Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Jasper began, trying to justify Charles's action in an act that showed his inborn loyalty, "Ah, but his using me was not too bad. He did teach me a lot of useful skills around this mansion." Z moved even closer towards him and he answered, "Well, of course I have. I've used it countless times on others. Why do you ask?"
Nagito Komaeda and Saionji Hiyoko

Seeing that a man was approaching him, Komaeda attempted to move out of the way but was met with failure when he crashed into him. "Ah, excuse me.. I didn't look where I was going, that was my fault." Komaeda stopped, checking to see if the man was okay, though still remained anxious to find the albino, looking closely at him and noticing just who it was. "Oh, you're Shinohara! I've heard so much about you, it's so nice to finally meet you," he bowed slightly, paying his respect towards the man. Suzuya could wait, only for a few moments - he trusted that the stitched boy could defend himself.

Upon noticing Komaeda, Saionji swerved out of the way while still standing near Mr. Shinohara, puffing out her cheeks. "Ah, you're here, also! Hello, Saionji," the tall boy smiled, crouching down to meet her level. The girl frowned in response. "Move! You're in the way, you idiot!" Saionji frowned, practically in tears of worry for her friend, trying to move around the boy and attempting to hit the taller one to make him move. "Ah, let's not get hostile now.. what's going on, why're you all in such a hurry? I was going to go downstairs to prepare breakfast myself, but I don't understand the rush.." Komaeda grinned sheepishly, looking at Saionji first for an answer, who seemed too distraught to reply and then relied on the older man for what he was looking for.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Th..thank you, Charles, that's all we need for now,"
Koizumi bowed, walking over to the nightstand and grabbing some alchohol from it and sitting back down, warning the albino, "careful, this is gonna sting a little." The redhead tried as gently as she could to apply the alcohol to his less major wounds first, as it was going to hurt probably only slightly less than the torture if she applied the alcohol all at once. She winced, not wanting to hurt her fellow servant but knew it was for the best, as she applied some on herself too a bit reluctantly, whimpering slightly and quietly as to not disturb Charles.

After the pain had settled down, the wounds she applied it on didn't feel as bad as before, rather it still just stung from the alcohol. "Did he stitch those onto you?" Koizumi asked curiously, looking at the stitches on the albino's stomach, not touching it for fear it would hurt him. "I have this bandage on my ear, but I really don't know why I can't hear out of it or why there's a bandage either.." she frowned, looking down at her lap.

"Then you would know that he's using it on you."
Z huffed, knowing that those were the best words she could use to describe the situation. She wanted to help Jasper, all these years of going through this, it was about time he realized what was going on. Z knew all along Charles was just using him, as it was so easy for him to replace another faithful servant such as Daniel, so that meant if Jasper was killed, Charles would just replace him too, like an old toy.​
"..." Jasper stood up. "I need to get some air." He walked through the door, not even caring if he ran into an investigator anymore. Nothing made sense right now and he needed to clear his mind. He walked down the hallway, without a destination in mind other than getting away from Z. It wasn't until he took a few steps that his head starting aching and he had to pause in the hallway to hold it.

.: Shinohara :.

The S.W.A.T member was just about to apologize until he noticed exactly whom it was that he tripped, and at realizing that it was Komaeda, his expression turned sour, putting an arm out to protect Saionji from this foul person.
"You! where were you when my son was taken..?! He seemed to trust you a lot.. so I let you take him away from the scene in the kitchen last night, but now.. now he's already.." Shinohara trailed off and had to contain himself, he didn't want to just punch Komaeda square in the face.

After all, the man had to go rescue what was left of his son, and so he settled for clenching his fists as tightly as he could.
"I'll deal with you later.. We're going to rescue the victims that Charles has taken hostage, if you can make yourself useful then do, if not, stay out of my way." With this warning the S.W.A.T member carried on and went down the staircase into the cellar.

What caught his eye first would be the blood trickled all over the floor, it was fresh, and staining nearly every inch of the room, there was a chair in the corner that was soaking wet with both water and the red liquid, and the table in the corner looked to be covered as well with it, yet there was also traces of vomit underneath said table, however, what shocked the man most would be the rats clawing at the walls, some escaping through little holes that they had made, there were far too many to be expected in a place like this, and Shinohara had a knot in his stomach as he prayed to god they weren't used for any of the torture methods in this room.

