some distance between Komaeda's face and his own as the boy trembled ever so slightly, this was the person that tortured him, the same person that left him half dead back in the torture chamber, and the same person that Suzuya swore revenge upon.

Yet Suzuya felt not rage or resentment towards the other, right now all the Albino felt was terrified, his own fear paralyzing him as all he couldn't even bring himself to speak or protest the other's actions, all Suzuya did was stare towards Komaeda in horror and shock like a deer in headlights might.

.: Charles :.

Charles ignored Teela as he continued to pull her along, his grip slowly ripping out her hair due to the result of her struggling while being dragged like that, and with such a weak attempt of a smack, Charles paid it no mind as he made his way towards the bathroom across from the end of the stairwell.

Thinking nothing of the ruckus Teela was causing due to how far they were in the mansion, no one would be able to hear the maid so it was pointless to scream like that and even pray for someone to help her now, and as such Charles grabbed the doorknob and twisted, trotting on into the bathroom and only when Charles came inside did the old man finally let go of Teela.

Then coming over to it and with a quick thrust, dropping Teela off into the Jacuzzi that sat in the middle of the room with a splash that wet the pristine tile floors, the man stuck out his leg and tapped the on switch with the heel of his shoe and grinned as the water heated up and the water started to shake and tremor.

"You know.. you shouldn't be so cross with me, I don't have time for it to be honest.." Charles explained as he started to leisurely make his way back to the door, gripping the doorframe as he looked back at the bubbling water and scoffed
"Simply let the game play out and stay out of my business.. until then, get washed up, you rotten piece of filth!" scrunching his nose as he said this, Charles then shut the door and left down the hallway with haste.

As the old man surveyed the hallways to make sure the coast was clear, the old man heard noises from a certain direction and ended up taking a detour so he wouldn't run into the investigators, and as it turned out his timing was flawless as he had taken the entire different route just to get past them, yes it was longer, but it was worth it in the end as Charles knew exactly where he wanted to go, and headed to the location of which he hid all of his sharp and fun toys.

(Eww sorry for the bad post I was rushing;; xwx; )

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Evan nodded and gently pulled Z towards the others so that they could join the group instead of being so far. He spoke up, "I don't know too much but if it seems like there is no other option, I could attempt to help out with his wounds? Do we have the proper supplies? Where do you think they'd hide the first aid kit, if there even is one here?"

Jasper replied, even though no one was talking to him, "If you'll allow me, I have a first aid kit hidden around the mansion. I just need 20 minutes to grab it and I will be back here." He knew they wouldn't allow him to go alone but they did seem desperate so it was worth a shot. He added, "If you don't trust me, I'll let that kid tag along." He pointed at Evan, who seemed like he was the only one to trust among the investigators. Jasper could easily manipulate the other if it came to that.
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Z returned Jasper's gaze sheepishly, watching as the confusion crossed his gaze. What was he trying to ask her? She narrowed her eyes a bit, attempting to decode what his expression meant. She was only trying to help him. She wanted him to appear weaker, needier, so if things got too hot with the investigators, he could surprise them. Why couldn't he understand that? Unless there was another reason he was upset with her. Damn it, she wouldn't let him be used as pawn to draw out Charles. And what for? So the investigators would be killed, and that would lead to Jasper killing her? No. She wouldn't go down that easily. If it's a distraction that needed to happen, so be it.

She narrowed her eyes, reading the faces in the room. Pain, disgust, anger, anxiety, it was all there, including on her and Jasper's face. They were much superior to the police, so why did they have so much in common? It baffled her, annoyed her, and she grunted at Jasper's attempt to get his first-aid kit. Of course he'd need an escort; with his foolish actions recently, he'd be locked up forever if it came down to it.​
Rubbing my head as I was released, I was about to ask the old man why he brought me to the bathroom. But was cut off as I was thrown into the boiling water. I let out a loud sob as my head hit the side of the bath, but my most concern was directed at the water. Cursing loudly, I jumped out of the Jacuzzi but slipped on the wet tile, causing me to fall flat on my face. Screams of anguish escaped me, but not from landing on my eyeless socket. Instead, my clothes were burning up. I felt my skin start to burn from the small flames coming from the sodium laced into my uniform. "D-damn t-that b*stard... Damn him..." I sobbed as the clothing continued to burn in the small flames. "I-I refuse to d-die... I s-simply won't allow it... But why must the world hate me so...? Am I j-just a mistake?" I questioned myself as I started ripping off the sodium-filled clothing, tossing it into the water. "That uniform always did keep me in the dark. I never could really tell when I hit my marks." A small smile formed on my lips, dispite all the pain I had gone through. "I doubt I'll even make any more when I'm half-blinded!" I giggled, dragging myself over to the corner of the bathroom farthest from the door. Curling up in the fetal position, I sighed once the cold tile began to cool down my burnt skin. "My only wish now is to kill that b*statd..." I chuckled as I closed my blue eye, letting the sounds of the Jacuzzi lull me to a light sleep.
Nagito Komaeda and Koizumi Mahiru

