Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

.: Shinohara :.

"Open the doors! this is no time to just ask for conversation..!" Shinohara growled, It wasn't like the S.W.A.T member to get so upset, yet he couldn't help it at a time like this, the door wouldn't budge and it was the doing of some hacker that was currently being displayed on the screen, and what irritated Shionhara even further would be the blurriness of the figure, this way they wouldn't be able to identify him or even arrest him after they got out, then again from the looks of it, the boy wasn't even in this mansion. hacking the line could of been from anywhere, even on the other side of the planet for all they knew.

The boy on the screen merely chuckled at the responses he was getting, and began to lightly pet whatever the thing was that bounced into his lap. "Well well, you guys don't seem so friendly.." the mystery person commented, letting the investigators bark at him before he finally addressed some of the maid's questions, prolonging them was his task after all, and he didn't want to just sit in boring silence.

"Oh.. such enthusiasm, but I don't feel like answering over half of your questions!" the boy beamed into the monitor, grinning ear to ear although one couldn't really make out much except his purely whites showing from the blur.
"I'll give you the least informative answer on that least, this thing on my lap is my pet boar, it's still young but it's name is princess.. precious, right?"
He spoke in such a mocking tone and started talking about such a useless thing, it was pretty obvious that the boy just wanted to get on the investigators nerves and prolong their time in this room.

It was also noticeable the figure kept glancing at his wrist from time to time, where a silver blur shown that one could guess to be a watch, meaning the boy was checking the time constantly.

Suddenly, the figure stopped checking their watch and turned to face the screen once more, speaking out an idea they had.
"Hmm.. I'm growing a little bored! so let's spice things up a bit by giving you all one hint.. that might be fun, although I think you're all a little too below in the intelligence department to actually do anything with it, am I right?" The figure joked rather cruelly, then slowly leaned in towards the screen as he let loose a very important detail, perhaps someone might of understood it.

"To rescue those important to you before it's too late, you might want to raise yourselves a little higher, if not, why don't you just change your perspective?" The boy scoffed towards the investigators watching the monitor.

And then just like that, the boy seemed to zone out for a second, and nodded to someone off in the distance that was too blurred too even make out, then turning back to the camera looking satisfied, the boy clicked a button on what looked to be a remote of sorts, a loud click emitting, and soon corresponding with his actions the metal door slowly started to swing open.
"Looks like I'm done here! hope you won't miss me... try to think about my riddle, would you?" and just like that, the monitors all flashed all simultaneously and seemed like they were out of order.

.: Charles :.

Charles gave one last look back at the unconscious form of Jasper, and decided to leave him there as punishment for his actions, perhaps being captured and then having to be rescued by the old man would knock some sense into him.

Knowing more than just a couple of furious people were looking for him however, the old man was fast to pull both of the newly formed servants up and out of the chamber, leaving the door ajar and not bothering to close it, the old man was simply rushing and making certain he wouldn't mess up and have to encounter anyone along the way.

"Come now! we have to hurry before they come back.. we don't know how fast they might be, but I know you two need time to recover before we encounter any of those scoundrels." Charles grumbled as he pulled the two out of the chamber, and went down the opposite side of the hallway to the staircase leading to the lookout tower that was located by the bathing rooms, he didn't want to encounter anyone on the way to the lookout tower, and actually had quite the easy time going up all the flights of stairs without bumping into a single soul, because luckily for him, there was only two ways in and out of the tower, one was the backdoor, which only he had the key to, and the other would be this staircase that lead to a wooden door at the very top.

Taking the stairs all the way up, Charles unlocked the wooden door and ushered his two new servants in, locking the door behind him as he did so.

He would wait until his new servants recovered until he would even try to interfere with the investigators anymore, after all, Charles was a smart man, and didn't plan to die just yet. his final plan was going to be set into motion first.

.: Suzuya :.

Wasting no time and going as fast as the master expected him to, Suzuya grasped his side to try to ease the pain as he followed after Charles, limping quite a bit, but trying his best not to slow everyone down (though he was quite a bit.) It felt like a long journey until they finally reached the lookout tower, a room that the albino had never seen before and had gone past many staircases to get to, by now Suzuya was panting even heavier although he knew that they rushed for a good reason, so they wouldn't be killed, that's why they had fled here.