"They aren't here.. but that doesn't mean we'll give up, maze or not, I'm sure we both agree we can make it to them in time." Nodding to Sendo as he said this, it wasn't long until Shinohara started marching right up and back those stairs, his determination was about to lead him to start just flinging any door open that he saw in his way.

Yet before he could even act upon this insane impulse, he saw a very suspicious character come out from one of the rooms, narrowing his eyes as he watched Jasper step on out like that, the person had a certain vibe that let Shinohara just know that they were probably a big chess piece in this game, and he looked back to the group, letting them know to proceed with caution, for some reason the S.W.A.T member felt if they caught this person, they would be one step closer to rescuing the victims, little did he know how right he was.. This person was Jasper, Charles right hand man.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino winced as the alcohol seeped into his wounds, kicking his legs just a little bit to try to ease the pain, yet being careful not to actually kick Koizumi as it hurt, he hissed until the feeling started to slowly ease down as she swapped his wounds.
"A-ah!... It does hurt, it's painful, Desu.." He mumbled, not liking the way the alcohol left a stinging sensation, although the Albino didn't expect Koizumi to ask her next question, and looked at her a little shocked before he could bring himself to answer.

Lightly stroking the stitches, Suzuya frowned a little as he replied "Komaeda-san... He did this, he stitched me up." The Albino hesitantly admitted, not quite sure why the other would even bother, yet Suzuya had a feeling Komaeda was the type to hurt others, then heal them up only so he repeat the process for his own sick pleasure, what a pervert. Suzuya felt sick that he even wanted to keep these stitches in for some reason, the wound was long healed, yet the Albino remembered that for some reason, he never took them out.

"Maybe he did it to you?" Referring to Sendo idly as he continued to mess with the stitches on his stomach, slowly snapping out of his dazed state as he started to talk to his fellow servant.
"I wonder why.. someone would nurse you to health.. then stomp you into the ground?" Curiously asking this, Suzuya cocked his head to the side to emphasis his confusion.

Jasper looked up for a moment from holding his head, his wounds all nicely bandaged now. He saw the investigators in the distance and a creepy little smirk crawled onto his face. Looks like it's time for them to meet after all. He wasn't expecting it this fast but then again, things aren't exactly going to his plan lately. For now, it's best if he acted like one of the victims. He faked a limp and walked over to them. "H-hey! What happened?" His appearance was distraught. His clothes were all bloody and his jacket was missing. To anyone else, he might even look like one of the victims. That's what he was hoping for.

Evan stared at the new man. For some strange reason, he seemed to be faking. But why? Maybe he should play along for now. He finally caught his breath and tapped Shinohara, whispering, "This guy's clearly lying. Can we take him into custody?" It seemed like all they were doing was running around so when the chance presented itself, he really wanted to take it full-on. It's time they actually did something in here. Something good.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo didn't waste any time following Shinohara up the stairs, though he couldn't see past the man's bulk until they exited the cellar and he sidestepped the investigator, only to lay eyes upon Jasper trying to pretend to be a victim. Well that was not going to fool him, not when he as a killer had also looked into the profiles of everyone he knew would be here, ahead of time. His eyes widened with a desperate fury, a need for fast information to find Mahiru, as he snatched up Jasper by the collar of his shirt. "Where is she?! What has Charles done with Koizumi?!" he demanded, before realizing he had overstepped his bounds as a gentlemen.

Realeasing his grip, he straightened his hat and exhaled to calm himself. How unlike him this was, to be acting on impulse without first taking into account his title of a civilized man. He wanted badly to rough up Jasper right now, but he knew it would really solve nothing.
Jasper was taken a bit by surprise when Sendo suddenly grabbed him by the collar, demanding for information. He answered back, "I don't know where she is, okay? When I woke up again, they were all gone." The other man finally let him go and he let out a breathe of relief. "Now then, if you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air." He was stupid to play the victim act and to underestimate them. They clearly saw through his ruse. He'll have to try a lot harder if he wants to fool these investigators or else, they'll have the better of him.
Nagito Komaeda

"Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about. He stayed with me last night in the bedroom."
Komaeda asked a bit nonchalantly, not realizing how grave this situation was. "There's a lot of tension in the air.. do you, perhaps distrust me?" he asked, looking at the man before continuing, "..hmm, that only makes sense though. I wouldn't blame you if you did." The boy smiled innocently, accompanying the man quietly until they reached the cellar, unfazed by the excessive amounts of blood everywhere. "Oh, was someone tortured? How depressing, you took me here?" he asked, inspecting the scene and seeing various flecks of hair and blood around, particularly the strange trail in between the chair, the cage, and the well. It was a little peculiar - why were there so many rats? There were some torture methods he hadn't heard of then, he presumed.