Komaeda didn't pay much attention to the redhead's words and kept looking at Suzuya. But when the albino flinched at his touch, something clicked in Komaeda's head. He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if to inspect the other again - noticing there was a somewhat faraway and blank look in his eyes - almost like it didn't possess hope. He was puzzled by Suzuya's behavior, but he decided not to say anything for now. He didn't expect Charles to go so far as to force the stitched boy to express such a manner. He didn't know if this was all true yet, so the taller boy stood up from his spot on his floor. He gave a small grin to himself before putting his newly-formulated plan in action and then stuck out his hand and placed it on top of the other's. The boy slowly lowered his head and kissed the top of the albino's hand and nipped lightly at the boy's fingers, looking up at the stitched boy slightly and winking.

At this, Koizumi stood up abrupty from her seat with an angered expression, not too sure if it was because she had to watch this disgusting display from the person who tortured Suzuya and Suzuya himself not doing anything about it, or the fact that the tall boy was so bold or revolting enough to even try this sort of thing after what he's done to the poor stitched boy. She made her way over to Komaeda, ripped him off of the albino's hand and glared at the torturer because he still had that sickening grin on his face. The redhead struck the side of the tall boy's face as if to wipe off the satisfied smile on the other's face. "Did you not hear me? You're not welcome here, after what you've done to Suzuya, you b*stard! Get away!" Koizumi frowned, fists clenched.

The taller boy did nothing to dodge the girl's slap, the same smile from before returning to this face. "Ah, that stings.." the boy began before hearing the rest of the girl's sentence. After what he's done? He didn't do anything bad to Suzuya other than the fact that he's scolded him twice for what he's done, but it was nothing to get so angry over. "Done something? I was just testing out a theory I had just now. I don't believe I've done anything terrible to him, I just prevented anything like that happening."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"That's not exactly why I offered..." Sendo answered Shinohara in a low voice before the investigator placed a walkie-talkie in his hands. He examined the device, listening to the man's request. "Understood." he replied with a nod as he put it in his pocket. "You hang in there, alright?" he said, not wanting to admit the investigators had grown on him a little. With that, he ran off, not wasting any time to find the room Charles' captives were inside of--if they were still alive.
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.: Shinohara :.

"You should hang in there, too." Shinohara replied a little awkwardly, for some reason he trusted Sendo a little too much already, although the S.W.A.T member could of guessed it was because of the humanity Sendo kept displaying, then turning back to the group.

There weren't many options left and as much as Shinohara didn't want to allow Jasper to roam around the mansion, if simply one person escorted him then it would no doubt end in despair, Jasper might of looked like a kicked puppy moments ago but in reality this man was a ruthless killer, trained and emotionless to the point of being inhumane, someone like him couldn't be trusted to be alone with one of his men, yet seeing how terrified and scared both Yuki and Saionji were helped Shinohara come to his reluctant decision.

"Evan will escort you.. I apologize, but there is no way I'm letting you go by yourself, I would be an idiot if I trusted you to even come back." Shinohara gave his order cautiously, before calling to Evan in a stern tone that a father might use.

"Evan! stay on your toes.. this guy might look depressed, but that doesn't stop the fact he's ruthless, he might try to get in your head... don't let him, get the supplies and come back as soon as you can, do you understand me?" Shinohara furrowed his brow, letting Evan have this warning to let the investigator know to exercise extreme caution while handling such a dangerous man.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino's heart started to race and his cheeks turned a hot red colour, his eyes widening in both shock and horror towards Komaeda's actions yet the stitched boy was immobilized by just how violated and horrified he was by what Komaeda was doing to him, it didn't make sense and as much as the stitched boy wanted to be disgusted, as much as he wanted to be grossed out and push the other away from him, his body was paralyzed and simply wouldn't allow it.