Charles gestured for the two to come in, and once they did he locked the door to keep them safe and sound, and observing the room he was in, Suzuya limbed over to the nearest chair and sat himself down, panting heavily as he slumped In the chair and tried to regain his composure, it hurt to walk, and it hurt to even breath at this point, the Albino knew it would be critical for him to get some rest and try to relax his aching body.

The room wasn't that big, but it also wasn't that small, the lookout tower had red velvet carpeting, two beds on either side, and one table complete with two chairs and a chess board meant for entertainment of guests and perhaps Charles himself, the room seemed like a escape from the ruckus downstairs, and was probably just a little getaway for when Charles was stressed and needed time to himself.

Maybe the only eye catching thing in the entire room would be the balcony, there was iron railing and a starlight view as the moon soaked up the sky with it's precious light, the sound of rustling trees getting caught in the midnight wind as leafs would blow past the lookout tower from the large and mighty pine trees every now and again, this place was relaxing, and felt a lot less hostile than the rest of the mansion did, and Suzuya felt himself growing therapeutic by the smell of rain that seeped in from the upon balcony, the scent indicating that perhaps the clouds would soon let out a downpour throughout the long night.

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I mumbled his riddle to myself before my face lit up, and I started giggling madly. "Stupid, stupid boy!" I laughed, clutching my side from laughing so hard. "You just answered your own riddle!" I giggled as I moved over to Shinohara, wrapping my arms around his arm in a hug, the corners of my mouth twitching from smiling so much. "He sure is stupid, right? Ha! His little boar's name gives it all away!" I giggle as my hand slides into his pocket, coming out with the key to my handcuffs. "A princess is locked in a dungeon, right? Right? Dungeons are down lower, and so you have a different perspective! See?! I'm not crazy! Not crazy, nor mad, nor insane! Well, perhaps I'm just a little bit crazy... But you gotta be crazy to know!" My laughter drowned out the small clicks as I removed the cuffs. "High, high hopes, low, low dungeons!" I beamed, my eyes wide as I snapped one of the cuffs around Shinohara's wrist, leaving the key in the other. "You, sir, are under arrest in the name of the Teela police!" I chuckled, giving him a salute before bolting out the door and to the watchtower, one of the few places I had never stepped foot in before. "Ah ah... I hope I fooled them! Now if there's a prize up here, I'll win the game!" I giggled, my light footsteps echoing as I climbed the stairs.
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Sendo Senkusha ~ (edited!)

Sendo stood speechless after all that had just happened. He wanted to say something, but there were just no words for how things were turning out. He thought for a bit on what the riddle could have meant before the door opened suddenly and his thoughts were interrupted by the need to find Koizumi at the opportunity. He took off through the doorway and headed toward the cellar, unsure of what he'd find there, yet hoping with all of his existence that Mahiru was there, and not harmed any further than he already knew of.

He honestly didn't care what the investigators did anymore, this mansion held them back from their full potential and they simply weren't worth having around if they weren't going to do anything, in Sendo's eyes. Though he partially hoped they would follow, seeing as there was safety in numbers. Though he didn't want to be cuffed either, so parting ways was most likely the best option for him, in truth.
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Koizumi Mahiru

"Thank you.. you have our deepest regards, Charles - I doubt anyone'd find us if were somewhere you told us to hide,"
Koizumi smiled gently before following thr same course of action as Suzuya and sitting down near him. "Are you okay?" she asked, putting her hand on his shoulder lightly. She knew that he often relived the horrors he was put through by that d*mned Komaeda over in his head, and she had to keep reminding him that if they were beside Charles, nothing would harm them. She often reminiscenced what'd Sendo done to her - burning her skin until it nearly peeled off and burning he mouth so it was difficult to taste things. Though.. it was strange, that there was a bandage on her ear. She could not quite recall who put it there or nursed her, which she would have liked to believe was Charles - and she couldn't remember just why she had a bandage there either..