When he crouched down, he picked up some of the flecks of hair on the ground - judging by how warm the water on the chair still was, he deduced it was boiling water and a victim was burned with it. There was blood and flesh in and around the rats' mouths and their claws, meaning they could've eaten a victim alive or they bit someone or dug through something. Looking back at the hair, he inspected it closely - he saw two colors, red and white. What dashing colors, he thought in his head. He pondered that for a moment - the only person he could think of with red hair was Mahiru, which was probably why Saionji was being so quiet. The only person with white hair...

Komaeda immediately tensed up, wide-eyed at this obvious piece of evidence as to who else was tortured - but he refused to believe it. No, it couldn't be. He was by his side last night, he should have defended himself and run back to the room to sleep.. why would he even go outside? The tall boy looked behind him with shock on his face, a lot more wary and anxious for confirmation to what he thought had happened to Suzuya, the relaxed expression from before wiped off his face and replaced with panic. His wariness drowned out the fact that Jasper was there, staring down at the blood on the floor and trying to figure out its owner.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi winced again when Suzuya said that it hurt, and apologizing by saying, "I know it does.. sorry, but it'll get better, I promise.. don't worry about it." Koizumi found some bandages, gently trying to wrap it around Suzuya's wounds and didn't even try to wrap it around the wound on his chest, fearing she might do something wrong and accidentally rip the bandages that're already there from Charles.

"Komaeda.. stitched you up? He tortured you though.. are you certain those stitches aren't from Charles? I know that Komaeda wouldn't do such a thing if he tortured you so brutally," the redhead thought aloud, putting a finger to her chin and looking down when Sendo was mentioned. No.. no, he wouldn't do this. He wouldn't patch me up like this, I'm sure he wouldn't. He wouldn't help me with anything of the sort."
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Unfortunately for you, fresh air will have to wait, I'm afraid." Sendo replied. "See, these lovely investigators here have been looking all over for a killer that's in-the-know on all of Charles' shenanigans. I'd say you fit that description better than any of the people in this mansion, excluding Charles himself." he continued, eyes narrowing. Jasper was a fool if he thought Sendo wasn't going to make sure the investigators had the man in custody. In fact, he was prepared to stop him by any means necessary at this point--they didn't need this psycho on the loose, even if he, by some crazy event, wasn't on Charles' side anymore.

Z sat there in silence long after Jasper had gone, her hands trembling slightly though she couldn't determine if it was from hurt or anger. Her empty gaze remained on the wall before she stood up, grabbing her bear by its paw and dragging it along as she exited the room slowly. Damn, she should have just kept her original plan to kill him, why did she get so soft? She trudged through, easily passing the group as they were distracted by Jasper, it seemed, but she could care less if they saw her now. The game wasn't fun anymore, now that she cared about someone -- no, she didn't care. He didn't care enough for her when she was caught. He was a liar. Z didn't want to play anymore, she wanted to end the game as quickly as possible, whether that meant killing Charles... or herself. It would be so easy and she wouldn't have to watch as Jasper fell apart.​
Jasper frowned at the other man. "What makes you think I'd be of help to you, you piece of scum?" He really didn't have patience for this and wanted to get away from the group as quickly as possible. He was wasting his time talking with Sendo. Why didn't he just stay in the room with- oh. That's why. Well, if this is the price he has to pay for sanity, so be it.