His heart picked up even more speed as he felt Komaeda's lips against his hand, his breathing hastened as his whole body started to tremble at the sensations that his former torturer's kisses and nips caused him, his mind was racing yet no words could come out as the situation was enough to traumatize the poor Albino and all he could do was helplessly allow the other to violate him like this.

Thankfully Koizumi stepped in and struck Komaeda's hand, in turn Suzuya's body finally allowed him to snatch his hand back as he held it tightly to his chest, feeling that his heart was just about to explode from the sheer panic he was experiencing and perhaps even pleasure that he was too repulsed to even accept.

"P-Pervert...what were you doing?.." Suzuya growled and tried to sound intimidating as he normally could, yet his voice came out more shaky than he would of liked, and when his body finally wanted to function again the Albino took a wobbly step backwards, feeling the room starting to spin as his head ached the more he thought on why the other did what he just did, his heart really did feel about to burst and it wasn't long until Suzuya felt his body starting to give out on him right when it finally allowed him to move again.

Not being able to process all of the confusion shock and disgust at the same time, all the while the awkward longing that he felt for the other bringing him even more horror, he wanted to retort, to argue with Komaeda and tell him to leave, he wanted to hurt the other, to hurt him and make sure Komaeda never dared to touch him like that again, yet Suzuya started to lose his balance the more he stepped back, the stitched boy was overcome with a wave of nausea.
Surely enough it was too much for Suzuya to take as his mind wanted to remind him of something that he just couldn't remember, and his headache and nausea increased until he collapsed right then and there.

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Jasper smiled, slowly regaining his composure from his little breakdown. "Ah, thank you, sir. Now, could you please unhandcuff me for a bit? It'll be hard to grab my first aid kit when I'm cuffed like this. Don't you understand?" He looked over at Evan and analyzed the other man. He would be an easy one to break. It wouldn't even take that much effort, really. He had already done his research on him and he knew a lot that the other didn't know about.

Evan nodded, taking Shinohara's warning seriously. "Got it, sir. I won't let him escape or harm another person." He watched the killer try to get himself uncuffed as well and said, "There is no need for that. Just show me where the kit is and I'll grab it for you." He gave him a polite smile. "Now then, are you ready to head out?" Evan wasn't about to let the killer have an advantage over him. This wouldn't be right and his training had drilled into his mind the notion of taking charge of the situation and not letting the criminal manipulate you. If this Jasper fellow thought he could easily escape, he had another thing coming his way.
Nagito Komaeda and Koizumi Mahiru

"Hmm? Pervert? Oh, like I said to Koizumi here, I was merely testing something earlier was all. No harm in that, is there?" Komaeda asked, giving the albino a friendly smile and stepped backwards slightly to give the boy space to stand up and go.. wherever he was going. He saw the boy wobble, putting out his hands instinctively to catch him if he fell, barely missing him and nearly dropped the frail boy, grabbing his hand at the last second and then gently lowering him to the ground. He then put his arms under and around the boy's legs and back, deciding to carry the boy back to the room. When he neared the door, he turned around slightly to give Koizumi a knowing smirk. He then made sure not to rock Suzuya so much due to all the bandages on his body and not wanting to wake up the boy and headed back towards the bedroom.

Koizumi, upon realizing that Komaeda didn't even listen to her, fumed and grew even angrier at seeing Komaeda scoop up Suzuya and take off from the room, flaunting off that smile again. She took off after him, knowing that Charles would be disgusted at her for losing Suzuya and ran as fast as she could after him and down the stairwell, not quite catching him but keeping a close trail.

.: Shinohara :.

"A fine example already.." Shaking his head at Jasper's attempt to escape, Shinohara decided to leave a little comment for Jasper before the two went off and Evan would be alone with the scoundrel.