She had to admire the work put into it though - it looked gentle and she felt like she should really remember just who it was that patched it up. Since Charles had saved them, it would only make sense that he patched her up, too. She shot a grateful smile towards the man and then looked back at Suzuya once she recollected her thoughts, back to wondering if Suzuya was okay - he was a servant too, after all - and they had to stick together with master Charles.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji had to gather all her willpower not to scream and throw insults at the weird man on the screen while he was saying his riddle. Why did he have a pig, if he was so obviously a pig himself? She pondered this until Teela burst through the door and put a handcuff on Mr. Shinohara, which caused her to stop her. Why would anyone believe her? She wasn't right in the head, anyway, she's stupid. She's stupid if she thinks she could drag Mr. Shinohara of all people with her - he was strong and he wouldn't let people push him around.. but so was Koizumi. It made the little girl wince at the name, since she knew she was in trouble. "Stupid! How do you know there even is a watchtower, huh? If we're going to find Big Sis, we have to find her as soon as possible! We have to look everywhere, not beieve some guess the maid made!" she frowned at Teela, attempting to grab the wrist that bound her and Mr. Shinohara.
(Uhm...I kind of don't want Charles to be found yet, I would prefer him be found tomorrow in Roleplay time, I don't want people just to find out on the first go D;

I'll let Teela slide since she's insane and figured it out somehow, but with two injured I'm pretty sure Charles can only handle one person, so I would prefer if he was found later, the most logical thing to do would be to rush to the torture chamber considering THAT is where both victims were both seen before the monitors went off, you know? xP

I was expecting people to start thinking about the riddle afterwards, not only that, some crazy guy said the riddle on the screen so.. perhaps it's not to be taken to heart until after they come up fruitless in the chamber? )
Once reaching the door, I jiggled the doorknob, pouting as I found it locked. "Ah... It won't open? Why? Why?" I muttered as I knelt down as I attemped to peek through the keyhole. "Ah... Hello? Did I solve it? Huh huh?" I giggled as I scratched at the door as if I was a dog wanting to get inside.
(Uhm...I kind of don't want Charles to be found yet, I would prefer him be found tomorrow in Roleplay time, I don't want people just to find out on the first go D;

I'll let Teela slide since she's insane and figured it out somehow, but with two injured I'm pretty sure Charles can only handle one person, so I would prefer if he was found later, the most logical thing to do would be to rush to the torture chamber considering THAT is where both victims were both seen before the monitors went off, you know? xP

I was expecting people to start thinking about the riddle afterwards, not only that, some crazy guy said the riddle on the screen so.. perhaps it's not to be taken to heart until after they come up fruitless in the chamber? )

(Jasper's there, passed out on the ground, with a head injury... I wouldn't call that fruitless? ;w; )
(Jasper's there, passed out on the ground, with a head injury... I wouldn't call that fruitless? ;w; )

(Oh no pff! I didn't mean that bby, I just meant coming up with no victims, just Jasper. I meant fruitless for the reasons of not finding victims, I should of made that more clear.. sorry! <3

why did I just picture Jasper with fruit juice? )
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(Oh no pff! I didn't mean that bby, I just meant coming up with no victims, just Jasper. I meant fruitless for the reasons of not finding victims, I should of made that more clear.. sorry! <3

why did I just picture Jasper with fruit juice? )

(It's okay. I knew what you meant. Just teasing~

Oh, my... that sounds hilarious. Going to stop now before I spam your thread.)

.: Shinohara :.

As angry as the S.W.A.T member was, he was in no mood to deal with whatever psychosis Teela was currently going through, and as he furiously turned around about to tell the girl to calm herself because he had no time for it, he was bewildered as she somehow unlocked her cuffs and instead put one of them onto his wrist, which only fueled his annoyance as he unlocked the blasted thing with the key still dangling from it and threw it aside, Shinohara was just about to smack the maid girl when he restrained himself.

Shinohara wouldn't allow himself to hurt a girl unless it was absolutely possibly, even if she was psychotic, instead he clenched his fists tight and let the maid go for now, knowing that she wouldn't get far, he didn't even make a move on Sendo either, knowing killer or not, he was going in the right direction, even Z was separated from them, so each of their captives had escaped. yet didn't matter right now, lives were at stake and thus Shinohara agreed with Saionji, not wasting a beat as he suddenly started out of the room whence the door opened.

