what 3DS do you own?

I own two 3DS systems at the moment. The one I use is a new red XL. I also own a limited edition Link Between Worlds XL but I don't use it since it's the old version. I used to own a blue 3DS which I bought in 2011 but I think I sold that one.
Like MapleSilver, I own two 3DS consoles. They're both 3DSXLs, one is pink & white and the other one is the Link Between Worlds edition 3DSXL. I don't own a "new" 3DS but that's okay, the ones I have are perfectly fine for me :blush:

The only downside is that I can't download SNES virtual console games on my 3DS :(
I have the Fire Emblem Awakening 3ds! I bought it because it's Fire Emblem and Kozaki was the character designer. It's so great seeing all the projects Kozaki has been involved since, although it looks like FE fandom is louder ever year... I still treasure my console a lot even though it has a few scratches on it now.
I have a 2DS XL! It is black with a blue stripe around the lid!
i have a pastel pink 3DS XL

i was planning to buy a secondhand New 3DS XL, but then as soon as I had enough spare money for it, the Switch took over and dominated the game releases. (So that's my next target now hehe)
New 3DS with a Yoshi cover! Also have an original black 3DS (which I'm considering hacking once I get around to it)
I own three: One Original (Aqua Blue) and two New 3DS XL's (Black and Red) didn't feel like sending them to get repaired.
soon to be traded in with acnl, achh and nintendogs for my new ac switch.
I own 3 cause I'm crazy like that.

My first was the original metallic blue 3DS. The second that I got years later was the 3DS XL red and black version. The third is a N2DS XL purple, the one that has Mario Kart already installed in it. I was *this* close thou to buying a Japan exclusive lavender or mint if it not for that fact that they don't have English in the language settings.
The first 3DS I got was just about a year after it came out. I don't remember much about it but I had like 20 games and it was red. I already had an acnl town and I was pretty happy with it.

Then, one day I lost it. I had later learned that somebody stole it from me at my local mall. So, about a year later I bought myself a New 3DS XL. This is the one I currently have. I'm still sorta bummed about losing a bunch of stuff, but I really enjoy my new 3DS!
i have the black new 3ds xl since my very first one, the red 3ds xl got damaged in 2017 i think
I still have the original 3ds that Nintendo released back in 2011. Wait, I can't believe the system is almost 10 years old! It feels like it was just yesterday that my mother bought it for my dad (which was then later passed down to me). Anyways, it's showing signs of good use. The rubber part of the joystick fell off, lost my 3ds stylus, some colour is starting to chip off, and that the wireless switch is actually challenging to flip on and off. That is to be expected though as it's almost 10 years old as I mentioned earlier. My 3ds lived a good life and will still be used even during the Switch era. Oh, the colour scheme I have is the aqua blue by the way.
I have the galaxy model with a clear pikachu plate on it. I broke my HHD themed 3ds sadly, so I ended up getting this one.
My first was the original aqua 3ds, and currently I have a red 3ds xl- I would love to own a new 2ds at some point though qwq
I had an original red 3DS, until the circle pad cracked and completely broke off from the stress that playing Samsh Bros. and Mario Kart 7 put on it. Since I didn't know how to open and fix it myself yet, and I didn't want to risk shipping it for repairs, I stored it and I bought another 3DS. Once the circle pad broke on that one, I decided to start buying 2DSs to not wasye as much money. The only problem was thst the 2DS, in a lot of ways, more inconvenient and more delicate. Just one drop, and the screen might already crack. It was then that I decided to learn how to make repairs myself. I was getting tired of buying a new system of minor problems. At first I was unsure thst I'd be able to do it, so I read tutorial after tutorial and watched some YouTube videos so I can get a sense of what to expect. Then I bought all the necessary items and a more durable circle pad. I successfully managed to repair my 2DS without having to buy a new one and I know what to do in case something breaks in the future. I don't need to buy another 3DS/2DS but I'd love to buy the see through 2DS (particularly the yellow or green ones), a Pilachu 2DS XL and maybe an Animal Crossing HHD Edition.
I have a red 2DS and a white 3DS XL.

Before I had my own 3DS, I was using my brother's red 3DS (He never really used it) to play New Leaf when it first came out.
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