"You'll listen to Evan and you won't touch as much of a hair on his head or we'll have a problem... we might not look like much, but we're trained professionals, and I won't hesitate to end your life if you make the wrong move, my priority here is my partners and the innocents..
You on the other hand, are a ruthless killer that sadly doesn't make the list." Shinohara reminded Jasper of his position, and threatened him the best he could so perhaps the man would leave Evan alone and let this patchwork process go by quickly so they could return to the group soon.

Now after he was done and finally being able to tend to the two kids beside him, Shinohara turned and leaning down the S.W.A.T member placed his hands neatly onto his knees, offering a kind hearted smile to the two girls to reassure both Yuki and Saionji that everything would be just fine.

"Your friend Is probably fine... you know how crazy my son was before? when he tackled you like that? Suzuya is strong, he's fast and although he can be a bit reckless.. he wouldn't let someone just die, he'll protect her and they'll be fine. got it?" his tone came out fatherly as it had before, Shinohara really was a family man when it came down to it, and didn't hesitate to reach out and brush some of Saionji's hair out of her eyes, then proceeding to help wipe her tears away.

Shinohara knew he had to make sure the girls were okay, and even if he didn't want to, he would have to also make sure Z stayed put, so he called over to the once again captured murderer. "And you.. don't try anything and we can get along, got it?"

.: Charles :.

Closing the big wooden door behind him, Charles was rather pleased to have found the exact weapons that he wanted to gather up for both Koizumi and Suzuya, weapons that would suit both of their tastes and were easy enough to use when they got the command to fight back against the investigators, he would use them as decoys so Jasper and himself could escape this mansion, the game had gone on a little longer than usual, but Charles would make sure that he reigned victorious as always.

Coming down the empty hallway the old man had tucked a mix of pink and red coloured metal Chinese fan into his belt, it hung from the right side of his buckle and seemed a little dangerously close to his hip, nevertheless the man trotted on, holding a rather dangerous looking scythe that rested upon his shoulder, bouncing slightly as he walked down the hall. the scythe had a dark purple handle that Charles gripped tight, careful not to drop it.

.: Suzuya :.

It was seldom, yet the boy would scratch lightly on Komaeda's shirt in his unconscious state, as if trying to wake himself up or make the person that held him drop him.

Although evident that The stitched boy was out cold, as he only twitched every now and then in Komaeda's arms, possibly from a nightmare of sorts that would occur when one fainted or went to sleep so involuntarily, and after awhile Suzuya quietly began mumbling things like "I'll be a good boy..." and "I have to, or else he'll be cross with me.." in whatever nightmare he was having.

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Nagito Komaeda

Finally reaching the room, Komaeda's breath was ragged and fast, but still made sure that the albino in his arms wasn't uncomfortable. He didn't pay much mind to the boy lightly scratching at him - he'd expect this from Suzuya - so he just walked over to the bed and laid the stitched boy down gently. The tall boy then proceeded to lock the door just in case someone were to try to break in, and he pulled up a chair nearby where Suzuya was sleeping to keep a watch on him to make sure he didn't try to get tortured again. Even though it wasn't that long ago, Komaeda always thought that the albino looked peaceful when he was sleeping and it gave him a sense of relief to know now that he was here, not being tortured.

He inspected the bandages wrapped around his body, sighing at how sloppily done they were but did nothing - he didn't want to wake him up. Suzuya's behavior before was peculiar - had he eaten something bad or did the torture get to his brain and he didn't realize it was him? Whatever it was, he was going to pay Charles back tenfold for even laying a finger on Suzuya. He knew it would all be better in the morning. Komaeda pushed up Suzuya's hair and pecked the top of his forehead before keeping watch on the boy for another hour until he was sure he was sleeping, and fell asleep still in the chair and on an empty spot on the bed next to him.

Saionji Hiyoko

"But she's all alone! He could tackle her, too, if he wanted to! He's going to tackle poor Big Sis!"
Saionji frowned, her cheeks puffing out and cheeks reddening because she was about to cry again. "A pervert is going to touch her! He's going to hurt her and touch her and he'll probably have her killed!"
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo walked swiftly through the halls, not leaving a single room unchecked as he went; though the place seemed deserted. All he could think of was Mahiru and how much he hoped he would find her alive and well. That's when his eyes landed on the form of a young girl with red hair moving quickly along and there was no doubt in his mind that it was the photographer that he had been looking for. "Koizumi!" he called, relief washing over him as he approached her. Sendo forgot about the walkie-talkie in his pocket, he didn't even consider where Mahiru had come from or where she was going. "Are you alright?" he asked. Then, looking over her burns, his eyes widened--her wounds looked even more painful when he was this close. "What... have they done to you...?" he questioned in a low tone, disgusted that any human would have defiled someone in this way. He reached out to her but quickly pulled his hand away, not wanting to cause her pain by touching any of the burns on her skin.