Evan watched the two closely, waiting for a chance to intervene and speak up when he caught sight of another person leaving the same room. It was a female and the same one who had stabbed his colleague back in the kitchen. Acting on instinct, he left the group and went over to the girl. He grabbed her arm and told her, "Nuh-uh. No leaving, miss. I'm not going to just let you sneak away on my watch."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"First, you are Charles' second hand man--if anyone knew of any future plans of his, it would be you." Sendo explained, "Second, I'll have you know it's extremely rude to go around calling people scum for no valid reason." He could sense Jasper's restlessness and he was able to sympathize with that at least, but unfortunately they were both going to have to be patient. Haste didn't seem to help anything in this infernal mansion and they needed to accept it were they to reach any goals they had in mind. Though Sendo wasn't really sure what Jasper's was.
Jasper responded bitterly, "I was until the old man knocked me out cold and I don't know any of his current plans. However, I do know of his past plans but those are of no use to you. Secondly, I can call anyone anything I'd like to. You can't control me." He glared at the man, growing annoyed with this conversation.

.: Charles :.

"Oh my... please don't thank me, if you think I'm so cruel as to not rescue my own servants, you're certainly wrong.. you two didn't deserve this, not any of this.." The man mourned the two sorrowfully, coming over to one of the beds in the room, Charles took a seat and placed his head in his hands as if he was depressed, but in reality the old man had to do this to stifle his chuckles, and to hide the smirk trying to creep onto his features, this was too easy, and as such the man was having a hard time keeping this act up.

"Hm...? solved it?" Charles muttered to himself, hearing a nuisance on the other side of the door, he gave a bow towards Suzuya and Koizumi as a way to signal that they shouldn't worry, and that he would handle it. "There is antiseptic and alcohol in the nightstand.. if you do need it, there is also medicine to ease the pain." gesturing towards the nightstand before he got up, Charles stood and took a candle as light from said nightstand, making his way over to the door, before he quickly opened it and slipped outside, not wanting the other two to hear this conversation.

"You!" he growled, narrowing his eyes are Teela. "What in heavens name are you even doing here..? you were banished, did you not get that?" Charles had no time to deal with the maid, and as he stared towards the other, he was only growing irritated that she somehow found their hiding place.​

"I'm here because I solved your friend's riddle. I found him to be quite kind when he mentioned the name of his boar! Like, everyone knows that towers are up high, but when he said the pig's name was Princess, then it's pretty easy to put two and two together!" I grinned, holding up two fingers on each hand as I slid them together. "As for being in banishment, putting it in that term is a little bit too farfetched, even for you, Charles!" Though I was grinning madly, my eyes showed nothing but seriousness. My eyes widened as I reached down to my thigh, slowly drawing out my blunderbuss from the holster. 'Ah... It feels lighter...' I thought to myself as I continued to stare at him, unaware that the gun was unloaded.​

.: Shinohara :.

Only looking over briefly to notice how tense Komaeda was getting, the man hoped that it was sinking in just how much of a failure the boy was to his son, that letting him out of his sight was probably his worst choice, though as much as Shinohara wanted to sock Komaeda in the face, it would have to wait, a important piece of the puzzle was now standing right in front of them.

Shinohara couldn't help but agree with Evan and nodded in acknowledgement,
"I highly doubt he's innocent... this guy looks like one of the top dogs, I say we put him down." Shinohara whispered back to Evan to let him know that they should go for it and capture this guy, before turning to the suspicious person in question, Shinohara cleared his throat to interrupt a little bit and back Sendo's theory up.

"Excuse me! not to ruin the moment or anything, but I believe you should cut the act.. we're not as dimwitted as you would think, and I just happen to be in a really bad mood, so We'll be taking you into custody now.. so if you would please give up without a fight, it would be much appreciated." Shinohara exclaimed, reaching for his revolver as he reloaded the bullets that he could into the chamber, he only had ten shots, but he would make them count.

.: Suzuya :.

The boy was still winching every now and then, yet started to get used to the light stings and how the bandages felt around his torso, and as Koizumi started to finish up the patchwork, the stitched boy offered a light smile although he wasn't really happy,
Suzuya just remembered that Charles would often smile to show gratitude, so he figured he would try it out, although his smile looked a little more eerie than most, it was nice to see the Albino trying.

"Thanks! although I don't need it, for some reason the pain is starting to fade away.." Suzuya answered a little gleefully, as if he was trying to trick himself into feeling better, however it was more than likely the albino was just finally going numb from it all, which was both a relief and kind of worrying.

