What AC fruit is the best?


Jun 29, 2020
Curious to see what Animal Crossing fruit everyone likes the best! I like the cherry’s!
Pears is my go to.
When I made my island I lied to myself that cherry was okay because of the movie but I regret not having pears.

Of course I love my island and dont regret a thing because a reset would have shaped my island so differently.

But yeah, I wish it was called pear island not cherry island.
i like peachies and cherries the most 🥰 cause i like those in real life too! i wish they'd add strawberries cause that's my favourite fruits irl
It would be super cool if they had strawberry’s!
in NL I always gunned for apples because of the perfect fruit, and I would argue they're perhaps still my favourite now? with cherries being a close second. but tbh I'm happy with any of the fruit!
In the older games I liked the cherries best because they are my favourite fruit IRL but in NH I think the cherries are not dark enough. They look more like tomatoes (which I would love to have in the game someday!) Apples were always a close second but this time around they are my favourite.
My favourite fruit has always been apples as they've been my starter fruit in every game since my first WW town and there are a fruit I've always liked in general, cherries would probably be my second favourite as I like the design of them best and I really like cherry flavoured things.
It depends on the game for me.

In New Leaf, apples were my favorite fruit because the Perfect Apple is just so shiny and nice to look at. I also thought Durians were pretty neat looking.

In New Horizons though, which doesn't include perfect versions of fruit, my favorite fruit would probably have to be cherries. They're not my island's native fruit, I wound up with apples, but I have an orchard featuring all of the different fruits so it's not really a big deal.
New Horizons really is lacking a lot of fruit that hasn't returned from past AC games. If I had to pick one I would say it would be Cherries. My native fruit was Orange and the other one was Apples so I didn't like that too much.
Apples are my favorite! Pears are my least favorite because I hate the taste of pears in real life. I have pears on my island, but I don’t really mind. They’re pretty to look at and I don’t actually have to eat them!
I like cherries because they were the native fruit in both my old City Folk and New Leaf towns.

luckily they're my native fruit! I like most fruit apart from pears, pears are evil.

i miss lemons and bananas!
Peaches are my favorite, though I'm not 100% convinced I like the shape change. Pears would be a close second. I also really liked and miss lemons and bananas.
They're all good but imo Cherries > Apples > Pears > Oranges > Peaches

I have pears really high because they were my first fruit in my first AC game (NL). Peaches I feel are a bit overhyped. Cherries are very aesthetic. Apples are a solid fruit. Oranges are very yummy and cute but sometimes the orange color can be a bit much.
I like cherries and apples the best. I love how vibrant the red fruits look, also thought their perfect fruit versions in NL were superb! I think cherries are a bit more nostalgic to me, as they were my first ever town fruit back in the gamecube game.
I’m biased ‘cause I have oranges as my native fruit (and it’s my airport colour, too...), but I also love pears bc they’re my native in my main NL town!

Also i apologize, but the cherries in NH look plastic to me.😅