He looked downward, anger welling up inside of him as he asked her one more question, "Did Charles do this?"
Koizumi Mahiru

Mahiru chased relentlessly after Komaeda down the stairs until he ran into a room and locked it, about to go herself to kick the door down until she heard a voice calling her name. She abruptly turned around, surprised and prepared to greet Charles if the voice belonged to him, until she realized just who it was.

"Hey! Haven't you heard of personal space? Mind your manners around a lady, you brute!" Koizumi sneered, backing off from the man and glared furiously at Sendo. "Oh, am I alright? I would have been if you've been so kind to not torture me, thank you very much." Koizumi's tone was hostile and disgusted at seeing this man even trying to fool her with his dirty, filthy and revolting lies. She was unarmed at the moment, but she would not hesitate to kill him this instant for what he's done.
Jasper nodded, with a mischievous grin on his face. "Got it, Mr. Shinohara. I'll be sure to bring back your son's head as a souvenir." He quickly ran off, not waiting to hear what the other man would say in response. This'll be a piece of cake. All he had to do was make it to his little room and he'll be safe. But first, he has to lose the investigator.

Evan reassured Shinohara, "I'll handle him. We'll meet you guys back in the kitchen afterwards." He sped up to catch up with Jasper and grabbed the man's arm. "Hey, slow down. I'm not letting you out of my watch, okay? Don't think you'll have an easy time either. I helped with the Jeff the Killer case so I know my way around killers like you. You're all the same. Just got to learn the pattern and you're nothing to us."

Jasper ignored the other man's taunts and continued on his way. While going down one of the hallways, he paused in his steps when he saw something move in his peripherals. Sneakily peeking a glance without revealing too much, he saw that it was Charles. The image of the old man warmed his heart and brought a smile to his face. Now, he just had to distract the investigator a bit so Charles could join them. He fell to the ground, faking pain on his face. "Ouch. I think I broke my leg."

Evan frowned and bent down to help the other man up. "No, you didn't. That was a lie. You can't fool me." He grew a bit suspicious now. "Is there anyone else here? What's going on? You better tell me now before I shoot a bullet through your head."
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo stared at Mahiru with a puzzled look for a minute, trying to process what had just happened. "Now wait a moment, I haven't tortured anyone in my life. How could you possibly mistake Charles for-" That's when he realized what was really going on here. "me..." he finished, looking over the clearly terrified girl before him. Sendo would need to choose his words carefully; Mahiru was not of a stable mind right now and one wrong move could be extremely dangerous.

"Koizumi, tell me what you remember about this mansion." he said, concern lining his voice. He needed to find out just how far this brainwashing had gone. Though, for the short time that the girl had been in the cellar, there was no way the false memories could have run deep--at least, not without as many holes as swiss cheese. All he needed to do was fill in the blanks, though it would undoubtedly be tough.
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Z shrugged at the police officer. She didn't care anymore. There was no point in resisting, she was already a prisoner anyway.
Her spirits crushed, she stood willingly beside the cop and awaited his next move. Time was ticking, and after Jasper having made a comment like that, things were sure to heat up. For a moment, she almost expected he'd come back and save her too, but she shook off the thought, remembering the situation they were in. Z was a sitting duck now, waiting on death row until Charles came to get her for her betrayal.​
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi scoffed, tempted to just strangle him now and be done with it - he didn't care at all for her well-being when she was nearly burned to death by his torture. Why did he expect her to tell him, someone who behaved so revoltingly to her and even drove her parents away too? Well, perhaps it isn't too bad a question - maybe she could grant him one last request before she's done with him. "Well, I remember that before I arrived, you'd tortured me by burning me and nearly killing me. I hardly survived from you drowning me in that bloody water.. there was blood everywhere and you even had the nerve to laugh. You watched me suffer and you just laughed like a child. Charles had saved me that day and took me here and comforted me and nurtured me.." the girl folded her arms, impatient. "I didn't realize you'd even dare to show your face around here.
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.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara snapped towards Jasper's comment, abruptly turning to shout after Jasper "Touch one hair on his head and I'll see to it you're in a body bag!" grinding his teeth as he shouted, he sighed soon after, knowing better than to just lose his temper, but that Jasper character was really pushing it.

