What age do you consider old?

50 is absolutely not old.

i'm gonna say 60/65, while i agree it's a rather "young" age to die i still think you can consider yourself at the beginning of being old. like "barely old". 70 is when you're old old.

I'm going to say 27 years old.
i'm crumbling away...
It's certainly a young age to die at, but old =/= imminently about to keel over lol, so I'd say "old" starts around 65. People in their seventies are definitely old, but still not old to the point where I start worrying about them on a regular basis—I think people hit that level of old after 80. And even at that point someone could still have a good ~20 years left in them! but it's less... expected I guess
if you're over 18 youre geriatric. get the AARP ads ready.

jk i'd say like, 80+.
I am a bit over 30 and I don't consider myself really old. When I was younger I def would have said that 30 is old. Now it is more like 60+ I think. Might think different in 30 years!
would used to think that 30-45 was the age that would consider u as old, but i agree with 70 the more that i think about it.
I really think it's just perspective. I've seen people in their 70s who are in great shape and doing intense work that most younger people would struggle doing. I know a farmer who is that age and still doing so much. Then I've met people who are way younger in their 20s who look like they aged a millennium.

If you take care of your body, have some form of exercise, keep your mind/body active, you'll probably live a good healthy life. I'm not that old, but even though I'm finished high school I don't feel like I'm any older. I still feel like me. It's not like once I hit a certain age threshold my personality and who I am changed drastically. So I feel like when I get past certain age thresholds I'll feel the same way?
While I'm tempted to say about 70, it seems like a really individual thing at the end of the day, more to do with general wellness than the number. Some 80 and 90 year olds can be better off healthwise than someone in their 70s, just kind of depends.
Like, elderly? It's weird because "old" is a pretty relative term. Of course a 30 year old is "old" compared to a 5 year old. But nobody would consider a 30 year old elderly. Old as in, I think "wow you are old"? Or "oh you are old"?

It's so hard to answer that seriously! Elderly, I'd say starting around 70. 60 year old people are usually/often still in good shape. I think that the age starts to show around 70.
I think I would consider someone elderly by around 70, but I was going to say 30 as a joke. 💀
As a joke, I consider mid to late 20s to be old, where people my age start to get married and have kids. I have a reason to believe it’s like this due to both my part-kid mentality and overall jealousy of not currently being in any form of relationship. I also consider myself “old” when new social media trends come along, for better or worse.

Realistically, I consider 70s to be old. It’s usually the range I see when reading about famous people retiring from the limelight, getting “still got it” comments or (god forbid) passing away. It somewhat surprises me that there are several musicians and actors out there that are still doing things in their 80s. Obviously, most of them aren’t performing at a high level anymore, but that’s simply what father time does. I guess one exception I can think of at the top of my head is an album James Taylor released in 2014. It was his first to reach #1 on a Billboard album chart. His music career started in the late 60s, has been well-known for decades since, and yet, had never had an album of his reach the top of a Billboard chart until then. It just goes to show that age can be a number at times.
I think 70 is old, though tbh, when talking to some friends about our ages I feel like my age is old 😅 (thirties). Billy Kametz, one of my favorite voice actors passed away and he was around my age. Even though I sometimes feel like my age is “old”, I think that is in a different way since he was way too young to die and had a bright future ahead of him. I’m honestly still in shock even though it has been a few years now.
I’m 44 and I feel old as dirt!!!! BUT that only cuz I’m seemingly falling apart 😂😂😂
I am in my mid-30s, and I already feel old. I am active at the gym (5 days a week) yet I always feel joint and muscle pain (not because of muscle soreness) and I always feel tired even after a 6-7 hour sleep.
Yep, 70 is old, because that’s my parent’s age. But then again I feel old myself. Especially since Gen Z describes the time I was a kid as the “late 1900s”. 🤦🏻‍♀️