What are you doing right now other than looking at this forum?

Thinking what I'm suppose to do with my life besides being lazy.
Sitting in my bedroom knowing that I have exams tomorrow and multiple long tests for the rest of the week but not doing a single thing to prepare because I already got stressed to the point of headaches and dizziness today and I want to die
Watching Hockey while they show "Vegas Strong" (I pray for the victims)
Wondering why I just spent forever on that banned thread, questioning all my life decisions
fishing for bottlecaps in Moon, gonna switch to Silver in a min 'cause I'm sick of looking at magikarps
Playing some warioware and trying to remember the Really Important Thing that I know I need to do but can't remember what it is
Listening to that One Annoying Friend talk to me about who knows what
listening to youtube videos, listening to quiet music, afk-ing for a game and (trying to but failing at) drawing in SAI
not doing it yet but I'm gonna draw today this is my oath my vow I swear it >:( I'm falling back into not drawing ever and I already took a 'break' for like a year lol enough of this tomfoolery..
I just played a game of Dota with my boyfriend and I'm taking a little break before I begin studying.
not doing it yet but I'm gonna draw today this is my oath my vow I swear it >:( I'm falling back into not drawing ever and I already took a 'break' for like a year lol enough of this tomfoolery..

sike i fell asleep like a senior citizen instead
Listening to music and drinking coffee....also suffering a terrible cough.