Shinohara shook his head, coming back to his senses as quickly told Evan that it would be fine to meet in the kitchen, then he went onto disagreeing with the blonde detective as he replied softly

"He won't, my son might look like some crazy maniac... and hey, half of the time he is, but he won't hurt her.. if anything, he'll scare Charles off, can you trust me on this?" Shinohara kept his voice nice and fatherly, wanting Saionji to believe him, and also wanting to try to calm Yuki's nerves as he reassured them that things would be just fine.

Now addressing his decreased group, Shinohara smiled as he knew they had to meet up in the kitchen anyway, so figured it would help to get everyone's minds off of the bad stuff, and perhaps relax for even just a moment before they would be raiding wherever the captives were being kept.

"Now! I don't know about everyone else, but my stomach is grumbling.. and you know what they say, when hungry, you should eat honey!" Shinohara cracked one of his signature terrible jokes, that perhaps didn't even make sense unless one had watched Winnie the pooh when they were younger, then taking Saionji and Yuki's hands, the man started for the kitchen.

"I'll trust you to follow, and let you know if you do run... I'll catch you just as quickly." Shinohara gave a stern warning to Z, making sure she knew that she would have to follow them to the kitchen as well, then continued to make his way down the hall.

.: Charles :.

Charles leisurely made his way as he balanced the scythe on his shoulder, admiring the art on his manor walls as he went on down the halls and even dared to reach out to trace a finger against the wallpaper, grunting in dismay as speckles of dust wiped off onto his fingertip as he did so, The old man didn't have time to get someone to properly clean since this game became just a week or so ago, although Charles was horrible with time, so it could of even been longer than that.

No matter, Charles would be leaving this mansion very soon, he just had to exterminate a few more rodents that snuck in and he would be done with it. once the officials were gone, he could leave without a trace as he usually always did and the murders would be framed on Koizumi and Suzuya, they already believed they were servants of this mansion, and would no doubt defend that statement when more authorities came rushing in to save the investigators. it was a perfect little trap, and no one would know that Charles was the real mastermind of this all, he would even go as far to possibly get a name change so it held no meaning.

This was all mindless thoughts though, and were easily interrupted as he heard Jasper calling out in dismay, and someone suspiciously asking if anyone were there, and it just so happened at that very moment, Charles stepped into view, cackling as he eyed Jasper complaining about a fake injury on the floor, and someone he presumed to be one of the many investigators that entered this mansion.

Charles leered down the hallway at them, blocking their path as a eerie smirk graced his features as he once again balanced the scythe on his shoulders, his eyes holding delight as he slowly asked a simple question.

"Oh my... are you one of those investigators I've been hearing so much about?"

.: Suzuya :.

It was unclear how many hours passed until the Albino started to awake, his eyes slowly opening as he blinked and tried to take in his surroundings, they felt familiar and yet somehow not quite right and he just couldn't piece together why.

"mm.." Suzuya mumbled, gingerly rubbing his eyes as he helped himself up to look around, and the Albino almost instantly froze as he caught sight of just who was in the chair beside him.
It was his torturer, Komaeda was just sleeping in the chair beside the stitched boy without any fear that Suzuya could take him down, and something about how relaxed the other looked irked Suzuya, his blood boiling as he narrowed his eyes towards the other, hating how defenseless he thought the stitched boy to be, when Suzuya was easily capable of murder.

Suzuya could already feel his heart starting to race as the adrenaline filled his bones and his hands started to shake as he pulled himself up into a crouch on the bed, the stitched boy was known to act on instinct and now was no different, so within mere minutes despite the pain Suzuya felt wrecking his body, the Albino lunged and tackled Komaeda, taking both the ultimate luckster and the chair down as he tried desperately to loop his arms around the other's neck so perhaps he could snap it in the fall.

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