"Ah.. It was Komaeda-san.." The albino quickly corrected, shaking his head before he continued with "I remember.. his hands were here, they patched me up, made the intestines not spill out, ah! it was frightening." emphasizing this by moving his hand around a little bit, before his excited voice quickly changed back to that frightened and unsure tone, adding in
"Stockholm syndrome.. I think he was trying to give me Stockholm syndrome, that's what Charles told me.. but I won't fall for that, I'm too clever~" Suzuya reassured Koizumi, yet it also felt like he was trying to reassure himself as he said this.

"But we'll kill them, so it doesn't matter... right? whatever they've done to us, we'll just instill the same pain inflicted upon them! make even their corpses tremble!" Suzuya giggled as he exclaimed this, leaning back in his chair as he imagined how neat it would be when all of their enemies had their last breath, when their torturers suffered just the same way they had tortured Koizumi and Suzuya, the Albino knew it would be satisfying to some degree, and perhaps even rid this lingering feeling of fear within his chest.

.: Charles :.

Charles didn't have time for any of this, and he had absolutely no idea what the girl was going on about hints and some boar named princess, for all he knew the maid had finally lost it and was just out to get him or something or the other.

"Shoo, shoo!" he waved his hands in an attempt to make Teela go away, treating her like a pest of sorts.
Knowing it wasn't going to be that easy, Charles started to tap his foot as the girl clutched her blunderbuss, and narrowed his eyes at the maid.
"I don't know if you understand banishment and how it works.. but ultimately it means I want you to get away, to be gone out of my sight."

Waiting for her response was not something Charles was excitedly ecstatic for, in fact the more the old man stared at the former maid of the mansion the more irritated he became, her timing was horrible, she was acting absolutely delusional and he had no time to waste, he was trying to get his new servants accustomed to their surroundings, not deal with some psychotic girl.

pinching the bridge of his nose to try to relieve tension, Charles sighed and exclaimed.
"I'll give you this much, why exactly are you here, what reasons do you have to find me?"

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As soon as he heard the old man speak, Jasper starting running away from them, down the hallway. His headache was mostly gone now so he didn't have to think too much about it. He just needed to get to the study before they come after him. He's had years of practice running so he knew this mansion by heart and could travel fast.

Running up the stairs, he was so confident that he'd make it to safety that he tripped on the second from the top step and fell down the stairs, hitting his head on every single step on the way down, causing his previous wound to open up even more. Blood was trickling down his forehead and he didn't even care anymore. He just lied at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for the investigators to inevitably come. It looked like it really was his end, after all. Mistake after mistake kept piling on and he didn't know what to do anymore.

He was completely lost without Charles's guidance. He was like a little lost puppy, dying without its kind master to take care of it and to teach it how to behave. If he hadn't been a killer, he may have even been pitied. After all, this was the only life the man knew. Anything beyond that was out of his area of knowledge. He truly was as clueless as a bedsheet now.
I pouted as he tried to shoo me away, but I stood firmly in my place. "I'm not a dog. You can't really expect that shooing me away would actually work, right?" I scoffed as I stared at him, pointing the blunderbuss at the man's chest. "I came up here so I could help find your captives and gain the investigators' trust!"
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo bolted after Jasper when he ran away through the halls, nearly getting smashed when the man suddenly fell down the stairs. He backed up as he reached the bottom however, staring in disbelief at how rusty he'd gotten already. "You really don't have Charles anymore, do you?" he said in a low voice, realizing now that Jasper had been telling the truth earlier. He pitied him a little, but he couldn't forget what things the killer had done in the past few days.

"Up you go." he said, helping him off of the floor and to his feet as he waited for the investigators to catch up. He kept a grip on Jasper's arm so that he wouldn't try running off again. "You know, things would be a lot easier if you stopped struggling so hard. It's like you want to get killed or something." Sendo said, though he knew his advice probably meant nothing to Jasper.
Jasper avoided looking at the man as he had helped him off the floor. "No, he- he left me." The other man grabbed his arm and held it tightly, to prevent him from running off again. He began, his voice a bit low, "I gave my whole life to that man. Now that he's gone, I don't know what to do anymore..." It really was sad how lost he was without his master. If he saw Charles ever again, he would drop to his knees and obey the man's every order. Trying to see if Z's lies were correct was a big mistake. He should never have rebelled. Charles is the only one who he could trust and that was final. But would the master come to save him? Was he even worthy of being saved? Maybe, it was his time to go. Maybe, he was just expired and out of use. Maybe Charles doesn't love him anymore. Maybe. Only time will tell though.