What age did you start playing the series?

I was either 5 or 6 when I first played Animal Crossing, and the first one I played was the GameCube version.

By the way, I think this post would be better suited as a poll since you could collect the information in a much better way.
Idek, I think it was Wild World tho. I do own the GC version though, but that was after City Folk came out
Well I got WW when it was released over here, so... 2006? So 10 years ago I would have been 25 :)
10. I got New Leaf in 2013 and I've been playing ever since for three years, collecting over 1000 hours of play time collectively.
Lesse', it was right after my birthday when Population Growing came out in 2002, so I was... 14.
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8 or 9, my first game was AC:pG. :3 It was already released since a few years though (I'm 18).
Dang y'all are experts compared to me. New Leaf was my first Animal Crossing game, so I woulda been 18. Although I did get interest from playing my friend's copy of Wild World once when I was like, 14 or so. :p I kinda feel bad for y'all when it comes to Acres and all that tedious stuff... How did you guys cope?!
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I played Wild World awhile after it came out, but before City Folk. Once I started playing CF I was hooked, stayed up playing it until about 6 AM with people over the internet during the summer. I was about 6 - 9 years old at the time. Years later I'm playing New Leaf. I love this series. :blush:
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I recently got into it! So ACNL was my first AC game when I was like 20. I enjoy so much! :)
I think I was 12. It's been so awesome playing it, I find so much enjoyment now that I've found this website to play with even more people
I was 10 when I first played Animal Crossing. It was on the GameCube, and we had a shared town.
I first started playing AC on the Gamecube in January 2008, when I was 8 1/2 years old, a month after I moved ito my new house. My brother got the GCN and a couple games for his birthday, and Animal Crossing just happend to be one of them.