"We saw them last in that cellar, so if we hurry, logically speaking we'll run into the victims and Charles!" the man barked, trying to keep his calm was hard at a time like this, he had just seen his son being brutally tortured on the screen, if one thought his nerves were up in knots, they would be correct. he hurried down the hallways and started for where the cellar was, they had passed the stairs leading down to it when they came in, it was near the lobby if he remembered correctly, and he wouldn't allow himself to be late.

"Hey! I'm not one to side with you... but would you care for some back up just this once? we seem to have the same intentions right now." Shinohara asked Sendo when he caught up with him, yet didn't stop his quickened pace as he headed for the cellar, the man knew that teaming up temporarily would give them what they both wanted, The victims would be saved and Charles would be punished or in handcuffs, perhaps both.

Blinded by anger, Shinohara barely noticed as he literally smacked into Komaeda on the way, accidently running into him and barely keeping his balance. "Careful!" he called out, worried for whomever he ran into, yet also shocked that he ran into someone.

.: Charles :.

"Oh my... please don't thank me, if you think I'm so cruel as to not rescue my own servants, you're certainly wrong.. you two didn't deserve this, not any of this.." The man mourned the two sorrowfully, coming over to one of the beds in the room, Charles took a seat and placed his head in his hands as if he was depressed, but in reality the old man had to do this to stifle his chuckles, and to hide the smirk trying to creep onto his features, this was too easy, and as such the man was having a hard time keeping this act up.

"Hm...? solved it?" Charles muttered to himself, hearing a nuisance on the other side of the door, he gave a bow towards Suzuya and Koizumi as a way to signal that they shouldn't worry, and that he would handle it. "There is antiseptic and alcohol in the nightstand.. if you do need it, there is also medicine to ease the pain." gesturing towards the nightstand before he got up, Charles stood and took a candle as light from said nightstand, making his way over to the door, before he quickly opened it and slipped outside, not wanting the other two to hear this conversation.

"You!" he growled, narrowing his eyes are Teela. "What in heavens name are you even doing here..? you were banished, did you not get that?" Charles had no time to deal with the maid, and as he stared towards the other, he was only growing irritated that she somehow found their hiding place.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino simply nodded towards Charles, knowing that perhaps it was just someone that the old man could deal with and not their torturers, the old man would of probably told them to hide, it might of just been one of the other servants that Charles had to deal with.

Turning back to look up at Koizumi, Suzuya's eyes were drained of emotion, and looked rather blank as he replied with
"Ah.. am I? I think I am, but I'm not quite sure.." softly, the Albino flinched a little at the touch, and let his eyes trail down to his stomach, lightly touching the stitched up area there, yet also keeping his other hand clutching his chest, he didn't want that wound to reopen when it had just started to stop throbbing.

Once Charles was a safe distance away, the Albino carefully let his gaze trail back to Koizumi,
"It's weird... He hurt me so much, yet I feel protective of these threads.. " he mumbled softly, feeling disgusted with himself that he would even remotely want anything that the other had done to him.
yet the stitches on his stomach felt smooth against his fingers and for some reason he liked the way they looked, and the stitched boy didn't want them to be removed, he even felt somewhat protective of them as he mentioned, and due to this Suzuya felt disgusted with himself, perhaps he really did develop Stockholm syndrome when he was being tortured by the other.

His face scrunched up, looking repulsed with himself as he idly stroked the stitches. trying to search his mind for an answer of why he liked them so much, yet his search would always come up fruitless, his headache certainly not helping matters, nor his exhaustion from the previous torture he endured.

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Z hurried down towards the doorway, staring in surprise as she realized Charles had left the door open. Did that mean they had left? She ran into the room with a soft growl before silencing in shock. There, laying on the ground, was her Jasper, bleeding and passed out. Z knelt beside him, gingerly touching his head wound and looking at the blood on her fingertips before her hands balled into furious fists. That Charles was a traitor! Letting out a little yell of fury, she looked towards the door, knowing the others would be there soon, and she hooked her arms beneath Jasper's to drag him into the nearest room, closing the door and locking it from the inside.
She rested him up against a wall with soft murmurs of "no, no," before she took her blade and cut off a layer of her dress, using that to wrap his head tightly to stop the bleeding.​
Evan frowned when Shinohara ran out like that. Was he really that invisible? He took a deep breath and ran after them, yelling, "Shinohara, wait for me!"

