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Galaxy Swirl collectible, here I come. My "assorted" collectible collection might need your help. Yes, I'm referring to you, Galaxy Swirl, not everyone else.
I predicted the future fr
Event! Update!


First of all, congratulations to the Galaxolotls and Actually, Nevermind crews for their excellent work on investigating the cargo hold.
They have gathered us many items that will undoubtedly prove very useful on our return trip home, and I think the new stamp on their cards has been well deserved. This stamp also proves their obtained permission to use the promised special Cargo Hold perks.


I have faith in the International Space Cetaceans and Moon Bunnies to follow the example set by the other crews and complete their observatory duties soon. I heard it's getting dusty in there, but it's only for a few more days, I promise!

In other news, we have had a few reports of alien sightings on our ship. Aliens are obviously not a thing, but if we pretend that they are, then reports from witnesses describe them as looking somewhat like this:
These alien sightings seem to be centered mainly around the cafeteria, here.

Your station captain, crew leaders, and trip organisers will accept no responsibility for the effects of prolonged exposure to any quantity of hypothetical alien life forms. If you think you see any of them, run away. Do not let yourself be abducted under any circumstances. After retreating, calm yourself down, convince yourself that you were hallucinating, and distract yourself with the new avatar & signature dress-up tasks found in your own crew quarters. Thank you for choosing our Lopez!​
Is the alien exposure feature like that 2014 Halloween event where sending a dark candy “curses” a user on TBT? I’m not sure if aliens are more dangerous than ghosts, but I did spot ghosts around my profile.
Congratulations to the Moon Bunnies and the International Space Cetacean for reaching the token threshold in the observatory. They have now unlocked the Celestial Cetaceans backdrop and the shooting star reaction!
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