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What age did you start playing the series?

I was maybe 10 or 11 years old? I had just gotten the Game Cube and bought Animal Crossing, Crash Bandicoot, and Super Monkey ball. Those were some fun times :)
I was maybe 10 or 11 years old? I had just gotten the Game Cube and bought Animal Crossing, Crash Bandicoot, and Super Monkey ball. Those were some fun times :)

Wow, my first GC games were Super Monkey Ball/AC, too! x)
I got it on the GC when it first came out so i was 5/6. I also had Mario Party 4, Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, Super Mario Sunshine, and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
I was actually 23, I think. New Leaf is the first Animal Crossing game I've ever played.
I was going on 28 when the original came out in America, and 39 when New Leaf came out in the US. I had planned to skip this series in 2002, but the NES games, and the fact it connected with the GBA AND that it used the e-reader, AND the e-reader cards, kind of hooked me. The rest has been a 14 year history. Yes, do the math, I'm in my 40's and play this, deal with it!!!
When I was 23. Got AC:WW as an impulse buy while shopping with my sisters after one of them turned 21. We went dress shopping after her big dinner (in Dec so late night shopping was on), then I followed her into the EB Games store opposite.. and walked out with a DS lite bundled with AC:WW. Best impulse buy ever!
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I was 11 or 12 when I got Wild World, which was my first game. I loved that town.
I think I bought Wild World right after my 8th or 9th birthday. I had a sleepover with a few friends for my birthday and two of them brought their copies of Wild World. One of them let me make a character on their game and I fell in love with the game so I bought the game with some of my birthday money. And after that I completely fell in love with the series and I've been playing ever since :)
n64 days I was 8-12? can't remember :O but around their and about.
My first AC game was the one of the GameCube. There were a few before that one, but I never heard of AC until I got a GameCube.

I heard of City Folk, afterwards, but I never played it because I didn't have a Wii. Never knew about Wild World until after getting New Leaf and registering for this site. Lol. If I knew about Wild World, I would have definitely got it.
Probably around 5. I used to watch my sisters and dad play a lot before though. It was the original gamecube one.