Jasper slowly came back to life, opening his eyes to look at Z with a confused expression on his face. He was feeling a bit light-headed but he was sure that would wear off soon. He asked, "Why are you looking at me like that? What happened?" Remembering a bit of before, he gasped and asked, "Did you really stop me from doing that rat torture? I swear I was going to stop. I was fed up with the old man trying to limit me. I wanted to push my limits, actually." He quickly shut his mouth when he realized he had began rambling, then waited expectantly for the other's answer.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"It seems that would be beneficial to us both at the moment." Sendo replied to Shinohara as the man sped past him, though he met the investigator's pace and they reached the cellar at the same time. It wasn't a good sign that the door was wide open, but he went swiftly down anyway, surveying the area before letting out an angered growl at the realization that nothing was left here. Was there nothing he could do? "Does everything in this mansion have to be a wild goose chase?" he asked in a low, annoyed tone, though it was a rhetorical question--everyone knew the answer to that, and it was yes.

Z looked Jasper in the eyes before slowly shaking her head. That meant her suspicions were right. Charles was the one who did this. Her hand gently rested upon his cheek before she lowered her voice, just relieved that he was alive.
"I came down here before the police force did, you were laying on the floor, bleeding... It looked as if you were dead. Did Charles hit you with anything?"
She placed her finger against his lips as she heard the others enter the cellar. They were on the hunt for Charles now, it was more important to save Suzuya and Mahiru.​
Jasper became confused. "Why would Charles hit-" The memories came rushing back to him. The rat torture. Charles asking him to do something else. The anger. The refusal. Then came the beating. He shook his head uncontrollably. "No. No. No. That can't be real. He'd never hit me... it must have been a mistake. This man is practically like my father. Why would he ever hurt me? He'd never hurt me. He cares about me. I know he does. He's told me before. He's praised me plenty. He'd never hurt me." He continued to mumble incoherent reassurances to himself under his breath, clearly in denial.
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"Who else could it have been?!"
She shook him slightly, her voice a soft growl. She covered his mouth with her hand though so he would be silent, she couldn't have them caught, they were the only ones left who could kill Charles without him blowing the place to bits. She listened, luckily having only heard one person's voice who clearly wasn't Mr. Shinohara. Jasper needed to calm down or he'd blow their cover.​
Jasper looked up at the ceiling and answered, "I- I don't know." Catching her signal to stay quiet, he moved her hand and whispered softly, "Are they still here?" He had assumed that the investigators had come for who they were looking for and left. Or at the very least, they'd be in their rooms, too scared to come out. But now they're out and about? This can't be happening. His whole world was breaking from the new information on Charles to their arrival. Everything was going wrong and Jasper was very close to the idea of just killing everyone inside the mansion, including himself. That'd be the only way for him to truly win and make Charles proud.

Z nodded in response to his first question. She wasn't even sure if the investigators had made it down here yet, but they were coming. She didn't move, just sat frozen as she waited to see if anyone would try to come into their room. She reached for her scissors that she had picked up on her way here, turning to look towards the door. She whispered,
"Charles did that to you. He doesn't care."​
If Jasper had heard this another other day, he would have dismissed it as a petty lie, but now, his brain was ready to look at it from a new angle. He began cautiously, keeping his voice low, "If- If Charles doesn't care about me, then why did he take me in all those years ago? What about all those memories we had together? All those murders I committed for him? What do they all mean then?" He waited for her answer, willing to listen and accept the "truth" that she seemed to speak. His loyalty to Charles was fading away bit by bit second by second as he stayed longer in this conversation.

"He was using you. You were like a little lapdog. Only around for the dirt he didn't want to touch himself."
Z narrowed her eyes, hissing the words out at him quietly to be sure they couldn't be heard through the door. She leaned in close to look into his eyes, her nose nearly touching his before she murmured.
"Ever heard of manipulation?"​